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Love Her Or Hate Her?


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I don't believe the people are necessarily stupid people I just claim they act like idiots. I listen to Alice Cooper only because I think he is a good musician. He acts really dumb on stage and does really morbid things. In real life he seems like a really sharp guy and does charity work and actually lives a pretty clean life. He still acts stupid. And I personally believe he doesn't need to. People like Lady Gaga and Slipknot and so forth need stupidity because they don't have enough talent to make it without a silly gimmick.

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So basically if artists/performers express themselves in a manner that you consider outlandish they are acting like "idiots" and are, for the most part "talentless" according to you? What a boring world it would be if it were up to your standards.

Talentless is certainly not a term I would give someone who has written their songs, plays multiple instruments and have redefined their genre of music. No matter if I enjoy their music or not. All three that were mentioned fall into that category, IMO.

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^ Never said that. If you don't believe that spraying innards on the crowd (Slipknot) and dressing up in a Kermit suite and calling it sexy (Lady Gaga) is stupid you may need a cat-scan. And they are not talentless because they act stupid (I just said I think Alice Copper is a good musician). They act stupid because they are talentless (Like I said, they aren't good enough to make it on their talent so they use a gimmick to compensate). If we deny that these people are acting stupid then absolutely nothing is stupid or can be. I mean c'mon. Where do we draw the line? What would qualify as stupid if these acts do not?

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Talentless is certainly not a term I would give someone who has written their songs, plays multiple instruments and have redefined their genre of music. No matter if I enjoy their music or not. All three that were mentioned fall into that category, IMO.

I assume the three were Lady Gaga, Slipknot and Alice Cooper. I said how talented Alice Cooper is so I don't know how he is included with the other two in my statements. I listened to scream metal when Slipknot where big. They didn't redefine their genre. All they did was dress up like monsters which a hundred bands have done before them and scream like a hundred bands before them did. They redefined metal about as much as Johnny Cash redefined classical music. For Lady Gaga I do not listen to pop music at all. If she has redefined the genre it's nothing to brag about though considering it's the genre that contains the music of herself, Justin Beiber, Justin Timberlake, Miley Cyrus, Britney Spears and so many others like them. And a bunch of instruments don't automatically make you talented. I can play guitar, piano, harmonica and saxophone. I don't deserve to win an award for it. Playing an instrument easy.

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Stupid is doing the same thing that everyone before has done, just to cash in on it. I don't like what Slipnot does, but they have expanded their form of metal and expressed themselves with creativity, used their vision in music and art. Rob Zombie, who I can't be you listed earlier, is super talented: writing and performing music, writing and directing movies, etc. Gaga's outfits are a form of her expression. I don't always get what she's doing, but still respect her ability to put herself out there and be different. She writes her own music, plays piano, designs her stage, designs her outfits and choreography, I believe that is called talent whether it's your thing or not. Never liked Alice Cooper but he started his version of theatrical rock, that's talent.

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Stupid is doing the same thing that everyone before has done, just to cash in on it. I don't like what Slipnot does, but they have expanded their form of metal and expressed themselves with creativity, used their vision in music and art. Rob Zombie, who I can't be you listed earlier, is super talented: writing and performing music, writing and directing movies, etc. Gaga's outfits are a form of her expression. I don't always get what she's doing, but still respect her ability to put herself out there and be different. She writes her own music, plays piano, designs her stage, designs her outfits and choreography, I believe that is called talent whether it's your thing or not. Never liked Alice Cooper but he started his version of theatrical rock, that's talent.

Shut up Brother! :D

Kidding! :friends:

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Experience?Lack of knowledge,....stuff like that,...

Thinking acting like an idiot displays lack of knowledge? Ok, I'll tell you if you tell me how many drugs you've done in your life. :lol:

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And a bunch of instruments don't automatically make you talented. I can play guitar, piano, harmonica and saxophone. I don't deserve to win an award for it. Playing an instrument easy.

What's your definition of playing them? Sitting there playing notes, scales, other people's tunes or writing music on them? Gaga has written how many songs that have inspired people's lives? She has been given respect and admiration of so many of today's musicians. To generalize her music/art as just another pop star is ridiculous. To label her as talentless after achieving the critical acclaim she by the age of 25 laughable. I know I'm not going to change your beliefs, because you seem pretty set in your ways and j don't want to. Tickets are already tough enough to get. ;)

What KB is asking that for is because you come across as a person who hasn't experienced much, I believe.

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I see you two worked that out as I was typing. This phone is slow to type on!

BTW, KB, you better not start sh!t with me too.....;)

I may have to team up with Rick and come after ya!


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Stupid is doing the same thing that everyone before has done, just to cash in on it. I don't like what Slipnot does, but they have expanded their form of metal and expressed themselves with creativity, used their vision in music and art. Rob Zombie, who I can't be you listed earlier, is super talented: writing and performing music, writing and directing movies, etc. Gaga's outfits are a form of her expression. I don't always get what she's doing, but still respect her ability to put herself out there and be different. She writes her own music, plays piano, designs her stage, designs her outfits and choreography, I believe that is called talent whether it's your thing or not. Never liked Alice Cooper but he started his version of theatrical rock, that's talent.

Agree that Alice Cooper has talented. Agree that Rob Zombie has talent though I think he wastes alot of it by trying to make everything so "dark." I also don't deny that Lady Gaga may have some talents. I would be shocked in fact to discover a person with none at all. What I'm saying is her behavior makes it difficult to take her seriously as a musician. I've also stated that she does act dumb and I don't believe she would be famous if she had only focused on the music and not on doing silly things to gain attention. I think my original point is being lost here. I even believe that Alice Cooper, the one "shock rocker" I listen to has done alot to take away from his talent by acting stupid. I don't knock anyone who listens to these. I don't care if someone has their own tastes different from mine. I just find it hard to take these people seriously when they have made their careers about shocking people for attention. Even Alice Cooper and to a lesser extent Ozzy Osbourne (who I also listen to).

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No, I don't. Your attempting an ad hominem. The age, race, religion, height, weight, education level, experience or other opinions of the arguer has nothing to do with the argument being made.

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No, I don't. Your attempting an ad hominem. The age, race, religion, height, weight, education level, experience or other opinions of the arguer has nothing to do with the argument being made.

I only asked your age.

Edited by Anjin-san
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I can't speak to their level of mental being, but they did reach higher levels than most of the bands that are/were in that realm of metal. Doesn't make much sense to me either, but it's not my thing.

Was Pagey gimmicky for going out there in dragon suits and being into the occult/Crowley? No, he was expressing himself as the person/performer he was/is.

Gaga does what she does because that's the passion inside her, to move people with her music, performance, art and fashion. People who hate her for that are the one's with the problem, I admire that fact that she can go out and do what she wants and not worry about what others think or say. That type of freedom is feeling very comfortable in one's own skin and as I grow older I think that is a very mature, wise way to go about life. Don't do things because others want you to be that way, do things because you want to be that way. Be the person you are, this is no dress rehearsal - you only have one shot at life.

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Was Pagey gimmicky for going out there in dragon suits and being into the occult/Crowley? No, he was expressing himself as the person/performer he was/is.

I don't think Page can be accused of a gimmick because he didn't perform occult rituals onstage. It was just a part of his personal life and he was a very private individual. Nor do I believe one suit qualifies since a gimmick person revolves their whole career around something bizarre like Kiss dressing like monsters.

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Actually Slipknot were pretty stoopid. Didn't one of them used to have a decaying crow in a jar onstage, which he'd open up, sniff, and then gag on? What's the fucking point of that?? The audience can't smell it, so I'd call that pretty stoopid.

Maybe DAS has a point after all?

I remember over a decade ago Slipknot wanted to spray goat innards on their audience at concerts. What was really shocking was I heard a news report saying PETA liked the idea. That it would make people not want to eat meat so they supported it. :blink:

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