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What is the primary way you listen to music at home?


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I love the modern world, but it's stunning that so many settle for shitty mp3 and wav files these days. From the 1920's to 1990's one was struggling to improve sound and suddenly it all stopped. It's understandable when it comes to portable equipment, but at home?! I am not saying that you can't get a great sound out of your computer, but too many seems to not care.. It's a pity.


I couldn't agree more, mate! I find the whole concept of itunes and digital downloads to be a bit of a rip off! Thanks to the whole concept of mp3s, the thrill of going to a store, buying an album in vinyl form, admiring the artwork and being absolutely blown away by the sound quality, is gone! I wouldn't give up my beautiful turn table for anything! Thanks to my turn table, listening to records is kinda a family event and nothing can beat that! I pretty much can't live without it!

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I think it's all about convenience as far as creating devices that allow you take your music with you whether it be 8-tracks, cassettes, Walkmans, CDs or mp3 players. With each of those there's very diminished sound quality, all part of the sacrifice some listeners are evidently willing to take just so they can take their music with them. As I mentioned in my previous post, at least vinyl sales are on the upsurge, which is a very good sign. Vast improvements have been made to CDs since they were first introduced but since it's all digitized there's still significant loss in the overall sound quality compared to analog. Hopefully vinyl, which offers the complete spectrum of sound that's impossible to duplicate in a digital format, will never go away for good.

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