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Yes I attended both and like you those were the only occasions I saw them. In my view it is imposssible to compare. Both are landmark moments for me personally.

If I could only have choosen one?

It would have to be Knebworth as that was the original band.

I am just very grateful I was there on both occasions.

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I was not at either, and have only the good fortune of watching the recordings. The first instinct is to say Knebworth, because with all due respect to Jason, who was great at O2, he wasn't John Bonham. That being said, I think the O2 solved something that became progressively more of a problem from 1973 to '75 to '77 to '79, and to '80, and that was they were very inconsistent live during that entire era. Robert's voice routinely cracked in almost every show (including Knebworth); at theO2, he seemed much more aware of what he could and couldn't do as a vocalist and the set improved as a result. And Jimmy, although not as technically adept at 63 as he was at 35 (who is), was much sharper and crisp in many regards, and I think we all know now why that was the case. JPJ was rock-solid in both shows, but it was almost as if he even got better on both bass and keyboard as he was so tight across all of the O2 set. Two other variables that helped the O2 show, at least those of us like me who only know it from the recordings. One, the technology of audio recording and the equipment itself (JPJ's keyboard setup) were notably better due to natural advancements in technologies, and thus the mix and released version is on a different level from Knebworth. Secondly, and this is only a personal opinion, I think the overall performance was helped by a more concise version of the extended songs (Dazed and Confused, No Quarter, Stairway). Those songs, particularly the first two, while great platforms for improvisation and expanded musical experimentation, I think played well to a wider audience in their shorter and closer to the "original" format.

At the end, all a matter of preference I suppose, but with just the exception of missing Bonzo, which is massive, I tend to prefer the O2 performance otherwise.

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