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Everything posted by PlanetPage

  1. couple more of Robert lovi'n...he is looking too fine to start with, and lot more...just have to post it.. Robert, as fan of Elvis... Greatest Singer ... according to Robert
  2. ...I suppose it is good to have a "controver$y" with a book deal...and mutual friends of Legendary Jimmy Page would really say things behind his back...I don't think so...they must be distant people in general, if at all...
  3. ILJP...I remember exactly...wanting to have friends like you to hang out...for me everything was so new , and of course I was so young too...pushing 16 back in 77'... and I know exactly why young people today want to be fans of Led Zeppelin...they got it all, the charisma, talent beyond words...they are truly Rock's Royalty ....you know what I mean...
  4. TKS. C4Plant...love the classic shirt!! this is so....Robert Plant... some more...
  5. ...yeah, I do see what you mean in the "background"...they been in the car too long...but my concentration was more in the "front".....yes, His Hotness, our man rarely seen looking anything but HOT!!! and now just one more...
  6. so many beautiful pictures of Page in the last little while...thanks everybody for keep it moving... with his beauty, charm, charisma...etc. etc... you know what I mean!!!! not to many for now, but I l decided to post this one, just for now, this one is thrilling me now... Ofcourse, Bonzo and Robert are looking pretty young, and cool themselves...
  7. http://www.imyspacegraphics.com/images/led...ed-zeppelin.jpg
  8. ...From What I know, I have also seen him with Rolling Stones Pic's, he is Pundit Ravi Shankar's the Sitar Maestro's nephew/relative as you probably know, Shankar was very much surrounded by all musicians alike... hope this helps.. he does resemble Shankar...look closely...
  9. ....you can also search google for dragon pants... http://images.google.ca/imgres?imgurl=http...ficial%26sa%3DN
  10. Don't know...it would be too much $$$$... Next best thing, is China Town Shops...they do sell Chinese Pajamas etc. with dragons, also there are iron on dragons, etc. readily available in China Town/shops You can purchase basic white pant jacket suit )r satin pajamas, etc., develop your project as per above... (it won't be too much time/$$$ demanding) http://images.google.ca/imgres?imgurl=http...ficial%26sa%3DG http://picasaweb.google.com/oldschoolcroon...902577014680306 http://www.easternpromise.biz/boys.asp
  11. ...it must be his magic wand...through his secret powers, he enters our hearts and you know what happens next....so many dreams, so many characters....
  12. Magnificent choice!!! Thank You...I love JP'77, he looks just stunning in white ... this set of pictures you posted reminds me of this: Miss P. describing Jimmy Page in her book "I am with the Band... "Incomparable loveliness created in God's finest hands" "Gorgeous Englishman Alive" ....true, indeed...
  13. ...very accurate observation... Robert admitted recently that "he doesn't know "that guy" any more..well, one way or another, that guy is "somewhat" present...
  14. .....After reading about this news here and in Press in general, I think this is all just a "controversy - hype" created to show just how much the fans want to see Led Zep. I don't think The Band wants to go out there and tour like Rollingstones, etc... They want to be exceptional and tour on "grounds of respect from fans"...I think this is all good "publicity" if I can call it such...$$$ fame fortune is definitely not an issue for this band, it is the "reaction and Respect" from the fans, as grounds for tour... I think Robert will tour after proving to the world/media at large just how much fans want the Band "together".... ( For sure, Robert will bring in fresh creativity on stage...he will not make the redundancy mistake of the 80's career (he admitted it, and no way he will do another "Rollingstone tour"). Led Zep wants to leave their legacy behind as respectable musicians, not as greedy musicians. Whether they tour or not in the end, I totally respect their decision.........
  15. Don't know who is at the table/backstage with the Band...but they sure all are looking HOT!!! copyright John Rettie
  16. What an atmosphere...the chemistry, the fans...too much!!
  17. these are absolutely beautiful shots... John Rettie Copyrights..
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