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How Many More Times...


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  • 4 weeks later...
Why wasnt it on Mothership? The same with The Ocean.

The only thing that I can think of is the fact that Mothership is a compilation album for the newbies. Two songs with a bow solo was too much for it and Dazed and Confused was the superior of the two. You might not consider it superior musically (well I do anyway) but it's superior out of a marketing point of view.

The whole idea with Mothership is to lure new fans into the mysticism of Zeppelin and in the end get loyal fans that will buy all of their albums. Even the sound on the album has been adjusted, or remastered as one might want to call it (louder and more compact sounding than the original LPs, similar to HTWWW), to make it more suitable to younger fans of the mp3 era.

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The only thing that I can think of is the fact that Mothership is a compilation album for the newbies. Two songs with a bow solo was too much for it and Dazed and Confused was the superior of the two. You might not consider it superior musically (well I do anyway) but it's superior out of a marketing point of view.

The whole idea with Mothership is to lure new fans into the mysticism of Zeppelin and in the end get loyal fans that will buy all of their albums. Even the sound on the album has been adjusted, or remastered as one might want to call it (louder and more compact sounding than the original LPs, similar to HTWWW), to make it more suitable to younger fans of the mp3 era.

Well I am certainly not a newbie! I have been playing Mothership constantly since it was released, for the superior sound.That is to say superior on C.D.

I have a friend who still has a state of the art turn-table, and when I put on my vinyl copy of Led Zep I,it blows the digital version into a bowler hat!,although I hasten to add that usually by that time we are usually both as drunk as can be, and cannot be entirely concidered trust worthy in our perception!. :lol:

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