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What Do You think they would have sounded like in the 80's?

The Bomber

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This always makes me physically ache,what would it be like?How would they sound?

IMHO They would have become heavier,funkier and rawer,they would be a sheer rush of super heavy blues rock,chunkier chords,heavier riffs,more detuned guitar parts,more jams,longer jams,shrieking to growling vocals,even louder drums,darker,funkier basslines,less solos,less studio overdubs,more stripped down raw power,stuff like When The Levee Breaks,but EVEN heavier!

I have made it my musical ambition to create such a band that would have been like my fantasy 80's Zeppelin,it's not going well though,i know a spectacular pianist (I believe keyboards would have featured prominently in 80's Zep in the style of Trampled Underfoot) but she's classical,she also does saxophone,i know a violinist,a bassist,no vocalists good enough and no drummers half good enough.I also know several immature or arrogant guitar players not suited to it and suck who i am far better than.

The fact that i know no drummers (Or no ones that i would give the title of musician to) is particularly distressing as Bonzo would have been almost the centre of new Zep and thats why his death meant that they couldn't go on musically even if they wanted to.

When I say i know no vocalists good i mean i have no vocalists with anywhere near the required vocal capacity,most of them are female which would not do as they would have to be very deep voice so i'll have to do it because i've had an almost comically deep voice since i was 12.

I know one very good bassist and myself on guitar and we can switch vocals around as he has a very good voice,now i have to recruit him.

What do you think?

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Jimmy stated in interviews that he and Bonzo had talked about making a hard driving rock record just before Bonzo's death, he wasn't pleased with ITTOD. I think the rearrangement of Whole Lotta Love at Knebworth was indicative of where they might've headed - tight, chunky chords, and raw. Wearing And Tearing is also another indicator of where they were heading.

Edited by Mattmc1973
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This always makes me physically ache,what would it be like?How would they sound?

IMHO They would have become heavier,funkier and rawer,they would be a sheer rush of super heavy blues rock,chunkier chords,heavier riffs,more detuned guitar parts,more jams,longer jams,shrieking to growling vocals,even louder drums,darker,funkier basslines,less solos,less studio overdubs,more stripped down raw power,stuff like When The Levee Breaks,but EVEN heavier!

I have made it my musical ambition to create such a band that would have been like my fantasy 80's Zeppelin,it's not going well though,i know a spectacular pianist (I believe keyboards would have featured prominently in 80's Zep in the style of Trampled Underfoot) but she's classical,she also does saxophone,i know a violinist,a bassist,no vocalists good enough and no drummers half good enough.I also know several immature or arrogant guitar players not suited to it and suck who i am far better than.

The fact that i know no drummers (Or no ones that i would give the title of musician to) is particularly distressing as Bonzo would have been almost the centre of new Zep and thats why his death meant that they couldn't go on musically even if they wanted to.

When I say i know no vocalists good i mean i have no vocalists with anywhere near the required vocal capacity,most of them are female which would not do as they would have to be very deep voice so i'll have to do it because i've had an almost comically deep voice since i was 12.

I know one very good bassist and myself on guitar and we can switch vocals around as he has a very good voice,now i have to recruit him.

What do you think?

Wow, this is a totally fascinating question. I had never even considered it! I agree that the keyboards might have been more prominent, and it's interesting to consider the drums, as there seemed to be so many electronically enhanced or synthesized drums in those days. Bonzo wouldn't have needed any of that, and it makes you wonder, doesn't it? It makes you wonder if him being around would have made everybody else strive to be better. No one really did it for me that much after him.

It also makes me wonder how different things might have been in rock, in general, if they'd been around. For Pete's sake, they might have even saved us from hair metal! Don't kill me, please, but I could NOT STAND that stuff. I laughed at what you said about the guitarists you know, those guys are always gonna be around, aren't they. You can't get away from them! My kid knows one who shows up to rehearsals and doesn't even play! It's like he's wearing it for an accessory. As for female vocalists, I have to partially disagree. It's the high stuff that's hard! I can't even sing some of that stuff!

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Oops, I sent my post before I was done. Anyway, Bomber, good luck on your quest!

I will not rest until i have completed my quest,this would have been incredible,i have been experimenting with detuning and slide guitar and am creating a mass blues/hard rock opera.There are a few epics i'm writing at the moment,extended introspective solos,arpeggios,fills,melodic passages etc... But the blues and Hard Rock are the main focus,i'm writing my rock opera which is a melodramatic autobiography about a kid called Johnny.It starts off with baby Johnny and goes to his depression before his teens (Which is played out in the best song i've ever written,"The River",about my grandma and granddad,the former died in a car crash on mothers day while the latter had a prolonged death after a long battle against prostate cancer) teenage years were he meets his girlfriend,etc... with songs to match,then he becomes disillusioned,runs away with his girlfriend,becomes a revolutionary and a left-wing teenage politician.At an anti-government rally he gets attacked by the police and sent to jail,he breaks out and becomes a rock star.He gets corrupted on Sex Drugs & Rock And Roll and has a fall from grace when he becomes a born again fundamentalist sub-Christian cult member after being brainwashed by a monk into thinking that he's evil,the cult makes him swear that if he commits one more sin he goes to hell forever.His friends are alienated by the new Johnny and try to tempt him,they succeed and he ditches the cult,but the cult was actually run by Satan who comes and takes him to hell for eternal torture.It climaxes in a guitar battle against Satan which he wins,he comes back and marries his girlfriend and continues to Rock.

What d'ya think? (I realize Zep wouldn't do a concept album,but they might have in the 80's,just might have)

Also i HATE hair metal!Bonzo would have saved us from processed drums,JPJ would have saved us from synth-pop.They might have been better than they were in the 70's!Just a thought...

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This always makes me physically ache,what would it be like?How would they sound?

IMHO They would have become heavier,funkier and rawer,they would be a sheer rush of super heavy blues rock,chunkier chords,heavier riffs,more detuned guitar parts,more jams,longer jams,shrieking to growling vocals,even louder drums,darker,funkier basslines,less solos,less studio overdubs,more stripped down raw power,stuff like When The Levee Breaks,but EVEN heavier!

I have made it my musical ambition to create such a band that would have been like my fantasy 80's Zeppelin,it's not going well though,i know a spectacular pianist (I believe keyboards would have featured prominently in 80's Zep in the style of Trampled Underfoot) but she's classical,she also does saxophone,i know a violinist,a bassist,no vocalists good enough and no drummers half good enough.I also know several immature or arrogant guitar players not suited to it and suck who i am far better than.

The fact that i know no drummers (Or no ones that i would give the title of musician to) is particularly distressing as Bonzo would have been almost the centre of new Zep and thats why his death meant that they couldn't go on musically even if they wanted to.

When I say i know no vocalists good i mean i have no vocalists with anywhere near the required vocal capacity,most of them are female which would not do as they would have to be very deep voice so i'll have to do it because i've had an almost comically deep voice since i was 12.

I know one very good bassist and myself on guitar and we can switch vocals around as he has a very good voice,now i have to recruit him.

What do you think?

I hated the 80's era in the US. Disco crap. Their photo shoot for their last concert showed them wearing the 80's fastion. Not seeing Jimmy in costume was hard to take for me because he has so much sex appeal. The music, no way would they change, why, because they know what we want and like. 02 was a testoment to that. Love you Jimmy!

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I hated the 80's era in the US. Disco crap. Their photo shoot for their last concert showed them wearing the 80's fastion. Not seeing Jimmy in costume was hard to take for me because he has so much sex appeal. The music, no way would they change, why, because they know what we want and like. 02 was a testoment to that. Love you Jimmy!

I thought they looked cute in those duds on their last tour. :P

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I will not rest until i have completed my quest,this would have been incredible,i have been experimenting with detuning and slide guitar and am creating a mass blues/hard rock opera.There are a few epics i'm writing at the moment,extended introspective solos,arpeggios,fills,melodic passages etc... But the blues and Hard Rock are the main focus,i'm writing my rock opera which is a melodramatic autobiography about a kid called Johnny.It starts off with baby Johnny and goes to his depression before his teens (Which is played out in the best song i've ever written,"The River",about my grandma and granddad,the former died in a car crash on mothers day while the latter had a prolonged death after a long battle against prostate cancer) teenage years were he meets his girlfriend,etc... with songs to match,then he becomes disillusioned,runs away with his girlfriend,becomes a revolutionary and a left-wing teenage politician.At an anti-government rally he gets attacked by the police and sent to jail,he breaks out and becomes a rock star.He gets corrupted on Sex Drugs & Rock And Roll and has a fall from grace when he becomes a born again fundamentalist sub-Christian cult member after being brainwashed by a monk into thinking that he's evil,the cult makes him swear that if he commits one more sin he goes to hell forever.His friends are alienated by the new Johnny and try to tempt him,they succeed and he ditches the cult,but the cult was actually run by Satan who comes and takes him to hell for eternal torture.It climaxes in a guitar battle against Satan which he wins,he comes back and marries his girlfriend and continues to Rock.

What d'ya think? (I realize Zep wouldn't do a concept album,but they might have in the 80's,just might have)

Also i HATE hair metal!Bonzo would have saved us from processed drums,JPJ would have saved us from synth-pop.They might have been better than they were in the 70's!Just a thought...

Guitar battle against Satan?! :P:P:P

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And yes,us guitarists are egotistical asses to the point of meglomania :lol: The only way to appease us is to offer us musicians of the same caliber,if it's any more we get stuck up and if it's any less we get impatient and move on,Robert Plant stopped this from happening to Jimmy,but singers are worse,it takes lesser musicians to appease them because they want to stand out,Jimmy diffused this ticking time bomb by letting Robert write the lyrics.Drummers are too idiotic to know what's going on around them (Bonzo & Son,Keith Moon and maybe Ginger Baker are the exceptions that prove the rule) Bassists are the guitarists mentally handicapped cousins,if a bassist is to intelligent for bass they either write all the songs like Steve Harris or play a wealth of other instruments like JPJ to satisfy their intellectual needs,fortunately most bassist are smart,and the good ones make the bass sound really cool,it's just weird they think that you can actually hear them after us egotistical guitarists have sabotaged their amps! :lol:

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I felt like a little bit of surrealism. :P :P :P

Thanks. :beer:

You know that saying, "Don't go there." ...? Well, I tend to go there, so I can't help but wonder- if they had remained a band, would we still love them as much? I mean, how the hell do we really know what they'd be doing, anyway? Sure is fun to consider, though.

Being a teenager in the 80's, I was listening to Zeppelin while that awful bubble gum metal was on the radio and mtv. It was like, "How did we go from that (Zeppelin)....to THIS?" I did like Van Halen, Rush, AC/DC, REM, and Prince, though.

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You know that saying, "Don't go there." ...? Well, I tend to go there, so I can't help but wonder- if they had remained a band, would we still love them as much? I mean, how the hell do we really know what they'd be doing, anyway? Sure is fun to consider, though.

Being a teenager in the 80's, I was listening to Zeppelin while that awful bubble gum metal was on the radio and mtv. It was like, "How did we go from that (Zeppelin)....to THIS?" I did like Van Halen, Rush, AC/DC, REM, and Prince, though.

Don't go there.This used to be a happy thread,and you went there,well i suppose i'll address this one simply,"Yes,run along now,little child,and trust the government!"

Realistically if they weaned themselves off drugs then yes,the drug corruption would be dealt with somewhere along the line,i imagine they would keep it moderated enough to maintain amazing performance level,they did what you predict on ITTOD and i really like that album,but it was their worst (Apart from Coda,which i also,LOVE,but that doesn't count since it was done in '82) In the very worst case scenario they would have released Coda while they still existed.

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Don't go there.This used to be a happy thread,and you went there,well i suppose i'll address this one simply,"Yes,run along now,little child,and trust the government!"

Realistically if they weaned themselves off drugs then yes,the drug corruption would be dealt with somewhere along the line,i imagine they would keep it moderated enough to maintain amazing performance level,they did what you predict on ITTOD and i really like that album,but it was their worst (Apart from Coda,which i also,LOVE,but that doesn't count since it was done in '82) In the very worst case scenario they would have released Coda while they still existed.

But without going there, here is smaller! Wait, I just hurt my brain. Still, I think your idea is cool B)

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But without going there, here is smaller! Wait, I just hurt my brain. Still, I think your idea is cool B)

B) Thanks!Anyone here play?I'm an ok pianist who knows just enough to write songs and a passable (If egotistical,like all guitarists) Guitarist,i'd liken myself to Jimmy Page after suffering mental trauma and brain damage,same style,just vastly (VASTLY) diluted from Jimmy's greatness.

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B) Thanks!Anyone here play?I'm an ok pianist who knows just enough to write songs and a passable (If egotistical,like all guitarists) Guitarist,i'd liken myself to Jimmy Page after suffering mental trauma and brain damage


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That's based on old folk tales i heard of fiddle contests against the devil,i changed to guitar because guitar is waaaay more badass then fiddle. :D

"The Devil Went Down to Georgia," by the Charlie Daniels band. Hey, what about that Tenacious D video, with Dave Grohl as the devil?

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"The Devil Went Down to Georgia," by the Charlie Daniels band. Hey, what about that Tenacious D video, with Dave Grohl as the devil?

I actually plan to put a cover of Devil Went Down To Georgia on it!But with the word "fiddle"changed to "guitar" and the musical instrument changed "fiddle" changed to "guitar",and the musician "Charlie Daniels" changed to "Satan",oh wait,yeah i forgot abpout the whole Charlie Daniels is Satan thing.

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"The Devil Went Down to Georgia," by the Charlie Daniels band. Hey, what about that Tenacious D video, with Dave Grohl as the devil?

I actually plan to put a cover of Devil Went Down To Georgia on it!But with the word "fiddle"changed to "guitar" and the musical instrument changed "fiddle" changed to "guitar",and the musician "Charlie Daniels" changed to "Satan",oh wait,yeah i forgot about the whole Charlie Daniels is Satan thing.

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I will not rest until i have completed my quest,this would have been incredible,i have been experimenting with detuning and slide guitar and am creating a mass blues/hard rock opera.There are a few epics i'm writing at the moment,extended introspective solos,arpeggios,fills,melodic passages etc... But the blues and Hard Rock are the main focus,i'm writing my rock opera which is a melodramatic autobiography about a kid called Johnny.It starts off with baby Johnny and goes to his depression before his teens (Which is played out in the best song i've ever written,"The River",about my grandma and granddad,the former died in a car crash on mothers day while the latter had a prolonged death after a long battle against prostate cancer) teenage years were he meets his girlfriend,etc... with songs to match,then he becomes disillusioned,runs away with his girlfriend,becomes a revolutionary and a left-wing teenage politician.At an anti-government rally he gets attacked by the police and sent to jail,he breaks out and becomes a rock star.He gets corrupted on Sex Drugs & Rock And Roll and has a fall from grace when he becomes a born again fundamentalist sub-Christian cult member after being brainwashed by a monk into thinking that he's evil,the cult makes him swear that if he commits one more sin he goes to hell forever.His friends are alienated by the new Johnny and try to tempt him,they succeed and he ditches the cult,but the cult was actually run by Satan who comes and takes him to hell for eternal torture.It climaxes in a guitar battle against Satan which he wins,he comes back and marries his girlfriend and continues to Rock.

What d'ya think? (I realize Zep wouldn't do a concept album,but they might have in the 80's,just might have)

By the way this doesn't sound so ridiculously cliché when you hear the actual music.

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80's Zeppelin would have been great,but i can't helpp but wonder,90's Zepp?O'd say more accoustic stuff,more upbeat than the music of that period,they would start making slow burning epics as well,they wouldn't record much after '94 though,i'm thinking large toyr and a new album on either '98 or the millenium.00's Zep was shown in its full glory at the o2,back to the start.New stuff would still be coming,sparingly... Maybe one album on the millenium or one on 2002.More classic rock.

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Great news!

My wonderful keyboard playing friend has agreed to join me on my musical quest,she's also a brilliant poet,we have made the band "Fork" (Long story,big in-joke,we do a cover of mack the knife called Mack The Fork as well) our first album/demo will be called "Greatest Hits",she is a brilliant lyricist and is being made a Led head by me,i'll tell you how this progresses.

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