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Virginia Parker's First Ever Led Zeppelin Themed Painting


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It's amazing what can be done with that technique. I loved the sgraffito on buildings in Florence.

Yes, I seem to have a thing for black & white. I shoot black & white film still (infrared is my fave), plus I love the old films done in black & white, film noir especially. :^) I'll be exhibiting some of my prints here in town in November.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

It's looking really good. When I click on it to enlarge it and click again it gets even closer in. The 02 ticket does not look done yet. I see the Swan Song logo in the gold curtain. One of the books is labeled Jimmy Page. I can't read some of the other titles other than The Return of the King and the Zeppelin symbols. The picture of our fair maiden is obvious as well as the taro card depicting the knight. Love the tangerine and the reflection in the silver goblet.

Virginia, you have a real talent.

My grandmother was a talented artist. Did some great family portraits. I dabbled in drawing and painting through the years and never could harness the talent. I enjoy other artistic expressions much better.

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Thanks all. The photographs vary wildly in quality, but it gives you a fair idea of the progress. I do love the sword reflections.

I worked on the O2 ticket yesterday - the lettering - but wasn't satisfied and wiped it out with turp. I lettered 'Knight of Swords', added another layer to all the candles, did darks and lights for a small hermit graphic, and the last few details on the Lovers card.

Feathers need a significant amount work still, as does the map. There's a bit more to do on the drape, including my favorite part, a few strands of yellow thread, but that will be done at the very end.

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  • 4 months later...

Thank you all so much. Dan's description of the project so far is both thorough and flattering. It's only left for me to say what a pleasure it is to collaborate with him. It helps that we are both excited by textures and light and color. Also, he appreciates my strengths - attention to composition and meticulously rendered detail - and forgives my weaknesses - I am not fast and I suck at portraiture. As you all already know, he an intelligent and interesting guy. This pretty much makes him my ideal patron.

I've done very few commissions - only three or four in my career. To be sufficiently inspired to put in the long hours needed for the kind of painstaking work I do, it needs to have a combination of meaningful content and visual splendor. I'm happy to say I've been able to commit to this with my whole heart. The more I've worked on it, the more involved and engaged I've become.

Preparing for a November show means I'm working on other paintings too. I usually work on two or three paintings in rotation. That helps me keep my hands off them during the time required for the oils to dry.

I work in multiple strata; from the initial blocking in, to layers of subtle changes in tone and value, to precise detail, to the final effects created by glazing and scumbling. I'm going for a combination of luminosity and precision.

Yesterday my whole day was spent doing the edges of individual pages of a burning book and the partially visible text (Divina Commedia, Inferno) on a nearly finished painting, Fire.

Today I'll be placing the first layer of the sword on Dan's painting (working title The Song Remains The Same, hereafter referred to as TSRTS), and maybe starting on the candles. I'll post a photo at the end of the day


I have always wondered who you were and whatever became of you .Such a Pleasure to know that you are a talented and successful artist. Of course myself and everyone else remembers and fell in Love with you when you portrayed " The Fair Haired Maiden " in TSRTS .

May Lifes Fortunes Continue to Shine on YOU




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  • 1 month later...

This really is an amazing piece of art! Thank you for sharing the process, the finished product and, of course, yourself. :)


I am chagrined to realize that I didn't post a photo of the finished painting here.


A belated thank you to everyone for all the encouragement given me while the project was underway.

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Thank you all for your very kind comments. It was pleasure to research and put together this piece. It allowed me to revisit that period of my life and build something from it that ultimately is a sort of visual memoir.

All the little details really make it come alive. I love the bookends.

Keeping it or selling it? :^)

It was commissioned by Dan before I picked up the brush. There are multiple subtle references to him in the painting. It's like a bespoke suit - tailored to fit him and his interest in LZ.

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