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Possible New Material


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i was wondering how people felt about the prospect of new stuff. I'm actually on the fence about it. Sure, it would be cool, as both Plant and Jones(especially) seem to have a lot offer on a creative level, as both have proved with their last two cd's, that theres a lot left in the tank.

Page, on the other hand is the wildcard in this particular situation. Now, dont get me wrong, i love his playing to death, his studio technique is amazing, his playing at O2 was better than expected, but, he has not been consistant in a studio situation since, dare i say, the Coverdale/Page album. Granted his output since ITTOD has been limited, but the things that have come out have been less than stellar, and that pains me to say that, as Jimmy Page is the reason i picked up a guitar over 20 years ago. I also remember the HUGE buzz in 1985 right before the first Firm album came out, and, the buzz in 88 for Outrider...etc...

And that leads me up to the question, what would be more tarnishing to the Led Zeppelin mystique...A tour trotting out the old warhorses, or new material that would be put under such intense scrutiny from fans and critics alike, or neither or...both?

What do you think?

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