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Everything posted by zepscoda

  1. Direct TV just got TCM in HD...The Wolfman was on last night!
  2. The Perseids are a good show. My wife and I once counted 130 in a 45 min span....it wasnt like The Day of the Triffids, but it was cool never the less
  3. The greatest vampire movie ever made, release dates : March 4th 1922 (Germany) & June 3rd , 1929 (USA) Nosferatu
  4. ^^^great tune,..... New World Man - Rush
  5. The skys of Mars will have some action tonight, this should be very cool... The space agency will begin its live coverage Sunday evening at 8:30 p.m. PT / 10:30 p.m. ET on the NASA TV site : http://www.nasa.gov/multimedia/nasatv/index.html
  6. The films made during and about WWII are fascinating to me. Made for the public whos loved ones were taken away, many never to return. News reels of what was going on over there, or what our goverment wanted the public to think was going on, were shown before the movie. Not only were these times before computers and the interet, but no one had TV, word of mouth, news papers, raido and news reel films were the only news source.
  7. I love old movies, its a window into our past...
  8. At # 13 is West Side Story....seeing this list this morning has made my day. I have loved west side since i was a kid. Leonard Bernstein's jazzy arrangements still blow my mind today.
  9. Its makes the Rangers / Astros games have meaning. Since the 90's they have had a six game meaningless series, the Rangers lead this 41 - 30.....but no one gives a crap about it up here due to the Astros beig in the NL.....that will all change next year....and it looks like a cool ballpark down there, worth taking the kids on a road trip for a few games.
  10. It will be next season, and for Rangers fans its great news. Texas always seems to beat the Astros.
  11. Cliff Lee put on wavers...............back to Arlington?...............JD is working it tonight, no doubt about that
  12. Dark star crashes pouring its light into ashes Reason tatters the forces tear loose from the axis Searchlight casting for faults in the clouds of delusion shall we go, you and I While we can? Through the transitive nightfall of diamonds Mirror shatters in formless reflections of matter Glass hand dissolving to ice petal flowers revolving Lady in velvet recedes in the nights of goodbye Shall we go, you and I While we can? Through the transitive nightfall of diamonds
  13. Happy birthday! Thanks for the shows......thanks for the sick jams!
  14. " I read somewhere that 77 per cent of all the mentally ill live in poverty. Actually, I'm more intrigued by the 23 per cent who are apparently doing quite well for themselves. " Jerry Garcia
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