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ReR Caption Fan Club Thread


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she sounds like she need professional help. The guy i was talking about has really bad depression and a drinking problem now, ive been urging him to get help for ages. yes the weather is crap, its funny how we can talk about the weather on here as we both live in the same country but its probably totally different for a lot of other people who post. Like where Vannis is its probably very warm though she did say it was raining. we've had freezing fog and constant ice for ages but it looks like its lifted a bit today.

Anyway i must go to my dads my dear, it was so nice talking! have a good christmas!


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Oh dear. I have horrible back pain all the time. If it is sporadic (it comes and goes) I suggest you go get it checked out if it is troubling you.

I am fine I guess apart from an annoying cold I have. :( I have to go to work in a couple of minutes too so that sucks almightily. :lol:

How is Pakistan these days?

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I know I really should get it checked.It's really bad.

Aww poor you. :console:

What's your job?

Oh the conditions here are so much better than before BUT the elections are about to start (January) and I'm afraid there will be riots and chaos all over again.

However, that also means that we'll get extra school holidays. :D

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We can do it. I fwe can't get everyone it will be okay. At least we've tried. Richard always gets on at what late for him, but it's usually around 9 my time. So ten Rabia's time, right?

Yeah, that's true.

Um, you see Richard at nine? Really? I see him around seven. Or are you talking about in the morning? Actually, either way, I see him around 7am and 7pm. So 8am and 8pm Rabia's time… I don't know about everyone else. Well, 7am here is noon in England? So that would be Hetty's, Audrey's, and Richard's time, right? And then 7pm would be midnight there… Right?

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For London you add 5 hours. So I base it on that. My grandpa lives a few hours from Rabia, and he's an hour ahead of me so I figure that she's an hour ahead too.

yeah I know there's a five hour difference from the midwest and England. And there's a one hour difference from the midwest and the east coast. Rabia is ahead of us an hour. And Noora is ahead of us in the midwest by eight hours, cos she's twelve hours ahead of me in Hawaii, and I'm four hours away from myself. :blink: That sounds weird. :lol:

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