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What Are You Thinking...


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Rob :huh: ( the psychic) had a thread like this but a search gave no results. I liked that thread, so here is a new one.

I'll start:

I'm thinking........how interesting the Newbie forum has become.

Whoda thunk..:lol:

I'm thinking yer a funny chick! :) And how much I'm enjoying my wine spritzer, and how I should pull my ass outta bed (where I lay with said spritzer and laptop) and DO something...but then I think "Why?" it's so fun here! :D

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:lol: I'm thinking you are pretty funny too, and I'm thinking you should stay put and ask for a refill!

But, now I'm thinkin' I better get my ass off the PC and go do laundry. :(

And, how I can't wait to see what happens in the newbie forum while I'm gone.

Oh, one more...I'm "anon" because I want to look at peoples profiles that looked at mine without them knowing I was looking at theirs. :D:)

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The spritzer sounds good! How do you do the anon thing? I'm thinking that my pinkie hurts; I was picking raspberries and blackberries this afternoon and there were thorns. And I now have Keith Urban songs stuck in my head after posting in the lamest iPod song thread :blink:

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