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Everything posted by zepscoda

  1. The second Sons of Liberty. " The Uprising "
  2. Great interview, cool to hear some light shed on the blah blah speech... Thanks for posting!
  3. http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=iB4uwO1Dmf4#
  4. "Little musical trip" ... I love it Can't wait !
  5. I'm 9 min into Sons of Liberty.. I'm already hooked!
  6. Tom Petty and the Heart Breakers Running Down a Dream
  7. (Edit)....cool, just figured out how to get the pricing.... Thanks!
  8. Joe Franklin. https://www.yahoo.com/news/york-radio-tv-talk-show-pioneer-joe-franklin-075405264.html
  9. so I just checked and the only tickets for the Dallas presale currently are the VIP tickets. I've attached the entire pre sale / general public sale schedule:
  10. I never liked Doken, but always admired and respected George Lynch, that dude can shread! Back in the 80's he always stood out from the other hair band guitar players. Jake E Lee and Vivian Campbell also stood out.
  11. The only prices I've seen so far were the gold and silver packages, they are well over $200 per ticket. I haven't seen a regular seat cost yet. If I see the price before Friday, I'll let you know. My oldest daughter (9) is asking to go....lol...it felt like yesterday, I was 15 asking my parents if I could go to see Rush at the garden....crazy !
  12. We have a nice forecast next week down here.
  13. No prop....its a great site. I think we may hit 2 shows. Dallas, and then depending on my wife's schedule (she travels all over the USA for her job), we may hit a show somewhere else.
  14. Another pre bid meeting this morning... This off season is packed with bidding opportunities. I'm 1 possibly 2 out of 4 so far since the start of January. ...keep em coming!
  15. Tickets for the Dallas show go on sale next week !
  16. The one thing I look for when interviewing potential employees is this , will they interview me about the company I represent? I look for confidence.... qualifications, background and education, are what they are...but confidence is unmeasurable. Go into the interview with the intent to interview the interviewer. They should be lucky to have you as an employee, and arm yourself with the reasons why.
  17. At a conference about Rose Rosette. Currently an incurable disease that's reached epidemic proportions in north Texas.
  18. ^^ Nice!.....50th anniversary just around the corner
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