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Maybe I've given supporters of capital punishment too much credit. I assumed that they had given their support of capital punishment some thought. They understood that putting an inmate to death is the ultimate exercise in government power and should not be done lightly. They recognized that capital punishment is a serious business that demands serious discussion; not tasteless jokes. Perhaps I was wrong. Perhaps most capital punishment supporters don't really give it much thought. How else to explain Killing Floor's attitude?

Killing Floor doesn't seem to grasp that George W. Bush's joke at Karla Fay Tucker's expense said more about him than it did about her. It said that here was a politician who was trivializing his role in Texas' criminal justice system. He wasn't treating it seriously. He didn't just demean Ms. Tucker; he also demeaned himself, his office and his state's criminal justice system. It's possible to support capital punishment, believe that Ms. Tucker deserved her death sentence and still think that Bush's joke was wildly inappropriate given the circumstances.

I am keeping up Disco, I just don't share your sensitivity for a woman who hacked two people to death and then bragged about it. If George Bush mocked this horror of a human being, I don't care. It sounds like a normal reaction any of us should have.

With Obama it's not a matter of him getting under my skin as much as him wanting to put his dirty hands inside my wallet. But it also doesn't help that he is the worst liar to be president in my lifetime.

Just a few of his lies:

closing GITMO is a priority

"You didn't build that"

decreasing the deficit by 4 trillion dollars

strongly in favor of traditional marriage (flipped on this only AFTER the 2nd election)

healthcare plan will not increase the deficit one dime

no earmarks in the stimulus package

"I will have the most transparent administration in history" (just look at this benghazi deal to see that isn't true)

The list could go on for days. But how ever long it is, it is still much longer than George Bush's list, which is pretty long too.

And how much more evidence to you need before you conclude that the Obama administration lied about Benghazi? Obama went before the United Nations and apologized for the youtube video that he claimed caused the attack in Lybia, even as there were dozens of emails within his administration discussing the involvement of the terrorists before he made that statement. Face it, he lied about it because he didn't want to lose one vote before the election.

Why do you defend that?

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Killing Floor doesn't seem to grasp that George W. Bush's joke at Karla Fay Tucker's expense said more about him than it did about her. It said that here was a politician who was trivializing his role in Texas' criminal justice system. He wasn't treating it seriously. He didn't just demean Ms. Tucker; he also demeaned himself, his office and his state's criminal justice system. It's possible to support capital punishment, believe that Ms. Tucker deserved her death sentence and still think that Bush's joke was wildly inappropriate given the circumstances.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but Bush didn't do that on TV or live where people saw it, correct?

It was related by Tucker Carlson from an interview he did with Bush.

My point being, no one other than Tucker Carlson witnessed Bush mocking her, so you are going by Carlson's description.

That being the case, there's no accounting for the objectivity in Carlson's relating of the incident.

Bush whips around and stares at me. "No, I didn't meet with any of them," he snaps, as though I've just asked the dumbest, most offensive question ever posed. "I didn't meet with Larry King either when he came down for it. I watched his interview with [Tucker], though. He asked her real difficult questions, like 'What would you say to Governor Bush?' "

"What was her answer?" I wonder.

"Please," Bush whimpers, his lips pursed in mock desperation, "don't kill me."

To me, that could just as easily be excessively descriptive prose for the purpose of an interesting article as opposed to meticulously accurate recollection.



I wasn't there to witness the comment or the tone.

Wildly inappropriate?


I'm not real concerned with a comment in possibly poor taste at the expense of an admitted mass-murderer.

Even I can find more to dislike about Bush than that.

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I'm coming to the conclusion that you and I live in alternative universes. My personal opinion is that while Obama is basically a decent man, very intelligent and a good public speaker he is not a particularly effective president. Failing to close Gitmo is a major fail. I think history will judge him harshly for it. However, my biggest problem with Obama is that he rolls over for the Republicans too readily. Why be conciliatory towards political opponents who are openly hostile to your agenda?

Every president we've had in my lifetime (I'm old enough to remember LBJ's presidency) wanted to put their hands inside our wallets. Even the ones who pledged to cut taxes. If they cut social services, then they increased military spending or something else. He's no worse than any other president we've had within the past 40 years in that respect..

As for lying, Obama is a rank amateur compared to every other president who has held the office since Jimmy Carter. Ronald Reagan lied through his teeth about U.S. support of the Contras in El Salvador. He lied when critics questioned his administration's support of Saddam Hussein in Iraq and Osama bin Laden's activities in Afghanistan. Bill Clinton initially lied about his affair with Monica Lewinsky while under oath. Personally, I thought that his affair was a private matter between he and Hillary but he did commit perjury. George W. Bush lied about weapons of mass destruction in order to drag the U.S. into an unnecessary war in Iraq. That was a huge lie with huge consequences for the country. Yet, he walked away from it. And you have the nerve to claim that Obama is the worse liar to be president? Give me a break!

As for Benghazi...the jury is still out as far as I'm concerned. I don't know that Obama and other officials deliberately lied or if they were merely mistaken about the who and why in the first few days after the attack. Frankly, you don't know either. You just want to believe they're lying because it confirms your opinion of Obama and his administration.

Killing Floor, on 13 May 2013 - 03:34, said:
...With Obama it's not a matter of him getting under my skin as much as him wanting to put his dirty hands inside my wallet. But it also doesn't help that he is the worst liar to be president in my lifetime...

Just a few of his lies:

closing GITMO is a priority
"You didn't build that"
decreasing the deficit by 4 trillion dollars
strongly in favor of traditional marriage (flipped on this only AFTER the 2nd election)
healthcare plan will not increase the deficit one dime
no earmarks in the stimulus package
"I will have the most transparent administration in history" (just look at this benghazi deal to see that isn't true)

The list could go on for days. But how ever long it is, it is still much longer than George Bush's list, which is pretty long too.

And how much more evidence to you need before you conclude that the Obama administration lied about Benghazi? Obama went before the United Nations and apologized for the youtube video that he claimed caused the attack in Lybia, even as there were dozens of emails within his administration discussing the involvement of the terrorists before he made that statement. Face it, he lied about it because he didn't want to lose one vote before the election.

Why do you defend that?

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...What I "grasp" is that Ms Tucker's victims "deserved" to not be hacked to death. What I further "grasp" is that Ms Tucker "deserved" what she got in return. Mr. Bush's personal feelings about the convicted killer Karla Fay Tucker did not have any bearing on how the requirement for justice under Texas law played out...

No need for him to joke about it then.

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