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My favorite photo that I ever took of Jimmy....


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My favorite photo that I ever took of Jimmy....

Jimmy Page at Ronnie Lane's party - La Mansion Hotel, Austin, Texas - after the gig on March 23, 1985 with The Firm....

It's the night we really got to talk for the first time and he was so complimentary of my photos that it made me red with humility.... It was the night he asked for my phone number and a friendship started from there.... The night this photo was taken, he sat down and really perused my photos both of the Dallas ARMS show, but also the photos I had taken onstage of him and The Firm in Houston two nights before on March 21, 1985... Jimmy was cool enough to set seats on the stage for Ronnie and us, and after the gig I thought it was important to let Ronnie and Jimmy have a dedicated discussion without interrupution, including from me...

You can imagine how hard it was to stifle myself from trying to talk to him after getting to enjoy Jimmy's return to the US in seats he provided us onstage... But I kept my mouth shut the entire night in Houston, and really didn't start talking to Jimmy at Ronnie's party until I got this "shout out" from the other side of the room......"Hey Mark - these are the best shots I've seen yet of the ARMS tour - can I get your phone number and address so I can get some copies for my archive? And I'm thinking, did Jimmy Page just compliment me and ask for my phone number?!?!? And sure enough, the phone rang a few weeks later with, "Hello Mark, It's Jimmy....!"

Needless to say, I didn't ask "Jimmy Who?"

So you can imagine, when he and Jimena asked me and my wife to go to the O2 with his family, well it just made for a point of intense reflection in the entire journey I've had with him, including the 20 Page Plant shows I got to see in 1995 and 1998, starting with this photo... The guy has just been incredible to me and my family for THREE decades now, and I can assure you he has been NO "Led Wallet" in my experience... I have to fight him "tool and nail" to pick up a check for dinner....

When I showed him this photo years later, he looked at it and said, "Wow Mark, not very many people have caught me that, uh....."relaxed"....in a photo...."

Thanks for many years of good times, Mr. James Patrick Page.....!

Photo: Mark Bowman Images


The Firm - Austin, Texas March, 23, 1985 Photo: Mark Bowman Images


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Tonight is the 28th anniversary of this evening..... What a memorable night!


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Tonight is the 28th anniversary of this evening..... What a memorable night!


.....Jimmy said in Esquire Magazine, that he believes in destiny, for "They" all had to be together, they didn't have to...talented as LZ were...likewise, thank you for sharing this treasured moment with the fans...it was meant to be, best to you...

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Is Jimmy as beautiful in person as he is in his photographs?


....yes, he is, at least two exceptional women, Actress Patty D'Arbanville, and Journalist Lisa Robinson both had pleasure to attend his company...according to Patty, (I read a book probably written by Ms. Pamela), when she attended a gathering of many rock stars in the hey days, Jimmy was present, and that she did not say anything to him, she thought, he probably thought of this as not considerate, but he was so beautifull, she did not know what to say to him...

...and according to Lisa Robinson, in Vanity Fair article she written..."Jimmy was so beautiful, pictures do not do justice to him..."

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  • 1 year later...

30 YEARS GONE, tonight......!

Forever emblazoned into my memory banks - one of the most memorable nights of my life....

Lifelong friendships (in plural) were formed that night.....!


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