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Collateral Murder Wikileaks Iraq


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Hi All,

I'll say nothing at the moment, what i just saw hasn't sunk in yet, you have a look and see for yourself though.

Regards, Danny

Short Version.

Long Version.




Edited by BIGDAN
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Of course it was a tragic event Dan anytime innocent civilians are killed.

But isn't it convenient that the video points out the men carrying cameras but doesn't point out the individuals carrying AK47's that were firing on troops moments earlier?

That's the risk that every reporter takes when embedded in a war zone.

Especially when you're embedded with insurgents firing on American troops with an Apache hovering overhead.


There was no way for those pilots to know whether it was a camera or a small weapon those men were carrying. They rely totally on the FAC on the ground to identify the enemy. Did you not notice the numerous calls for 'permission to engage'? It wasn't like they were flying overhead blasting everything in site.

Look at the entire scenario Dan as tragic as it was before you hop onto another 'that's why the world hates you' rant.

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nice story in the paper about what some al quaeda guys did over there last week.............dressed as military

i dunno.........i've seen some of this stuff firsthand, and i could lose it and show some very very very ugly stuff done by these animals.........but i won't, serves no purpose

see i've been shaking my head here for a few minutes cuz i know

i'm sure no matter anyone's ideology here...........we'd all wish things like this.......wars............inhumanity in general............never has to happen

maybe i can sprinkle some of Dan's pixie dust all over the planet and it will all go away

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FYI Dan:


At 3:39, the men central to the frame are armed, the one on the far left with some AK variant, and the one in the center with an RPG. The RPG is crystal clear even in the downsized, very low-resolution, video between 3:40 and 3:45 when the man carrying it turns counter-clockwise and then back to the direction of the Apache. This all goes by without any mention whatsoever from WikiLeaks, and that is unacceptable.

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Of course it was a tragic event Dan anytime innocent civilians are killed.

1,366,350 innocent civilians killed so far, Yea Very Tragic.

But isn't it convenient that the video points out the men carrying cameras but doesn't point out the individuals carrying AK47's that were firing on troops moments earlier?

Yea Very Convenient, is that an excuse for 20 innocent people being Killed? I'll hold short of calling it Murder. But was it "those" people doing the shooting? (I think not) or did the Pilots get it wrong again? but this time "BIG TIME?"

That's the risk that every reporter takes when embedded in a war zone.

Yea, you killed some British Reporters too, and they we're supposed to be your Friends and Allies, glad we're not your Enemy, maybe your pilots need to be checked better for Faulty Eyesight and for their Gung-Ho approach to War and their Wanton Disregard for Innocent Life and their General Custer Type attitude towards the Indians.

Especially when you're embedded with insurgents firing on American troops with an Apache hovering overhead.

Then get the fcuk outta there, because no one wanted you to involve yourselves there in the first place, and if you are gonna get involved then at least have then decency to Act Under the Rules of War and Engagement that you expect others to follow.


There was no way for those pilots to know whether it was a camera or a small weapon those men were carrying. They rely totally on the FAC on the ground to identify the enemy. Did you not notice the numerous calls for 'permission to engage'? It wasn't like they were flying overhead blasting everything in site.

Bollocks, i could tell it was a Shoulder Mounted Camera and I'm half blind. Yes I did notice the calls and i quote

"He's got a weapon, Fcuking Prick, He's got a weapon too, Have 5 to 6 individuals with AK 47s, Request permission to engage, He's got an RPG, I'm gonna fire, Come on fire, Oh yea, look at those dead bastards, Nice, Right through the windshield Ha Ha", you know the rest.

Look at the entire scenario Dan as tragic as it was before you hop onto another 'that's why the world hates you' rant.

I did look at it all, many many times as usual, and i do feel another rant coming on, mostly because your Military never get it right, they never learn from their numerous and previous mistakes, and then when the shit hits the fan we get the big cover up just like now with this clip, your Government and Military wont release the footage because they know what the worlds reaction will be. When you disengage your head from your arse give me a call, I'll still be here, ranting on as usual. :soapbox::wall::yesnod::rant::watchingyou:

FYI Dan:


At 3:39, the men central to the frame are armed, the one on the far left with some AK variant, and the one in the center with an RPG. The RPG is crystal clear even in the downsized, very low-resolution, video between 3:40 and 3:45 when the man carrying it turns counter-clockwise and then back to the direction of the Apache. This all goes by without any mention whatsoever from WikiLeaks, and that is unacceptable.

Hi 'StringBender'

Many thanks for your link, but why did you only post the bit that supports your previous view point rather than any one of a dozen that tells the whole and true story? If you read further down the page you will find that the writer is utterly against the way the amateurish pilot and gunner of the Apache "Crazyhorse 18" behaved, and i quote.

"The point at which I cannot support the actions of Crazyhorse 18, at all, comes when the van arrives somewhere around 9:45 and is engaged. Unless someone had jumped out with an RPG ready to fire on the aircraft, there was no threat warranting a hail of 30mm from above. Might it have been prudent to follow the vehicle (perhaps with a UAV), or at least put out a BOLO (Be On the Look Out) for the vehicle? Absolutely without question. Was this portion of the engagement even remotely understandable, to me? No, it was not."

The is the reason why American Forces have killed over a Million Unarmed Innocent Iraqi Civilians since the Second Gulf War and why i find it Sickening, Deplorable, and Unacceptable for people like you to find some Excuse for their Gung-Ho, Amateurish, Care-Less behavior, its the Plains Wars all over again, and you wonder why the world thinks as it does? just grow up and smell the coffee.

I don't care what nation in the coalition behaves in this manner, as long as they take responsibility for any wrong doing and bring the perpetrators to justice, and this does not happen, and that's why you get suicide bombers willing to sacrifice their lives against YOU, because they have no other way to get back at YOU for all the wrong YOU do to them, until YOU change the way YOU BEHAVE don't expect THEM to change the way THEY BEHAVE, have YOU learnt nothing from History?

Regards, Danny



Edited by BIGDAN
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Thats what happens in a war zone when you hang out with bad guys.

Nice shooting guys, keep up the good work.

Nice one 'Poindexter'

Didn't you know? They were hanging out with the bad guys, two of them were Reuters news staff, this should be printed on all Reporters contracts, "Hanging out with the Americans could seriously damage your health" :o

Grand Prix?

Regards, Danny

PS, Yea, keep up the "GOOD WORK" and you'll be sending body bags home for eternity, have a nice day, IDIOT.

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nice story in the paper about what some al quaeda guys did over there last week.............dressed as military

i dunno.........i've seen some of this stuff firsthand, and i could lose it and show some very very very ugly stuff done by these animals.........but i won't, serves no purpose

see i've been shaking my head here for a few minutes cuz i know

i'm sure no matter anyone's ideology here...........we'd all wish things like this.......wars............inhumanity in general............never has to happen

maybe i can sprinkle some of Dan's pixie dust all over the planet and it will all go away

Hi 'beetleron'

Better to sprinkle some of My pixie dust all over the planet than your Lead, wouldnt you say?

I've been there too mate, seen it and done it, i also have a son in the Army who's been to Afghan twice, i've had friends killed by an A 10 Warthog in the First Gulf War by American Pilots who couldnt be bothered to identify a British Warrior APC and engaged it from 10,000ft, i know first hand just how bad the American Military are viewed by the rest of the professional Armies of this World, everyone is shit scared when you control the skys because you are so Unprofessional and Gung-Ho, and you either cannot or will not try to tell friend from foe.

Have a nice day,

Regards, Danny

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So called 'friendly fire' is a fact of war. :rolleyes:

Hi Kev,

But the American Military have become so good at it, Blue on Blue seem to be the only colours they know, i would have thought that you could give a more balanced insight than to Roll your Eyes at ME mate, i'm not impressed my ole compadre.

Very Kind Regards, Danny

PS, Wheres me Tomahawk, i feel a scalping coming on, CHARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGE. :o

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Can I call you Danny-boy. I feel like I know you.

At least the Americans had the balls to pull the trigger.

You Brits need Maggie back or reach down, find a pair and strap `em on.

Hi 'Poindexter'

I must agree with you, we do need a Maggie Figure to stiffen us up a little, even a lot.

YOU Americans don't have Balls mate, YOU are full of fear, that's why YOU fire on anything that moves, and from a great height if YOU can, i know i was that soldier, and so were some of my now dead friends. ;)

Now about those "Strap On Balls"? where do you think i could find a pair BIG enough for me? TEXAS maybe, i know that they make everything BIG in TEXAS, that's why Y'ALL walk with a limp, because you are the "BIGGEST PRICKS A GOING" now fcuk off and let me enjoy myself with people that have the WIT, INTELEGENCE and KNOWLEDGE to take me on. :lol:

Regards, Danny

PS, No you don't know me but i can understand why you think you might, its my close resemblance to the picture you have of me in your mind, a mixture of Einstein, Robin Williams, and Roadrunner the Worlds Biggest Super Computer. :Thinking:

PPS, You may call me anything you like, as long as its not "Late for me dinner" :thanku:

PPPS, Now lets stop all this bollocks and return to the Topic PLEASE.

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Hi Danny,

Hi Kev,

But the American Military have become so good at it, Blue on Blue seem to be the only colours they know, i would have thought that you could give a more balanced insight than to Roll your Eyes at ME mate, i'm not impressed my ole compadre.

Very Kind Regards, Danny

PS, Wheres me Tomahawk, i feel a scalping coming on, CHARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGE. :o

What would you have me say? Mistakes are made in war.I didn't say it was right.And saying the American Military has be come good at it,do you think that is their goal? :blink:

Our President,on one of this *cough* promises said he would end both wars. :huh:

Not happening,...


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Hi 'Poindexter'

I must agree with you, we do need a Maggie Figure to stiffen us up a little, even a lot.

YOU Americans don't have Balls mate, YOU are full of fear, that's why YOU fire on anything that moves, and from a great height if YOU can, i know i was that soldier, and so were some of my now dead friends. ;)

Now about those "Strap On Balls"? where do you think i could find a pair BIG enough for me? TEXAS maybe, i know that they make everything BIG in TEXAS, that's why Y'ALL walk with a limp, because you are the "BIGGEST PRICKS A GOING" now fcuk off and let me enjoy myself with people that have the WIT, INTELEGENCE and KNOWLEDGE to take me on. :lol:

Regards, Danny

PS, No you don't know me but i can understand why you think you might, its my close resemblance to the picture you have of me in your mind, a mixture of Einstein, Robin Williams, and Roadrunner the Worlds Biggest Super Computer. :Thinking:

PPS, You may call me anything you like, as long as its not "Late for me dinner" :thanku:

PPPS, Now lets stop all this bollocks and return to the Topic PLEASE.

Awww c'mon now. I'm from Texas, and my motto is, violence is never the answer. I don't walk with a limp, nor am I a prick.

I see friends arguing with each other here, maybe you guys should cool it.

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I've watched the video once,so I've seen it the same amount of times as the pilots of the gunships would have seen it in live time.Some of those alleged civilians seem to me to be carrying guns and the guys with the shoulder straps could be carrying anything.It seems like the American pilots have done everything 'by the book',by that I mean identified a potential target,requested permission to open fire,etc.As regards the van,I just cannot believe that these other alleged civilians just happened to be in the vicinity and then,when the dust had settled,decided to help pick up any wounded that were left.The deaths of the journalists is an awful event,but it's what happens in warzones.I'm trying not to be glib about that,but I can't say anything else.Good luck to all the coalition forces out in that God forsaken country,keep safe.

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Hi Danny,

What would you have me say? Mistakes are made in war.I didn't say it was right.And saying the American Military has be come good at it,do you think that is their goal? :blink:

Our President,on one of this *cough* promises said he would end both wars. :huh:

Not happening,...


Hi Kev,

I would have you say what you see mate, what logic and reason lead you too, i would not put words in you mouth, but do you really think that it would be alright in the eyes of an American or America for your Forces to be subjected to these types of shoddy tactical blunders? i think not, and its these double standards that really anger me and the rest of the world.

And tell me this will you please Kev? why did the US Millitary and its Government cover up and supress this "Collaterial Damage" mistake for so long? and why do they still try to put Wikileaks out of business?

If your Police behaved in the same way as your Military do or did, would you expect some sort of action against the Officers involved? or is this just another Waco to them?

I really and honestly don't think that enough American People, its Military or its Government gives a Rats Tutu ( that's me watching Judge Judy to much) about what its Military do to innocent people, never have and never will, that's just my honest opinion extrapolated from logic and my immense knowledge and reading of your History.

Nothing has changed since Sand Creek 1864 where the US Army showed the world how to deal with the Red Skins, and i think that your Military still show the same contempt for any people, Civilian or Military, that they come up against that cannot match them in Firepower or Militarily, you would not behave this way if you were fighting equally matched Soldiers who had the capacity to return the favour would you?

Acting like the "SS" does not make you a Respected Fighting Soldier, it makes you a "Genocidal Bully" just like General Custer was, and nobody wants the world to think of America as that, or do they? or dont you care?

Very Kind Regards, Danny


The following is from "Bury My Heart At Wounded Knee" written by Dee Brown:

"On the morning of November 29, 1864, 600 Cheyenne and Arapahos camped on a bend of Sand Creek were awakened by the sound of charging hooves. Two thirds of these 600 were women and children as the government granted able bodied men to go east and hunt buffalo to feed their hungry families. Only 35 braves were in the camp. This made the ensuing charge all the more frightening for the women, children, elders, and remaining braves.

So great was the fear of the coming charge that men, women, and children ran from their lodges into the biting cold taking no time to fully dress. The partially dressed Indians began to gather under a huge American flag above Black Kettles lodge (Black Kettle was given the huge American flag and peace medals by Abraham Lincoln and Colonel A. B. Greenwood in Washington only a year earlier and was told that as long as the American flag was above them, no one would be harmed). The braves present surrounded the women and children gathered under the flag. At 8:00 am more than 700 cavalry men under the command of Colonel John M. Chivington and Major Scott J. Anthony, rode in and fired on the huddled Indians from two directions. After the initial charge the US soldiers dismounted and continued the indiscriminate killing of men, women, and children. During the killing unspeakable atrocities and mutilations were committed by the soldiers. Accounts from two white men, John S. Smith and Lieutenant James Connor, described the acts of dehumanization."

According to John S. Smith, Colonel Chivington knew these Indians to be peaceful before the massacre. Smith witnessed, as did helpless Indian mothers and fathers, young children having their sex organs cut away. U.S. soldiers mutilated Native American women, cutting away their breasts and removing all other sex organs. After the Massacre, soldiers displayed the women's severed body parts on their hats and stretched them over their saddle-bows while riding in the ranks. The sex organs of every male were removed in the most grotesque manner. One soldier boasted that he would make a tobacco pouch with the removed privates of White Antelope, a respected elder. Conner witnessed a soldier displaying the body parts of a woman on a stick. The fingers of Indians were cut off to get at the rings on them. Connor remembered a baby only a few months old who had been hidden in the feed box of a wagon for protection. When the soldiers discovered the baby some time later, the baby was thrown onto the frozen ground to die. In going over the site the next day, it was noted that every corpse was mutilated in some way, and scalped.

Two other men, Robert Bent and James Beckwourth were forced to ride with Chivington that morning. They recorded similar images. Beckwourth noted that before the massacre, White Antelope (age 75) ran out to meet the soldiers. He came running out to meet the command, holding up his hands and saying Stop! Stop! He spoke in as plain English as I can. He stopped and folded his arms until shot down. Bent remembered seeing the shooting of a little girl carrying a white flag. He also remembered seeing an Indian woman on the ground whose leg had been shattered by a shell. As she lay helpless, a soldier drew his saber, breaking the arm she had risen in defense. She then rolled over on her other side. The soldier did not leave until breaking her other arm with his saber, whereupon he left without killing her. Bent saw a pregnant woman who had been cut open and disemboweled. Her unborn child lay mutilated almost beyond human recognition beside her. Quite a number of mothers were slain; still clinging to their babies. Such was the scene that cold gray morning at Sand Creek, November 29, 1864."

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Awww c'mon now. I'm from Texas, and my motto is, violence is never the answer. I don't walk with a limp, nor am I a prick.

I see friends arguing with each other here, maybe you guys should cool it.

Howdy 'Broken Levee'

Sorry for the inference, my humour doesn't seem to travel well, especially across the pond hey? no offence meant, please accept my humble apology.

My Mum use to go up West (West End of London, Dance Halls etc) after the war and she and her cousin were accused of "Yanking It" (Going out and having sex with US Military Personnel) by my Nan, her Mother. She denied it of course but there was always a question mark over who my real father was. It came to light one year when i received a "Ten Gallon Hat" Birthday present from a mysterious Texan Man, this would explain my John Wayne Walk, my love of Horses and all things American, and the fact that I DO Walk with a Limp. :o:lol:

I'm cool pardner, there are only friends disagreeing here, nothing to concern y'all, Southern Gent to Southern Gent. :beer:

Regards, Brother, Danny

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I've watched the video once,so I've seen it the same amount of times as the pilots of the gunships would have seen it in live time.Some of those alleged civilians seem to me to be carrying guns and the guys with the shoulder straps could be carrying anything.It seems like the American pilots have done everything 'by the book',by that I mean identified a potential target,requested permission to open fire,etc.As regards the van,I just cannot believe that these other alleged civilians just happened to be in the vicinity and then,when the dust had settled,decided to help pick up any wounded that were left.The deaths of the journalists is an awful event,but it's what happens in warzones.I'm trying not to be glib about that,but I can't say anything else.Good luck to all the coalition forces out in that God forsaken country,keep safe.

Hi Walesdad,

Now think how you would feel if that had happened to your friends or relatives or just countrymen in a city near to where you live and you might be able to empathise a bit more.

At no time did the Reporters or their Guards fire on the Helicopters or American Ground Forces, and when the Helicopters opened up on the van its still up to the Commander or Gunner of the Helicopter to identify any Danger to themselves or any Ground Troops, although they had permission to fire the didn't have to do so, there was no need to fire on the van or the unarmed, wounded, men and children, ignorance is no excuse, there is no excuse, only a Gung-Ho, Unprofessional, Murderous and Willful Attitude to unarmed civilians that posed no threat to anyone whatsoever.

Regards, Danny

PS, That "God forsaken country" bit? quite rich for a Welshman init? :lol:

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Howdy 'Broken Levee'

Sorry for the inference, my humour doesn't seem to travel well, especially across the pond hey? no offence meant, please accept my humble apology.

My Mum use to go up West (West End of London, Dance Halls etc) after the war and she and her cousin were accused of "Yanking It" (Going out and having sex with US Military Personnel) by my Nan, her Mother. She denied it of course but there was always a question mark over who my real father was. It came to light one year when i received a "Ten Gallon Hat" Birthday present from a mysterious Texan Man, this would explain my John Wayne Walk, my love of Horses and all things American, and the fact that I DO Walk with a Limp. :o:lol:

I'm cool pardner, there are only friends disagreeing here, nothing to concern y'all, Southern Gent to Southern Gent. :beer:

Regards, Brother, Danny

That's southern gent to southern belle. ;)

That thar was a mighty interestin' story by the way.

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That's southern gent to southern belle. ;)

That thar was a mighty interestin' story by the way.

My apologies Mam, how did i miss that one? I was moving too fast i suppose. And the story is sort of true, writers licence and all that. ;)

Kind Regards, Danny

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Hi 'Poindexter'

I must agree with you, we do need a Maggie Figure to stiffen us up a little, even a lot.

now fcuk off and let me enjoy myself with people that have the WIT, INTELEGENCE and KNOWLEDGE to take me on. laugh.gif

Sure Dan, you started this thread and get your feathers ruffled when someone offers a different view.

The sun has set on The British Empire.

Let me quote another American who had the balls to pull the trigger TWICE and thats Harry Truman.

If you can`t stand the heat, get out of the kitchen.

I usually don`t respond to this type of grade-school drama, but I`ll make an exception just for you.

Wit, intelegence and knowlege.

The only thing big about you is your mouth and ego.

If you have anything else to add, take it to PM.

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Sure Dan, you started this thread and get your feathers ruffled when someone offers a different view.

The sun has set on The British Empire.

Hi 'Poindexter'

My feathers aint ruffled one bit, but yours seem to be, and if i can take you back to your first post, sarcastic as it was, my response to that seems to have upset you somewhat, yes?

Thats what happens in a war zone when you hang out with bad guys.

Nice shooting guys, keep up the good work.

And your second post? more sarcasm and a feeble try at humour or something, yes?



Can I call you Danny-boy. I feel like I know you.

At least the Americans had the balls to pull the trigger.

You Brits need Maggie back or reach down, find a pair and strap `em on.

And now this.

Sure Dan, you started this thread and get your feathers ruffled when someone offers a different view.

The sun has set on The British Empire.

Yea i did start this post, but the attack came first from you and a few others not from me, yes? i was just defending myself and sticking up for the untold unarmed civilians your Military cowardly attack and kill everyday.

Yes the Sun has set on the British Empire, thank God, and Americia wants to carry on where we left off, yes? making the same mistakes, yes?

Let me quote another American who had the balls to pull the trigger TWICE and thats Harry Truman.

If you can`t stand the heat, get out of the kitchen.

America only pulled the trigger TWICE because America didnt want to sustain the level of casualties a full scale invasion of Japan would involve, you would not dare do the same to the USSR or China would you? why? because they would do the same to you right? that makes you what? no you answer that one. And let me say here that what Harry did was the RIGHT thing in my opinion, those Helicopter Pilots did not.

I usually don`t respond to this type of grade-school drama, but I`ll make an exception just for you.

Wit, intelegence and knowlege.

Well Mr 'Poindexter' i'm waiting to see at least something constructive in those departments from you, seems i might have to wait a long while though. ;)

The only thing big about you is your mouth and ego.

That would make me an American, right? :lol:

If you have anything else to add, take it to PM.

If i have anything to add i'll say it here, that way every one can see just what a "Big Mouthed Egotist" i am and what an "Idiot" you keep trying to be.

If you wanna PM me though, then feel free.

Have a nice day, Regards, Danny

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Hi Walesdad,

Now think how you would feel if that had happened to your friends or relatives or just countrymen in a city near to where you live and you might be able to empathise a bit more.

At no time did the Reporters or their Guards fire on the Helicopters or American Ground Forces, and when the Helicopters opened up on the van its still up to the Commander or Gunner of the Helicopter to identify any Danger to themselves or any Ground Troops, although they had permission to fire the didn't have to do so, there was no need to fire on the van or the unarmed, wounded, men and children, ignorance is no excuse, there is no excuse, only a Gung-Ho, Unprofessional, Murderous and Willful Attitude to unarmed civilians that posed no threat to anyone whatsoever.

Regards, Danny

PS, That "God forsaken country" bit? quite rich for a Welshman init? :lol:

Hello Danny,thanks for the reply.Has it been proven that the seemingly armed individuals in the film were guards?Could they not have been armed insurgents?I agree that while the helicopter camera's were rolling that they did not fire on the helicopters or American ground forces,but do you know if they had been or were about to open fire?No,neither do I and neither did the gunners in the helicopters.What they did see,I'll hazard a guess,is armed men leaving a building,with other men in there midst who could be armed with RPG's(rocket propelled grenades?).So they opened up.It's messy,it's horrible and it's awful that some journalists were in the middle of it.As I've said Dan,I do not want to come across as glib in anyway about what has happened to the reporters.It sounds like you have a forces background,I have none,so I fully accept that you may know more than myself about situations like this.However,I've written it like I've seen it.

As regards the "God forsaken country" bit,I'll tell you a true story.God was one day talking to the Devil."Devil",exclaimes God,"I'm feeling a bit tired today,would you like to have a go at some creating yourself?"."Yes please",replies Satan,"You make it look so easy".God replies,"Well there's part of this island I've created that I just don't know how to finish off,give it dabble and see what you can come up with".Satan,hardly able to contain himself,gets to work."I'm call this place Wales",the horned one say's,"I'm going to give the people there beautiful clean air to breathe"."Sounds lovely",replies God.The Devil starts to chuckle,"And I'm going to give them beautiful mountains with stunning views,with lakes and rivers to match"."Sounds even better",replies God.The Devil breaks out into a laugh,"I'm going to give them a temperate climate with mild winters and warm summers"."Sounds even better still",replies God.The Devil is now laughing almost hysterically,"And I'm going to give them miles of coastline to walk along,fish from,sail boats from and generally enjoy"."This place sound fantastic Satan,these Welsh people will indeed be blessed,but why are you laughing so?"."Well they may think their blessed",replies Satan with a wicked grin,"...but wait until they meet the neighbours"! ;)

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Hi Broken Levee,all,

Awww c'mon now. I'm from Texas, and my motto is, violence is never the answer. I don't walk with a limp, nor am I a prick.

I see friends arguing with each other here, maybe you guys should cool it.

Danny is my Brother,we fight all the time! :) You should come to the family picnic,..on the 4th of July! :P


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