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Everything posted by lzzoso

  1. Not that it matters but both of my parents and their parents were born in the United States of America, in the Great State of TEXAS, to be exact. I was born in Galveston, Texas. I have lived in Texas, Missouri (St. Louis), and New Jersey (Hillsborough). I came back to Texas and now reside in Plano, Texas, a great city (suburb) of Dallas, Texas. Even if my parents were fresh off the boat (which, like I said, they are not), I would still have MY strong feelings for the U.S.A. My LOVE for MY country goes back to my earliest childhood memories. Why fellow Americans seem to "bash" and "dishonor" their OWN country really amazes me. I realize it is okay (and sometimes right) to question the Government. However, some people like electrophile and aquamarine, seem to revel in their "hatred" and "disgust" for the United States of America, the country that I presume they were born in and still live. Maybe they dislike the U.S. because the government cut-off their welfare and food stamp benefits.
  2. You never replied to my post to you, #181,? Why is that? Did what I say ring true and you were afraid to reply? Most of US know that you like to bicker and argue with alot of people on this website's forum(s). Me, personally, I love a good challenge and debate. So I will post here again what I said and YOU were to reluctant to reply to: You know what sickens me is people like you, electrophile, and aquamarine who seem to enjoy putting down Americans because of the love that WE profess for OUR country. (Your country too). I have stated that I am and will always be a PROUD and LOYAL AMERICAN. I have stated this months ago on this forum (actually MY whole life) and you denigrated me back then. This is a direct quote from you to me back on February 14, 2011. "So take the American flag out of your ass, wipe the face paint off, and look in the mirror. It's people like you that make people around the world hate us. So good going, genius." You said this to me when I posted a reply to the topic, Thank You Middle East for?... I said then and I still say now, FUCK YOU Middle East, I would not want to thank that region of the World for nothing. If anyone chooses go back and read my post, #39, to that topic and then read the post #41 by Walesdad. (I would rather thank Walsedad than the fucking Middle East). Back to your post. Why does it bother you if "People are only patriotic in this country anymore when they can use it to assert superiority over another person or country"? At least they are Patriotic. I have a very strong feeling that YOU are not Patriotic at all. I am positive that I am not the only one who thinks that. It seems that the only thing you do love about the United States of America is the right to free speech. Anonymous speech at that. So why don't you fucking relax and not disparage others because of their love for their country. Osama bin Laden is dead. Killed by AMERICAN SPECIAL FORCES by bullets made in AMERICA. I would love to meet the man that killed him and shake his hand and really say "Thank You". I bet you would love to meet him and spit in his face. By the way, I would like to thank you for calling me a "Genuis" and Yes I can name my local Congressmen and the two Texas Senators (and the Governor) if it matters to you which it does not. This post has been edited by lzzoso: Yesterday, 04:33 AM
  3. I don't know who you are but are you really serious? US government murdered? How about the US Government killing the most wanted terrorist in the history of Mankind. The same terrorist that was responsible for the July 7, 2005 London bombings of subways and buses in the city that you reside. Does that ring a bell? Are you just too stupid and/or ignorant? Both it seems. "this is why no one outside the US can believe a word your governments say and why you have no credibility in the wider world." Okay so let me get this straight. My Government has no credibility in the wider world, as you so succinctly put it? Is that what you are saying and really mean? Why is it that whenever there is some kind of disaster anywhere in the "wider world", be it natural or otherwise, what country always comes to their aid in some form or another? Yemen? Greece? Poland? Ireland? Madagascar? Finland? North Korea? Iran? Libya? Pakistan? Columbia? How about none of the above and about 80% of the rest of the countries of the world. The answer is the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Always, without fail, the United States has and will always help out other countries in need of assistance. Whether friend or foe, we are always willing to give the best Humanitarian effort as best WE can. Let me edit my post to say that if it were not for the country that has "no credibility in the wider world" as you say, You very well may have been born speaking German and not English. Ask your parents (or Grandparents) how much the U.S.A. has meant to them. If it was not for the American participation in the "Battle of Britian" (even before Pearl Harbor), Your country may very well have been a "satellite" of Nazi Germany. Thank God that never happened because Led Zeppelin may never have existed if this would have happened. Again, YOU have to somehow be grateful for the United States of America. I know I am.
  4. You know what sickens me is people like you and aquamarine who seem to enjoy putting down Americans because of the love that WE profess for OUR country. (Your country too). I have stated that I am and will always be a PROUD and LOYAL AMERICAN. I have stated this months ago on this forum (actually MY whole life) and you denigrated me back then. This is a direct quote from you to me back on February 14, 2011. "So take the American flag out of your ass, wipe the face paint off, and look in the mirror. It's people like you that make people around the world hate us. So good going, genius." You said this to me when I posted a reply to the topic, Thank You Middle East for?... I said then and I still say now, FUCK YOU Middle East, I would not want to thank that region of the World for nothing. If anyone chooses go back and read my post, #39, to that topic and then read the post #41 by Walesdad. (I would rather thank Walsedad than the fucking Middle East). Back to your post. Why does it bother you if "People are only patriotic in this country anymore when they can use it to assert superiority over another person or country"? At least they are Patriotic. I have a very strong feeling that YOU are not Patriotic at all. I am positive that I am not the only one who thinks that. It seems that the only thing you do love about the United States of America is the right to free speech. Anonymous speech at that. So why don't you fucking relax and not disparage others because of their love for their country. Osama bin Laden is dead. Killed by AMERICAN SPECIAL FORCES by bullets made in AMERICA. I would love to meet the man that killed him and shake his hand and really say "Thank You". I bet you would love to meet him and spit in his face. By the way, I would like to thank you for calling me a "Genuis" and Yes I can name my local Congressmen and the two Texas Senators (and the Governor) if it matters to you which it does not.
  5. Cool!!! I am an easy going Bloke. Like I said I do Love a good debate. Again, I realize I was wrong and thought you were an Aussie. My mistake. Can I ask You a very personal question? Do you consider Yourself to a friend of the United States? Just curious. I have never been to Wellington or Auckland, but I think You would enjoy Dallas, Texas and any other American city you could possibly visit.
  6. Let me say that You speak in very good terms. I agree with some of what you type. From what is being reported, the SEAlS actions were there to accomplish a mission and that mission was carried out with the minimum of flaws. No Americans wounded or casualties. The killing of the World's most hunted and wanted man. Shot dead in the head by American Forces. I don't care what Country anyone is from, that alone should make a lot of people proud. Osama bin Laden would have not have given a second of his time to mourn the death of you or a family member or friend if he and his operatives had had a chance to kill You or Me or Anyone else. Remember, they are/were called terrorists for a reason. I will admit that the "War on Terror" is not and will never be over in my Lifetime. I live in Dallas, Texas but once lived in New Jersy over 25 years ago. I would have loved to have been in NYC on Sunday/Monday, May 1st, 2011. What is wrong with pure elation in celebrating the killing of the World's worst terrorist? Just as many "other" peoples were rejoicing in the mayhem and in the destruction on 9/11/2001, I would (and AM) rejoicing in the same way as "they" did. However, one terrorists death will never make up for the killing of almost 3,000 innocent civilians.
  7. Hey! I will and proudly admit where I am wrong or might be wrong. For some strange reason I thought that your location was somewhere in Australia. I fully realize that New Zealand and Australia are two different countries. Am I wrong again or are both Countries geographically and (somewhat) historically linked together? I know I could easily search this on google, however, I try to rely on my somewhat intellectual stimuli (sometimes hard to do when I consume at least an 18 pack of American-brewed Budweiser beer).
  8. I love a good debate. First off, when did I, lzzoso, say that Iraq had WMD's. I did not. Second, I am very proud and grateful that my Country, the United States of America, has weapons of mass destruction and weapons of single destruction. All it took was a few American made bullets to kill the most hunted and wanted man ever in the history of the planet Earth. Shot in the head by a Brave and Dedicated American Special Forces soldier. I see that you are an New Zealander. If I know this then you should obviously know that New Zealand is a Great and Important Ally of the United States. How would you feel if Osama bin Laden's Al-Queda network flew planes into the tallest buildings in Aukland,Christchurch or Wellington. Not to mention Canberra, Sydney, Adelaide, Perth, Melbourne, Newcastle and killed thousands of innocent New Zealander and Australian citizens? What if those planes killed Crocodile Dundee (Paul Hogan) or decimated the Foster's brewery? Would that change your way of thinking? Lastly, I am a very avid reader and student of American History. The only reason why the U.S.A. dropped two "atomic" bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan was because Harry S. Truman felt it was the best way to end the war with Japan and save over 1,000,000 American lives. That was the estimate at the time of the casualty rate if the United States was to mount an invasion of Japan. 2 bombs dropped to save over 1 million American lives makes sense to me and many millions of Americans (and New Zealand/Australians). Remember, just like Al-Queda, Japan brought "their" wars to American soil and America responded as America does best. Need I remind anyone of what that is?
  9. I fully realize you are new to this Great and Awesome Led Zeppelin forum since this is your first post. Welcome. What I also realize is that your post seems to be very misguided. "They" (the terrorists) want to kill any and all Americans: Military and/or innocent civilians, men, women, children. Even YOU if you live in the U.S. or some other country that promotes democracy or is considered to be an Ally of the United States of America. That is why "they" are called terrorists. "They" want to instill "terror" and "fear" and are willing to kill as many people as "they" can to further their goal. When "some of USA kills, its a hero" (as you put it), it is because some very brave and very dedicated American(s) killed the most wanted man in the history of mankind. They/We (Americans) are heroes because the man the USA killed is no longer a threat and able to physically espouse his hatred anymore. Osama bin Laden is no longer a threat. Al-Queda has and will always be a threat. Your sentence about this being a "plan of Bush to take oil from Irak" is simply ridiculous. If you (and others) really believe this, where is that oil now and why am I now paying $4 a gallon for gas. If this was a Bush plan back then in 2003, all Americans would have and still be paying no more than $1 for a gallon of gas. I will end on this note: I think that Your brain has been washed for at least 10 years now. Not mine. "Long the the United States of America. The Greatest Country in the World!!! Long Live Led Zeppelin. The Greatest Band in the World!!!"
  10. I don't care what ANYONE says but I am very satisfied that Osama bin Laden is dead. I would like to think that almost every American is over-joyed with the news of his death. I know there are some people on this site who disparage people like me because I am very vocal about being a Proud and Loyal American. (You know who you are). With that being said, I am also Proud of the CIA and the Special Forces (Navy SEALS) who carried out this 'historic' operation. Very Proud that bin Laden was killed by Americans. Just like September 11, 2001 is an important date in American history, so is this new date, May 1, 2011. LONG LIVE THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA!!!
  11. I would like to thank you Silver Rider for posting this alternative "fantasy" sequence of Robert Plant. I have seen it before, a long time ago. I had the VHS version of Led Zeppelin titled the "First Cuts" which was about an hour or so of alternate versions of the "Song Remains the Same". I have no idea where my VHS copy disappeared to. This is the main reason I started this Led Zeppelin or Related topic is so that all of us Led Zeppelin fans can see and hear and sometimes experience songs and videos about "OUR" favorite band that may otherwise have not been seen or heard before. On that note, I would like to thank everbody that has posted a video or replied to a video or song. When it comes to the "Mighty Led Zeppelin", I would LOVE to convert the whole world to the Powerful Legacy and Music of Jimmy Page/Robert Plant/John Paul Jones/John Bonham. I know that I am not alone. This topic is my way of trying to do so. "THANK YOU"!!!
  12. I would also love to hear these recordings of Led Zeppelin and Black Sabbath jamming together. I wonder if Jimmy remembers these jam sessions and what would He think if Tony Iommi ever released them in some way or another. I realize that this will never happen but these jams would be very important to Led Zeppelin and Black Sabbath fans around the globe, not to mention to the annals of Rock and Roll History.
  13. That just goes for him. He has always looked very sick to me.
  14. You are somewhat correct. "Hypothetical" is the key word. And you are somewhat correct (again), these questions are not actually being posed to Jimmy Page directly, however, I do believe somewhere down the line that someone associated with Mr. Page is reading some of these topics about Led Zeppelin and/or Jimmy Page and may be passing some of this on to Jimmy Page and his "handlers" to read and/or contemplate. If I am not mistaken, this is the "Official" Led Zeppelon website. I am also very proud to say that My topic in this Master Forum "Led Zeppelin or Related on You Tube" has had over 1,050 replies and 30,206 views. I consider that a very considerable "milestone" and I am very proud that I was able to start a thread that all of us Led Zeppelin fans could see and hear and share songs about Led Zeppelin or Related that otherwise might have been rarely heard or seen or shared before.
  15. Rem Sucks!!! I don't care how many hate replies I get for stating MY OPINION!!! Thier music is terrible. Micheal Stipe is, in my OPINION, the worst frontman of all-time. I think he will be dead from AIDS in the next couple of years. I never apologize to anyone for stating and expressing my opinion, but I truly stand by my comments. Put me down and trash me for this if you happen to be a fan of rem, however, I do not give a Fuck what anyone has to say about me. You don't know me and I do not know you. Say what you will. I did and I say that rem is probably the worst group ever.
  16. By "US", I meant us (all Led Zeppelin) fans, not US as in United States (Led Zeppelin fans). We all know that the Music and Legacy of Led Zeppelin is a world-wide phenomenon and institution. However, I do think that the United States is by far the biggest market for all things Led Zeppelin or Related, past, present and future (my opinion, of course).
  17. Wow!!! I am very proud to say that this topic I started way back in June 2009 has now received over 1,000 replies. I consider this a small yet considerable milestone especially since this topic was started so US Led Zeppelin fans could share with each other video and audio clips of our (my) favorite band, the "Mighty Led Zeppelin". Video and audio clips that otherwise might have never been seen or heard before by the majority of the people (me included) on this awesome website. I would like to personally say "Thank You" to all that have contributed to make this topic one of the Best and most popular in the whole of the Led Zeppelin Master Forum. lzzoso...
  18. Your question to Mr. Jimmy Page may a simple one, however, I think that your phrasing seems to be very disrespectful. I started this topic as a hypothetical "what one (1) question would you ask Jimmy Page" if you were lucky enough to meet him. If You have enough respect for Jimmy Page (as most of us do, or at least I do), would you really say (and ask) what you posted? "lazy arse"? Come on, you could propose your question in a more succinct and respectful manner.
  19. I have one "mystery" and one question. (mystery)... When, where, why and how did the rumor of Led Zeppelin "eating women and throwing the bones out the window" originate? This rumor got so far as Robert even mentioned it in an interview sometime in the 1970's that he said something along the lines that he wanted people to know that there was more to know about Led Zeppelin then them "eating women and throwing the bones out the window". (question)... Jimmy has said that when he agreed to join the Yardbird on bass in 1966 (after the departure of Paul Samwell-Smith) he had never played the bass before. However, Jimmy has also said that when he recorded his single "She Just Satisfies" in 1965 he played every instrument except for the drums. If this second statement is correct then Jimmy had played the bass guitar prior to joining the Yardbirds. As much as I love Mr. Page, he is contradicting himself when he says and I have read both accounts. I think the never playing the bass before joining the Yardbirds is the incorrect one. Which statement is the corrcet one?
  20. I still have not had the great fortune of meeting Mr. Jimmy Page and asking him my one question of him ever meeting Mr. Robert De Niro or Mr. Al Pacino. However, I did come across something interesting (to me). Of course I have no idea if this is exactly true or not but on page 170 of the new Stephen Davis book, "LZ-75", it states that Jimmy Page and Joe Walsh were having dinner at Dar Maghreb, a Moroccan restuarant in Hollywood. According to the book Michelle Phillips was there with some people as were members of Foghat. Also there was Robbie Robertson and Martin Scorsese. I am sure most of you know who Martin Scorsese is. In my opinion, the best director and the greatest at what he does for a living, directing great and classic movies. My point is: If you do know who Marty Scorsese is than you must know that Marty and Bobby De Niro are the best of friends (then and now) and collaboraters on eight great films. Now, if this account in the book is true, Jimmy was in the same restuarant at the same time as Martin Scorsese sometime in early 1975. Whether Jimmy knew at that time who Marty is and was, I have no idea. Same goes for Marty. Or if they did know who each other was, I (again) have no idea if they acknowledged, talked or met one another that night. That would be another question I will ask Jimmy when I do finally get to meet him. By the way, it was around this time in 1975 that Martin Scorsese and Robert De Niro were filming or had already filmed their classic 1976 movie, "Taxi Driver", thus the reason for this reply. Lastly, I would like to think that both Marty and Bobby attended (and possibly went backstage) to one of Led Zeppelin's concerts they played in March of 1975 in Los Angeles, California.
  21. Houses of the Holy: "Let the Music Be Your Master, Will You Heed the Master's Call?"
  22. I realize there was a topic that started soon after the news of the death of Ronnie James Dio, however, I thought I would start another topic about this Awesome Singer and Hard Rock/Heavy Metal Pioneer. I still am really sad that Dio is no longer alive on this Planet. Especially after I watched the tribute to RJD on "That Metal Show" a few days ago. As much as I Love Led Zeppelin and other hard rock and heavy metal bands and Music, I would have to say that there are only about 10, maybe 15 people in the whole world of "Music" that I will be very sad when they no longer inhabit this Earth. Ronnie James Dio is one of those people in my top 10. Probably closer to my top 5. Since I watched that tribute on "TMS" I have been listening to alot of RJD on YouTube. Rainbow, Black Sabbath, solo Dio, etc.. When I was a teenager me and my friends would get really stoned and literally crank to volume 10 "Heaven and Hell" "Neon Knights", "Mob Rules", "Holy Diver", "Last in Line", "We Rock", "Rainbow in the Dark", "King of Rock and Roll" "Man on the Silver Mountain", and dozens more. Not to mention the whole "Live Evil" album. Although I have always been a Fan and Loved Dio and his Voice and Music (since the very first day and song of His I ever heard), I guess it is really true when people say that once someone is really gone You tend to Appreciate them a little more. I always appreciated Ronnie but I guess I just seem to miss Him more now that I know I will never get to see him perform live ever again. I did see him once in Sauget, Illinois (across the Mississippi river and over the bridge from Saint Louis, Missouri). That was one of the best shows I have ever been to because it was in some very small club that only held a couple of hundred people. I LOVE YOU AND REALLY, REALLY MISS YOU, MR. RONNIE JAMES DIO. "YOU ROCK!!!"...
  23. I appreciate your help and replies to this topic I started. I realize you are/were trying to locate and post a picture of Robert's Range Rover with His Symbol on the side. Like I said in my first post, imagining a picture of this vehicle is one thing, actually seeing one is obviously even better. Thanks.
  24. Am I wrong or is that Dave Lewis on the outside with his left arm behind Roberts hair/head?
  25. On page 197 of the book, Led Zeppelin: the Concert File, by Dave Lewis with Simon Pallet, it states that author Howard Mylett was at the soundcheck for the Led Zeppelin show on Sunday, January 21, 1973 and Mylett recalls that, "On arriving in the afternoon, I saw Robert's Range Rover parked outside with its feather symbol on the side". I realize that this topic may have few replies, however, has anyone read about this before. Even better would be actual pictures of Robert's Range Rover with His symbol on the side. I can imagine such a car and the Image that it portrays in my mind but an actual photo would be even better. Is anyone just as curious as I am to see such a picture?
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