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Jimmy Page book buyers...


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Will you identify the book as being your own (stamp, handwriting, etc...) or will you leave it in pristine condition?

Good question! I hadn't thought about this. I think I may design a stamp or sticker for my LZ collection and identify when I acquired each book.

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Will you identify the book as being your own (stamp, handwriting, etc...) or will you leave it in pristine condition?

...I will ID the book as it belongs to me, NOT the Pristine Condition...materialistic value of money is irrelevant and illogical to me

...The Book will be written with personal annotation both in my Mother Tongue and English Language dedication to my children...For me Page/ Led Zeppelin will remain part of my environment/culture as I experienced in loving premises of my parents in the 70's...Without these personal memories documented in this book Page and his extra ordinary vision will remain just another Band..I cannot explain the Role Page played in my upbringing, it is rather too personal and emotionally overwhelming...

......to spend decades in moments standing still in time, this is what I desire from This Book....and truly that is what this Official Site is about...

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At the moment I have no plans to mark it up, but that said it will be available for guests to look at. It won't just sit on the shelf, unopened, to be sold one day.

same goes for me.

@op: whats the point on stamping the book or mark it in any other way?? i don't do that to my regular low cost books why would i do this to such a premium item?

Edited by VirusSnake
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I have no intention of putting any marks on my book (I don't do that with any of my books, and I have lots!), but as others have said, it won't be locked away in a glass cabinet never to be read. I have every intention of 'using' the book as intended and letting my friends/family who are interested also have a look at it (however it won't be leaving my house to be loaned out :D ). I don't see it as an investment because it's not something I'm ever going to part with.

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