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Sqeaky Fromme, the Manson group and Jimmy Page


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Ok, here is another topic awaiting insight. Was Sqeaky Fromme on another Manson mission to knock off Jimmy Page (as they had done to Sharon Tate in 1969) or was she acting on her own will or desire? Surely this near miss incident must have been a shock to Grant and the rest of the Zep crew. By the way, I should make known that this bit of history was before my time, so I may not have a complete view of what the scene was like at that time.

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She was brushed off by Led Zeppelin's publicist, Danny Goldberg. I don't recall if he specifically mentions that encounter in his book, Bumping Into Geniuses, but it's alluded to in Stephen Davis' book The Hammer of the Gods...something to the effect of the next time Goldberg saw her she was on tv after having attempted to assassinate President Ford.


Forum commentary on her release from prison here:


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Not much insight left to glean from this. She was a nutjob, plain and simple. Manson had long been locked away and allowed no contact with his followers. Squeaky was a fruitcake adrift...admittedly a dangerous fruitcake, so Danny Sugarman was wise to brush her off. But her actions and intentions were her own kooky schemes and not ordered by Charlie by that point.

I'll tell you one thing, though, Ktn, growing up in those times with the SLA and Patty Hearst, the Weathermen and Black Panthers, the whole Manson thing, the '72 Munich Olympic slaughter, Jim Jones and the Guyana tragedy, Squeaky Fromme and Sara Moore both trying to off President Ford, the RAF in Germany, Kent State in '70, and too much more to list, it certainly seemed at times that the world was spinning off its axis.

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Not much insight left to glean from this. She was a nutjob, plain and simple. Manson had long been locked away and allowed no contact with his followers. Squeaky was a fruitcake adrift...admittedly a dangerous fruitcake, so Danny Sugarman was wise to brush her off. But her actions and intentions were her own kooky schemes and not ordered by Charlie by that point.

I'll tell you one thing, though, Ktn, growing up in those times with the SLA and Patty Hearst, the Weathermen and Black Panthers, the whole Manson thing, the '72 Munich Olympic slaughter, Jim Jones and the Guyana tragedy, Squeaky Fromme and Sara Moore both trying to off President Ford, the RAF in Germany, Kent State in '70, and too much more to list, it certainly seemed at times that the world was spinning off its axis.

This will be my only comment in this discussion to avoid an argument: You can't lump all those groups and individuals together. The Manson family and Jim Jones' cults were led by wackos mostly interested in their own grandiosity and aggression. Their followers had no agendas other than murder and sex in the case of the Manson clan and separation from society in the case of the Jones cult. The Black Panthers, the Weathermen and the PLO had specific political goals such as ending racism, ending the Vietnam War, and ending the Israeli occupation, respectively.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I wonder what Jimmy may have done for the 19 year old woman and the Pontiac Man who were cut while trying to stop the attacker. I hope he at least met with them. Also, I am convinced that "Pontiac Man" is a down on his luck superhero from Detroit.

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