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Need a little help here


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Ok, some of you might be able to help me, others may not, but I just need a bit of help.

My dog, Daisy, she's a beautiful dog. We've had her since 2000. She was a stray and we got her from the pound and she's just so damned beautiful. Let's zoom ahead to 2007, she's about 7 and a half years old. She occasionally peed in the house, but not often. But since Febrarury, she's basically peed in the house almost everyday.

See, we lost our miniature schnauzer Jimmy in Febraury and my mother thinks that the reason why Daisy pees everywhere is because of that. A psychological problem. I say it's a weak bladder. I mean, there's times when she's outside for 4 hours, and then we let her inside, what does she do? Take a piss in the living room.

She was put outside last night before I had her with me for the night and she pissed twice.... :angry:

Now, I've studied (somewhat) her patterns and I've noticed that she pees in certain areas, and nowhere else. I put towels around those areas for easy clean up. But I'm not doing it forever.

Well...anybody have an idea?

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Two things here:

She may of been frightened by something,


she may have an infection, don t shout at her take her to the Vets to see if he or she will check for infection or another possible cause, do let us all know how she doing.

Edited by Georgia
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She may of been frightened by something,

Well, during summer (around June and August) she gets real scared for one reason: the sound of fireworks. That prevents her from going out at times, sometimes we have to drag her to the door. But there's nothing outside this time of year to scare her....

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My guess is urinary tract infection... that's the only times either of my dogs pees in the house. Please at least get her checked out for that, ASAP. They can be extremely painful and cause serious problems if left untreated. A good antibiotic should clear it up for her, though my little dog had to be on a special diet for 6 weeks with the infection she had last year.

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My guess is urinary tract infection... that's the only times either of my dogs pees in the house. Please at least get her checked out for that, ASAP. They can be extremely painful and cause serious problems if left untreated. A good antibiotic should clear it up for her, though my little dog had to be on a special diet for 6 weeks with the infection she had last year.

I think it's that. But the only way to tell, is to make (and by that, I mean FORCE) my parents to have her taken to the vet.

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Well, IMO, it's irresponsible that they haven't done so already. I'm not trying to start anything here, I'm just saying. That makes me really sad for your dog. So what if there IS something wrong with her? Then they might end up losing the dog. Guess you just have to know where your priorities are.

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You shouldn't have to force your parents to take the dog to the vet. They should want to because they love the dog and want to keep her well. Would you force your parents to take YOU to the doctor if something was wrong? Probably not. If you think the dog needs to see a doctor, you go. Better to be safe than sorry.

Edited by Electrophile
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Well, IMO, it's irresponsible that they haven't done so already. I'm not trying to start anything here, I'm just saying. That makes me really sad for your dog. So what if there IS something wrong with her? Then they might end up losing the dog. Guess you just have to know where your priorities are.

Yeah, I know, but it's money that's involved. We love her, but for some reason 30 bucks is too much to ask for.

You shouldn't have to force your parents to take the dog to the vet. They should want to because they love the dog and want to keep her well. Would you force your parents to take YOU to the doctor if something was wrong? Probably not. If you think the dog needs to see a doctor, you go. Better to be safe than sorry.

I've been trying to for months, but since I don't have medical insurance, I'm pretty much screwed if something happens to me. But I have to force my folks, because they are thick headed.

Night peeps, I'm tired. I'll see your other responses in the morning.

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Agreeing with everyone else on taking the dog to the vet if you can.

Also, since she's peeing in the same areas, are you cleaning it up, & making it so she can't really tell it's where she went? She'll keep going back to the same area if she knows she marked it. Try getting some pet stain remover at the market, or febreeze, something like that.

Hope she's ok. :)

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I'm with Electrophile on this. If the cost of her care is too much, then let someone else have her who is going to take good care of her. She deserves at LEAST that.

My mom's a Humane Society volunteer, and it kills me when she tells about how 6 month old puppies come in as owner-surrenders, because "they can't afford their care" anymore, and the dog is perfectly healthy.

That is something that you just have to take into account when you adopt a pet. It costs money to take care of them, and $30 for a vet visit is hardly justification that "we don't have enough money."

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