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Charlie Watts


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Charlie (is My darling) Watts is probably the Most Underrated drummer of all-time. I think He ranks amongst John Paul Jones as a Great Musicians who somehow seems to be missed or misunderstood for all the talent that They provided. I will concede that Jonesy is the Better Musician because JPJ was a multi-instrumentalist and Charlie was just a Great and Talented drummer and percussionist.

Thank You Charlie for all the Talent and everything that you gave US fans for over 50 years.

One good example:

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Charlie (is My darling) Watts is probably the Most Underrated drummer of all-time. I think He ranks amongst John Paul Jones as a Great Musicians who somehow seems to be missed or misunderstood for all the talent that They provided. I will concede that Jonesy is the Better Musician because JPJ was a multi-instrumentalist and Charlie was just a Great and Talented drummer and percussionist.

Mitch Mitchell, Carl Palmer, and Ian Paice are underrated! Many of the songs the Stones did, Watts played them very similar - 3 strikes on the hi hat, one beat on the snare... To compare Watts to JPJ is a joke. Watts is solid for what the Stones did, nothing more.

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He showed what he's capable of in Paint In Black, one of my favorite Rolling Stones songs. Brian Jones came up with the distinctive sitar rift. Mick Jagger wrote the poignant lyrics. Charlie Watt's march-like drum beat gave the song its sense of urgency. This is more obvious near the song's end after Jagger has finished the lyrics and the band is humming the trademark riff.

Edited by Disco Duck
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Not only is Charlie Watts a great drummer with the Stones, but I had the pleasure and privilege of seeing him in a jazz setting when he played a Charlie Parker tribute concert, "Ode to a High Flying Bird" in 1992. Too many people seem to get hung up on drum solos when evaluating drummers, but I always admired Charlie Watts' restraint and lack of gratuitous flash. He always played what suited the song...nothing more, nothing less. Always just right.

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