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Profile Posting and editing: location, gender, etc


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I wish that members would not be so secretive about where they are from and what there gender is and would give some remarks about their likes and soforth. It seems nobody wants to take the time to build their profile. What is the big secret about what city or state or country you live in? Its not like anyone knows your phone number or where you live exactly. It is nice to know where someone is when you talk to them.

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I wish that members would not be so secretive about where they are from and what there gender is and would give some remarks about their likes and soforth. It seems nobody wants to take the time to build their profile. What is the big secret about what city or state or country you live in? Its not like anyone knows your phone number or where you live exactly. It is nice to know where someone is when you talk to them.

This is where sending them a PM comes in. Just PM someone and ask them. At least that's what I do :D

Rolls>>> :wacko:

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I wish that members would not be so secretive about where they are from and what there gender is and would give some remarks about their likes and soforth. It seems nobody wants to take the time to build their profile. What is the big secret about what city or state or country you live in? Its not like anyone knows your phone number or where you live exactly. It is nice to know where someone is when you talk to them.

You're going to stalk us all and kidnap our cats, aren't you? :o

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Not complaining, just suggesting. And I dont like to PM people that havent responded to me on threads first as I dont want to infringe on them. As I remember, I did PM you once and got no response. I know Im not one of your favorite people on here, guess Im on your ignore list so to speak?

You PM'd me? When? I don't recall that. And if you were on my ignore list, I wouldn't be responding to your posts. Makes sense, right?

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You're going to stalk us all and kidnap our cats, aren't you? :o


It is a good point though. Nowadays, you really can't trust just anyone, so that could have something to do with members not wanting to fill out any info about themselves.

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Crap! Someone's in the other room, restarting the computer in there!


someone's stalking me because of my profile!!!!

Really though--if I had kids and they were on this site, I wouldn't want them posting their location or their email address--I doubt that I would allow them to post their pictures. with underage people especially, you need to be careful on the internet. I'm sure there are people on this site that know a lot about me--some have my home address and phone number, for God's sake, but that's only because I've been on here for about four years and those people are people I trust. (not I have known you for a week trust--but I've known your for years trust...)

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I wish that members would not be so secretive about where they are from and what there gender is and would give some remarks about their likes and soforth. It seems nobody wants to take the time to build their profile. What is the big secret about what city or state or country you live in? Its not like anyone knows your phone number or where you live exactly. It is nice to know where someone is when you talk to them.

icantquityoubabe, I have built a profile but, for privacy reasons, have not included my city and state. I also do not use my real name. I do have friends on the board who know my real name and my location; a couple of them even know my address and quite a few personal things about me, but they are my friends. The reason that I am so private is that, several years ago, I was stalked by someone who found a photo of me online. It wasn't on a message board; it was just a photo of my husband and me. I always feel that I need to state that there was nothing salacious about the photo. It was a horrific experience and I don't want to go into details here. Because of that experience, we are very careful about what we disclose online.

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