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Hells Angels


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I can safely say that I would trust 1,000,000 Angels rather than 1/2 a LOUSY and REVOLTING white-collar COn politician any day!!!!:):).


If you ever get to read Frank Reynolds' book he tells of his friend 'Lovely Larry' whom he feels was murdered by the California Highway Patrol.

In another chapter he tells of being at a bar in Daly City and when he starts to head home he crosses the border into San Francisco and a cop car is on his tail. Well, he decides to try to outrun him but with all the twisting and dead end streets in that neighborhood he was in (which wasn't very far from where we lived) he just couldn't get away so he decides to just stop and surrender. Bad mistake, as the cops all began to beat him to a pulp (while he was handcuffed) and they would lift him by the cuffs and drop him on his face on the sidewalk. Now who could blame the Angels for hating the cops after something like this? There's probably more rotten cops out there than Angels. <_<

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there were plenty of folks very close to where the murder took place.

people carry guns for personal protection - this is America.

why did Hell's Angels carry knives, chains, etc. to a rock concert?

and why did it take several to take on one man?

you can respect and defend who you want, but these guys were known to hate the counter culture and were there hoping for trouble. But, I don't blame them as much as The Stones for hiring them as security. The whole thing could have been avoided if they hadn't been there.

What always got me was Jerry Garcia's reaction when told of the beatings and he seemed to be in la la land about it.

And doesn't the saying go: 'Never bring a knife to a gunfight?' Well, it didn't quite work out that way here. :unsure:

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Just another mention from Frank's book. He talks about the Bass Lake run in 1966 and the Angels had heard a 'rumor' that the Gypsy Jokers were going to 'take out the Angels.' So as the bikes started to arrive they let all the 'hot dog' riders and especially the Jokers in and greeted them with smiles. (Abandon hope all ye who enter here) As the party got into full swing the Angels pretty much decimated and trashed the bikes of anyone who was not an Angel and they also took thier 'ol ladies with nary a wimper from any hotdogger. If any were fortunate enough to escape then they should count their lucky stars.

Like to play with fire, scarecrow?


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Hi all,

All the Angels and other hard-core bikers I ever knew were cool as fuck. Don't fuck with them and they won't fuck with you.

Never understood the Harley part, though. In England, they're also known as Gay Milkfloats.

Couldn't agree more,their bikes,old ladies and them.

Now about the Harley part: post-13187-013846100 1280447197_thumb.jp


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And doesn't the saying go: 'Never bring a knife to a gunfight?' Well, it didn't quite work out that way here. :unsure:

The guy didn't have enough bullets to get them all anyway. The Angels were like Chinese, just so many of them, he'd have run out of ammo even if he had a gatling gun !

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The guy didn't have enough bullets to get them all anyway. The Angels were like Chinese, just so many of them, he'd have run out of ammo even if he had a gatling gun !

If they were Chinese I'd have saved a bullet for myself. B)

I'm going to have to try to get a copy of 'Hells Angels Forever.' It's really an interesting documentary on them.

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