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Rare Willie & the Poor Boys Video, 1985

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This one got light rotation on MTV for a VERY short while back in 1985 and then disappeared off the face of the earth, sadly.

Such a great Otis Redding number, admirably redone here by Willie & The Poor Boys (featuring, among others, Paul Rodgers and Jimmy Page of the Firm, plus Bill Wyman, Charlie Watts and Ronnie Wood of the Rolling Stones). Cool video.

I was thrilled to find this gem on YouTube today. For those of you who have never seen it before, hope you enjoy!!

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Willie and the Poor Boys

One Night Only

By Ric Hickey

July 19, 2011

Bill Wyman gathered a large contingent of his mates in 1984 for a side project he called Willie and the Poor Boys. Released amidst the dreck of early 80s New Wave, their self-titled album was a welcome throwback to rock and roll’s early days. A collection of old rhythm & blues and rockabilly tunes lovingly re-made by the likes of Wyman, Charlie Watts, Andy Fairweather-Low, Kenney Jones, Jimmy Page, Paul Rodgers and others, it was warmly received at the time of its release and holds up surprisingly well to this day.

Released for the first time just days ago is a new DVD assembled from footage in Wyman’s personal archives that documents the making of a long-form video that was shot to promote the record. Eight songs from the album are lip-synched by the band onstage at Fulham Town Hall in front of an audience of dancers. Meant to convey a scene from a 1950s sock hop, all are dressed in rockabilly attire of the day. There is a little bit of conceptual footage in between the tunes intended to tie the whole thing together with some kind of story line about a gaggle of teenagers discussing their romantic conquests. But it’s all terribly cheesy, more than a little bit embarrassing, and at times just plain hard to watch. With Wyman and company onstage with all their gear, I don’t know why the director didn’t just film them performing live.

Only slightly more enjoyable is a 30-minute documentary of the video shoot included in the DVD bonus features. The backstage footage consists of whimsical interview segments and casual conversations, including appearances by John Entwistle and Chris Rea. But other than a handful of Charlie Watts’ befuddled double takes and Ringo’s cameo as a janitor sweeping up after the dance, there is little here to recommend. There’s a lot of big names and great players here, but it all adds up to little more than a Famous Sidemen’s Lark. Stones fans will treasure most the scene where Wyman squats on the edge of the stage and casually recalls when the Stones played Fulham Town Hall on one of their early tours, a performance that lasted all of seven minutes before a power outage and rioting teenagers brought the show to an early end.

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Thanks for the heads up on the DVD. Although the review definitely doesn't make me want to rush out and buy it, it still might make for a nice curio.

I still break out that Willie and the Poor Boys record on occasion. It makes a very nice compliment to the Honeydrippers EP.

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Jahfin, I agree totally about the Honeydrippers/Willie & the Poor Boys albums as bookends -- ya almost can't have one without the other. And wow, anyone who remembers the dreary music scene of he mid-80s surely recalls how nice it was to hear REAL rock and roll back on the radio (and on MTV) again for a few brief shining moments...:)

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Jahfin, I agree totally about the Honeydrippers/Willie & the Poor Boys albums as bookends -- ya almost can't have one without the other. And wow, anyone who remembers the dreary music scene of he mid-80s surely recalls how nice it was to hear REAL rock and roll back on the radio (and on MTV) again for a few brief shining moments...:)

I honestly don't remember music from the 80s being "dreary" in the least but I did love the Willie and the Poor Boys and Honeydrippers records back then. They were also responsible for me becoming more interested in rock n' roll from the 50s which led to me digging through my parents old records and finding some great sides from the likes of Elvis Presley, Jerry Lee Lewis, Chubby Checker and others.

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Thanks for the heads up on the DVD. Although the review definitely doesn't make me want to rush out and buy it, it still might make for a nice curio.

I still break out that Willie and the Poor Boys record on occasion. It makes a very nice compliment to the Honeydrippers EP.

Buy it and let us know. thumbsup.gif

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