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Soundboards - When will you be satisfied?


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Took some time to compare Montreal to 2/7 and yeah it's absolutely a better showing both from Page and Plant. So yeah, as far this show not being overall noteworthy in terms of it not being a top 5 or even top 10 show I agree. Still, I think it's easily a top 10 show for Page in 75. Just my opinion. And that No Quarter is something else. I'd still love to hear a soundboard from this night to see if it would sound better or worse to my ears. 

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On 10/14/2021 at 4:58 PM, JohnOsbourne said:

Fully agree about Bradford and esp. Baltimore.  But no way about Artie and the boys, those guys are great!  (2-7-75 is not particularly noteworthy IMO, nowhere near as good as Montreal or Philly or the Long Island shows.)

On a slightly lighter note, I'm listening to 2/7 NQ right now (yet again lol) while messing around the house, and one of my fav parts of this version is when Artie says "special effects, man" at the beginning of the JPJ solo 😂😂. Gets me every time. #notnoteworthy

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1 hour ago, 1975NQ said:

On a slightly lighter note, I'm listening to 2/7 NQ right now (yet again lol) while messing around the house, and one of my fav parts of this version is when Artie says "special effects, man" at the beginning of the JPJ solo 😂😂. Gets me every time. #notnoteworthy

Yeah, they're definitely amusing.  I think at one of the Long Island shows he says "forget the soda, man, light up the J."  The tapers at the Montreal show are hilarious as well.

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Someone on YouTube pointed out this gem from the 2/7 show, talking about Plant:

Artie - "Can't wait till he hits the high notes, see if he could do it"

Buddy - "Whole lotta love ?"

Artie - "Anywhere, man."


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  • 3 weeks later...

Another show I'd like to add to the soundboard wishlist is 3/10/75, first night in San Diego. This is not well-recorded but still listenable for us fans with bootleg ears. Robert is sounding really, really good for much of the night and Jimmy is fired up. I have a feeling a soundboard or better-sounding audience might reveal this to be a hidden classic (2/4/75 Nassau as well maybe although I'm sure Robert will be croaky for opening numbers).

If I could only have only 3 new soundboards released from now til forever (forcing myself to choose wisely), it would have to be shows I know are amazing but not well-recorded.

So, for me that would narrow it down to Belfast 71, Manchester 71, and LA Forum 6/3/73. That leaves out a bunch of amazing, classic shows but those are the 3 I would want if it had to be ONLY 3. 

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 11/9/2021 at 1:16 PM, 1975NQ said:

Another show I'd like to add to the soundboard wishlist is 3/10/75, first night in San Diego. This is not well-recorded but still listenable for us fans with bootleg ears. Robert is sounding really, really good for much of the night and Jimmy is fired up. I have a feeling a soundboard or better-sounding audience might reveal this to be a hidden classic (2/4/75 Nassau as well maybe although I'm sure Robert will be croaky for opening numbers).

If I could only have only 3 new soundboards released from now til forever (forcing myself to choose wisely), it would have to be shows I know are amazing but not well-recorded.

So, for me that would narrow it down to Belfast 71, Manchester 71, and LA Forum 6/3/73. That leaves out a bunch of amazing, classic shows but those are the 3 I would want if it had to be ONLY 3. 

I have been gushing on this show for a while now. Jimmy is playing at 73' level and doing some very interesting stuff throughout the show. OTHAFA, IMTOD, TSRTS, Kashmir, NQ, & Dazed are off the hook and some of the best of the tour IMO. Plus Plant is really sounding strong.

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Yes! It can be so tricky to judge when boots have crap quality because I have a tendency to err on the side of thinking it sounds better. My imagination "fills in the blanks" with the weak sound fidelity, and then sometimes a better quality recording comes out - or more likely gets remastered - and the spell is broken. A good example of this is the 10/2/72 show which I loved as a kid in high school, then heard a much better sound quality recording of it this year that changed that opinion. Also, my headphones are good but not super expensive "best of the best" good so that makes a difference too I'm sure.

Totally agree about Page and Plant at that show. Plant does sound off here and there, but when he's on .. wow, he sounds killer.


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12 minutes ago, JohnOsbourne said:

I like the 3-10-75 show a lot, but I'm concerned the soundboard will reveal flaws, like Landover.  Hopefully not.

That's my concern as well. They had that nice long break after 3-5-75 Dallas show ... that's what gives me hope it could be great, specifically with Robert's voice. I hope one day we get to find out.

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Soundboards for me are a mixed bag. On one hand, I enjoy hearing the songs without the issues that can sometimes plague audience recordings, but on the other hand, they can sometimes be too sterile. I like knowing it's from a live concert because I enjoy hearing the audience cheer, sometimes sing along, clap their hands, all of that. It can make me feel like I'm there, with everyone else. 

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22 hours ago, BobDobbs said:

I have been gushing on this show for a while now. Jimmy is playing at 73' level and doing some very interesting stuff throughout the show. OTHAFA, IMTOD, TSRTS, Kashmir, NQ, & Dazed are off the hook and some of the best of the tour IMO. Plus Plant is really sounding strong.

Just gave this bad boy another listen today and have to agree with that - top tier versions of those songs. Instrumentally, they are FIRED UP here. That OTH solo is killer, and SRTS ... Jesus lol. Robert really doesn't sound good to my ears until halfway through Kashmir, but then he sounds mostly great (but still with squeaks, crackles and pops throughout the night so maybe I should say "for 75" lol). No Quarter is one of my fav versions ever. I also love Jimmy's solo on STH. It wanders a bit, but the vibe of the song is sounding right, if that makes any sense at all. Robert sounds perfect for most of the song and of course atrocious on the outro haha. And wooooweeee are they fired up on WLL!! Robert sounds fantastic on the Crunge. So - my revised assessment is a hot night for the band, def one of the best of the tour, with Robert sounding very uneven as per usual in 75. 

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3 hours ago, 1975NQ said:

Just gave this bad boy another listen today and have to agree with that - top tier versions of those songs. Instrumentally, they are FIRED UP here. That OTH solo is killer, and SRTS ... Jesus lol. Robert really doesn't sound good to my ears until halfway through Kashmir, but then he sounds mostly great (but still with squeaks, crackles and pops throughout the night so maybe I should say "for 75" lol). No Quarter is one of my fav versions ever. I also love Jimmy's solo on STH. It wanders a bit, but the vibe of the song is sounding right, if that makes any sense at all. Robert sounds perfect for most of the song and of course atrocious on the outro haha. And wooooweeee are they fired up on WLL!! Robert sounds fantastic on the Crunge. So - my revised assessment is a hot night for the band, def one of the best of the tour, with Robert sounding very uneven as per usual in 75. 

Jimmy is doing all sorts of weird, wonderful stuff through the show I never heard him do before. One thing was on STH, right after the solo when the final section kicks in for Robert's vocals, this whole sequence is pretty much Jimmy jamming out strummed chords in all other version but this time he does a strange arpeggio progression across several chords which sounds very interesting.

Yeah, I should have said Robert was strong for 75' and you were pretty spot on regarding Robert's voice warming up. He is still better than most night in 75' early on but he still cracks a bit up until Kashmir and then he is fine.

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10 minutes ago, BobDobbs said:

Jimmy is doing all sorts of weird, wonderful stuff through the show I never heard him do before. One thing was on STH, right after the solo when the final section kicks in for Robert's vocals, this whole sequence is pretty much Jimmy jamming out strummed chords in all other version but this time he does a strange arpeggio progression across several chords which sounds very interesting.

Yeah, I should have said Robert was strong for 75' and you were pretty spot on regarding Robert's voice warming up. He is still better than most night in 75' early on but he still cracks a bit up until Kashmir and then he is fine.

I need a better sound system  😂 Had to go back and re-listen to that STH ending. I can hear it now but had to strain to hear Jimmy over Bonzo and Jonesy for this particular recording. Pretty cool! It's funny how the brain works. I remember Plant sounding better on this one, went and re-listened to it tonight with fresh ears, and got a different listening experience. I think it's because most of the other times I've listened on this show it was with my iphone headphones while on the treadmill haha. It also sounds like Page is extending things a bit at the end of Sick Again, right?

I wanted to do a comparison to this show with another hot one from 75 while it was fresh in my memory - so I've been listening to Philly 75 while working and watching the Cowboys-Saints game with sound off (watched Taysom Hill #7 throw a great one to ... Trevon Diggs #7 ... whoops!). I forgot how good Plant sounds for much of this show! And the sound quality is much better than San Diego's which helps a lot.

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