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60's Garage Rock, Nuggets, Pebbles & Back From The Grave


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Yes, it's funny what a huge "pop music" scene there was in US during the 60's. Feels like Beatles, Stones and the whole "British Invasion" made every high school kid wanna start a band. And there seem to have been independet labels in every little corner of the states too.

I was familiar with a good many of the songs on the collection but after getting done hearing it for the first time my impression was, these are the bands that slipped between the cracks while the Stones, Doors, Kinks, Who, etc. were riding high and getting all of the publicity. Nuggets is definitely a must for anyone that wants a bigger picture of what was going on in rock n' roll at the time.

BTW, I recently read that both Lenny Kaye and Patti Smith are going to be on the next R.E.M. record. Add New Orleans' horn-heavy Bonerama to the mix and you've very much piqued my interest (as if it wasn't piqued enough already).

Apropos of nothing, check out their cover of When the Levee Breaks when you have some extra time:

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these are the bands that slipped between the cracks while the Stones, Doors, Kinks, Who, etc. were riding high and getting all of the publicity. Nuggets is definitely a must for anyone that wants a bigger picture of what was going on in rock n' roll at the time.

I couldn't agree more! Its absolutely a beautiful thing finding these unknown gems. I can't even begin to describe the sense of accomplishment I felt when I found stuff by "The Yellow Payges", "Bohemian Vendetta", "The Sparkles" etc. After going through this thread (by the way, this happens to be my favourite thread on the board!) carefully page by page, I have got into so many bands in this genre lately. I actually got my first exposure to this genre at the age 4 and to be honest, I didn't even know it! It might be "old" music to some people since it originated in the 50s and 60s but to me, it sounds brand new and absolutely divine! I just enjoyed myself going on a garage rock song hunt yesterday and my mind literally opened up to all sorts of sounds! I will never cease to love this sort of music. And what's so funny is that my mom was like "you are into this "old" stuff?" and my reply was "Yes! If you focus on just the "sell-out" bands, you will have a rather narrow view of rock 'n' roll in general, I'm afraid!". And I have indeed learnt 2 very valuable lessons these past couple of weeks : "There is so much music to be heard but sadly so little time" and "There is so much more to rock 'n' roll apart from Queen, Zep, The Who, Pink Floyd and other highly publicised bands. You just have to open up your heart, soul and mind to "new" music and just plain explore and prepared to be wowed!".

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I just have to post this next song! I was trying so hard to resist it but I couldn't any longer! LOL! :lol:

Its my mom's favourite tune by "The Ventures".

Well, her grandmother (my great grandmother) (bless her soul) (she would have been 107 years old if she was alive today) who also loved "The Ventures" taught my mom to play the "Come September" tune on her old piano when she was a kid and that's how my mom fell in love with "The Ventures" in the first place.

And I can pretty much say that my great grandmother was an old groovy cat! And she was a bit of a "Hare Krishna Hare Ram" supporter as well! ;) She even loved a couple of Jimmy Hendrix tunes like "Little Miss Strange" and "You've Got Me Floating" and she loved bands like "The Seekers" and "The Carpenters"! She could even play a couple of Jethro Tull tunes using her flute! And she knew how to play the sitar too! That's something which neither I nor my mom learnt! I guess with relatives like these, I can safely say that my love for psychedelic music is hereditary! ;) She was such an interesting person but I sadly didn't get to know her very well! I can only rely on my mom's childhood memories and old photographs! :(

Anyway here it is : :D

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This New Zealand band "The D4" was part of the "Garage Rock" revival movement! They will definitely rock your socks-off! Sadly, they broke up but they were fuckin' awesome!!! :D The best part of it all is that they are from my hometown!!! :D :D :D

They have this punk sort of sound which is pretty loud and raw! ;)


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Really cool thread! Been having a look around! Some truly awesome stuff to be heard! Thanks Kiwi and Swede! Have you guys heard of "Thee Mighty Caesars"?

I while searching on you tube discovered them quite by accident! :)

P.S guys, don't let this thread die! Please keep bumping it a couple of times atleast! There is some cool stuff to be heard here and to be honest, this is one of the few threads which sparked my interest around here! Keep up the good work and rock on guys! :D

Edited by Emma Jane
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Have you guys heard of "Thee Mighty Caesars"?

I while searching on you tube discovered them quite by accident! :)

P.S guys, don't let this thread die! Please keep bumping it a couple of times atleast! There is some cool stuff to be heard here and to be honest, this is one of the few threads which sparked my interest around here! Keep up the good work and rock on guys! :D

Hey Emma! You actually have Swede to thank and not me! He is an expert on these things, IMO! :) I got into this genre because of him! Yep! I've heard of "Thee Mighty Caesars" :) I think they rose from the ashes of a band called "The Milkshakes" or something? LOL! :lol: They are like an 80s garage punk sort of band right? And the song which I do like by them is "Cowboys Are Square". I dig the lyrics! So cool! B) Hope you enjoy this, Emm! ;)

And hey, I'll be fuckin' damned if I let this thread die man! Seriously! I'll be bumping it pretty often with some more good songs which I hope to find! I guess I am truly on a mission here! LOL!;)

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Indeed, Milkshakes and Mighty Caesars are classic 80's garage.

Here's a wylde number by Arkansas band The Esquires. Love the frantic guitar solos!! One of my new fav 45's which I recently bought from eBay!

Wow! Really nice purchase there Swede! I loved that one! :wub: And the guitar solos! Wow! So fast paced and keeps your feet tapping! Ahhh!!! So frickin' awesome! There should be a radio station in NZ dedicated to music like this! :wub: Damn you corporate radio! That's why I avoid the radio! :P

Now that my wretched mid-terms are over, I can start going on Garage rock song hunts again! :yay: :yay:

I hope and pray that this song you've posted Swede, starts echoing in my head because all that is ecohing in my head right now for some strange reason is the "F*ck You" song from "Rate The Song Above You" thread! God! What's wrong with me?! :blink:

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The Haunted were great, and 1 2 5 is a classic garage song which has been compiled numerous times. It was on the first Pebbles comp and one of the first garage rock songs I heard and fell in love with. Together with The Ugly Ducklings, The Haunted were one of the greatest Canadian 60's rock bands. Both bands made many singles which today is highly sought after. The Haunted is remembered for their weird but fine version of Hendrix's Purple Haze, but sung in French.

Wow! It is times like these that I really think "Thank God, I had the sense to learn French in school". That's pretty much the only language I can understand apart from English. Really nice cover of Purple Haze! I'm sure Hendrix would have loved it too! B) Love the way the bloke whose singing it says "Pardon!". The French version of "'Excuse Me" sounds a bit more dignified! I was wondering whether he might cry out "Sacrebleu!" instead of "Oh Non! Oh Non! Non!". :lol: But awesome cover no doubt! B)

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(EDIT to add: This is just a reflection of my thoughts on garage rock, please feel free to post what you refer to garage rock! B) )

For the garage rock purist, it usually refers to music made by unknown bands formed by American highschool kids between '64 - '67. The peak is probably the year 1966. It's music which often have a primitive sound to it due to cheap recording possibilities and even lack of talent. Music that is mostly influenced by the British Invasion, bands like Beatles, Rolling Stones, Yardbirds, Kinks etc etc.

There is also something which is called Neo-Garage rock, which includes the 80's wave of garage rock, bands like Fuzztones, Chesterfield Kings, Pandoras etc etc. Those bands are influenced by the original 60's American garage bands I described above.

However, since the 90's the garage rock genre has broaden. Bands like The Stooges, MC5 and the likes has been included in the genre and even bands influenced by them, such as Hellacopters, Powder Monkeys, Dirtbombs, Jet etc etc. But personaly I don't refer to that as garage rock, really.. But I don't see anything wrong with it either.

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For the garage rock purist, it usually refers to music made by unknown bands formed by American highschool kids between '64 - '67. The peak is probably the year 1966. It's music which often have a primitive sound to it due to cheap recording possibilities and even lack of talent. Music that is mostly influenced by the British Invasion, bands like Beatles, Rolling Stones, Yardbirds, Kinks etc etc.

There is also something which is called Neo-Garage rock, which includes the 80's wave of garage rock, bands like Fuzztones, Chesterfield Kings, Pandoras etc etc. Those bands are influenced by the original 60's American garage bands I described above.

However, since the 90's the garage rock genre has broaden. Bands like The Stooges, MC5 and the likes has been included in the genre and even bands influenced by them, such as Hellacopters, Powder Monkeys, Dirtbombs, Jet etc etc. But personaly I don't refer to that as garage rock, really.. But I don't see anything wrong with it either.

Wow! Sorry about that! :slapface: I'll delete some of the irrelevant stuff! Again, truly sorry! :slapface: I feel really really bad for ruining your thread Swede! I do apologise! :(

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Wow! Sorry about that! :slapface:

Don't be sorry!! I just thought I'd let you know the differences, as I know them. As I said, I don't want to judge what people call garage rock.. I suppose, any band that struggle to get gigs and does not get airplay in mainstream radio can be called a garage band.

All is cool by me! B)

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No need to delete posts! Sorry if I came off as a know-it-all or something, that was not my intention.

You did not come off as a know it all man! :D I was being really silly to be honest! LOL! :lol: And Swede, like I said before, you are for me, the voice of reason as far as genres like these are concerned and don't you forget it my friend! :D :D

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Wow! Sorry about that! :slapface: I'll delete some of the irrelevant stuff! Again, truly sorry! :slapface: I feel really really bad for ruining your thread Swede! I do apologise! :(

You're not ruining anything! Keep posting stuff!! ;)

Regarding Radio Moscow, I suppose their records would be filed under garage rock together with bands like Hellacopters if you check any of the internet record stores. Most people today have a broader spectra when it comes to garage rock. After all, most of the influences can be traced back to the mid 60's music for all these bands.

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You're not ruining anything! Keep posting stuff!! ;)

Regarding Radio Moscow, I suppose their records would be filed under garage rock together with bands like Hellacopters if you check any of the internet record stores.

You bet I'll keep posting and to be honest, I like this thread a lot and I am really interested in this genre! :D And I really goofed by posting "Garage Rock revival" stuff which is so not what this thread is about! :lol: Anyway, thanks for clearing that up! Cheers! :D

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