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Everything posted by MadScreamingGallery

  1. I haven't thought of that incident in years! I remember reading about that when it happened and being surprised that Roy Harper was involved in an onstage skirmish. My husband and I talked about it and the first thing we thought of was that the combination of heroin and alcohol had affected Ginger.
  2. Let's be honest with ourselves, ILJP, when it comes to our weaknesses, that shirt represents only the tip of the iceberg. And, don't get me started about anybody being on his or her knees.
  3. Another good shot of Jimmy and his Danelectro:
  4. erm..... I never hear you complaining about it, ILJP.
  5. You're welcome, PlanetPage. I really don't have a story about that particular pic (I took it from the official LZ site) other than that is what Jimmy looked like when we attended our first Zep concert. Yes, ILJP - I know that he looks great to you no matter what era, clothes, physical state, etc.
  6. That's very close to the view that my friend and I had during our first Zep concert. We spent most of the concert fixated on that and trying to see what Jimmy had hidden behind his guitar
  7. There isn't much that I haven't seen and even less that makes me blush but that pic, when accompanied by some of my Zep friends' comments makes even me blush.
  8. The first time I saw Zep in concert, Jimmy looked like this (this photo was taken the night before we saw them):
  9. I loved that Pagey with a beard era. The first time that my friends and I saw the Zep guys, they looked like this (and we didn't even have tickets to the concert; we just waited around so we could get a glimpse of them):
  10. "Never thought I'd see your face the way it used to be."
  11. Ahem, ILJP, they say that all fantasies do have a basis in reality.
  12. OK, ILJP, I'll admit that, even though I wasn't a '77 girl I can still appreciate Jimmy in that photo with the mandolin.
  13. And, for the '77 people - ILJP, I know that means you
  14. I think they are just dancing. From the position of the girl's hand though, I can't be sure.... I couldn't blame her if it were something more, who wouldn't be tempted?
  15. You're right about the inspirational tone and the lack of self-pity in her book. The other thing that I really liked about Catherine's book is, unlike some others, for a woman who has led such a fascinating life, she never came across as someone who bragged or considered herself superior to others. I also thought that she handled her later encounters with rockers, including the one with Jimmy Page, with class.
  16. PlanetPage, I would also recommend Catherine James's book, Dandelion, to you. She is a beautiful person - inside and out. My friends and I used to consider her a rock goddess - someone like an American Patti Boyd who led a perfect and glamorous life with the rock stars. When I read Catherine's book this spring, though, I was surprised to learn that her life wasn't as beautiful as I had imagined it to be.
  17. You've got that right, ILJP! It reminds me of how insanely. ridiculously, and shamefully crazy we were about him back then. There was no Zep concert that year but it didn't stop us from chasing him all around the city when he and Peter Grant were there for Bad Company.
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