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Led Zeppelin On Spotify

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I have Just noticed that Led Zeppelin's albums ( well not all of them) are on Spotify. Don't know how long they have been on there but it is certainly news to me. There is also a very interesting 46 min audio documentary of the band, which of course to most people the story will not be new. Well worth checking out though

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Having just listened to the documentary it is an excellent one. Not too sure when it was done - pre Peter Grants death i would asssume as the narrator dosen't mention it. Really good to hear Robert say complimentry things about the band and it's history. Maybe Steve or Sam could shed some light on it's date?

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I have Just noticed that Led Zeppelin's albums ( well not all of them) are on Spotify. Don't know how long they have been on there but it is certainly news to me.

I can only see Led Zeppagain tribute albums (spotify user in Spain). Where do you guys live that you have original Zep albums on spotify? Dang

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