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Neat still


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This is a neat still I found at the way end of Source 1 of the Sydney footage, it may look like it's part of Source 2 (as source 2 is a straight view of the stage) but it's at the way end of Source 1 of the Sydney footage:


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I think 98 percent of this forum don't know what your talking about.

Yea, the admin contacted me saying "A lot of your posts should be going in the Newbie section." Which I don't get, cause most of them have to do with Zep live.

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You are right, this shouldn't be in a museum but in a VERY BIG museum that will be especially built for this amazing still.

A true piece of art, it reminds me of impressionistic/cubistic pea soup vomit, brought with a neoclassical vibe of pure genius.

In fact George Lucas should remaster this still and put some digital Ewoks in it, or even transfer it to 3D.

Thanks for the asshole comment, btw, you are truly one of the kind kind, way too kind for me, beeing a behind.

Ooopsie poopsie.

Edited by reswati
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