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The 20 Worst Hipster Bands


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I realize that list is satirical (I think) but I enjoy 19/20 of those bands and I haven't heard of the other one.

Just out of curiosity, who's the one you haven't heard of?

Justin Vernon catches a lot of shit but I have to say he melted my fucking face off when I saw him sit in on guitar with Kathleen Edwards at the Cat's Cradle in Carrboro, NC earlier this year. From listening to Bon Iver I had no idea the dude could rock out like that. For whatever it's worth, I saw Bon Iver opening for Wilco in Cary, NC a few years ago when For Emma was new. I enjoy that record and also enjoyed their performance but I could definitely understand if Bon Iver is not everyone's cup of tea.

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Youch, I actually like a few of these. Here's why

Arcade Fire - The Suburbs is an incredible album. Sure they're hipsters, but they make amazing, atmospheric music.

The Black Keys - Apparently they aren't authentic? The author of this article claims Jack White is the real thing, why aren't The Black Keys? Sure their latest album is a bit more 'pop', but they use old equipment, and they cover traditional blues all the time. Not to mention recording albums in old Detroit factories.

TV On The Radio - Return To Cookie Mountain is an amazing album. Their music is actually damn good, neither are they hipsters.

MGMT - Ok yeah their non-single output is largely dire, but they have made some of the most impressive genero-indie dance music of the last decade.

Other than them, fuckin' hipsters.

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so how would you define "hipster"?....is it the same as i would say "yuppie"?

NO! Not even close. To put it in visual terms that'll make it easy for everyone to relate to: A 'yuppie' is someone like Patrick Bateman from "American Psycho". A 'hipster' is more like the Ethan Hawke character from "Reality Bites".

I read the LA Weekly every week, as it's my prime source for what's happening in the clubs, theatres and museums that week. But, editorially and content-wise, it has gone way downhill from its glory days in the 80s-90s. It's only gotten worse since being bought out by the Village Voice.

All you need to know about the credibility of the LA Weekly's music coverage is that they have the scumbag Jeff Weiss writing a regular column for them. It's fucking terrible...75% of the time he writes about some auto-tuned rapper douchebag.

That list of hipster bands is just another example of the LA Weekly being bereft of ideas and trolling...just check out some of the other lists they've done(20 worst bands; 20 greatest musicians; etc.) and note the amount of responses they've garnered.

I'm not a hipster, but I have heard all of those bands on the list...and even seen most of them in concert. I'm about split down the middle regarding the list. I hate about half(Death Cab for Cutie, Bright Eyes, Pomplamoose, Arcade Fire) and like the other half(Bon Iver, Beach House, Decemberists, Black Keys).

Surprised Best Coast and She & Him didn't make the list. Of course, Belle & Sebastian are the patron saints of hipster bands...or maybe Big Star or R.E.M?

Oh, and that list wasn't compiled by one person...it was a joint effort(judging from the results, maybe too many joints...or not enough, depending on your perspective). You'll notice different people write the band capsules.

Which might explain how they attack the Black Keys for lacking "authenticity", then turn around and criticize Arcade Fire for "fetishizing authenticity". Say what? :huh:

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Surprised Best Coast and She & Him didn't make the list. Of course, Belle & Sebastian are the patron saints of hipster bands...or maybe Big Star or R.E.M?

I think any sort of hipster cred (if that's even an accurate description) that R.E.M. once had went out the window circa the worldwide success of "Losing My Religion", perhaps even earlier. I guess Big Star could be a considered a hipster band but it's more like they're just unknown except by a certain segment of the population, mainly music nerds. I'm not quite sure if those are the same as hipsters.

Living in a college town and being surrounded by two other ones, the hipster culture is alive and well here. I may not be able to offer up a good definition but I know 'em when I see 'em.

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20. The Black Keys

The guitar-and-drums "blues" punk combo thing wasn't very good even when The White Stripes did it. Still, that hasn't stopped legions of bearded, be-flanneled ersatz blues men from bringing great shame upon their ancestors. The Black Keys stand at the very vanguard of posh cracker blues rock, displaying a lack of authenticity that would make John Fogerty blush. Further, whereas Jack White can actually play, Black Keys guitarist Dan Auerbach is more concerned with beard grooming and disheveling his hair. -Nicholas Pell

He makes it sound like the White Stripes did the guitar drums combo thing first when Randy Holden was doing it in '69!


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So why didn't our beloved Titus Andronicus make the list? Or are they just shit?

Hip, shit...hard to tell the difference these days.

The problem is I'd say that the artier end of indie/alt rock considered to be "hipsters" became increasingly comericalised during the 00's

In the past it was a scene with more substance to it than the "hipster" name implied, I guess looking back I fell under it in the late 90's listening to Spacemen 3, Talk Talk, Mercury Rev, The Beta Band. Slint etc most of the time in my Uni years but I wouldnt know fashion sense if it ran me over in a traction engine.

These days it seems to live up to its name far more with the music that gets attension generally unambisius ripoffs of bands like Pavement(never thought they were that great personally but Pitchfork consider them gods) listened to by kids more interested in the attendant clothing than interesting music.

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