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False advertising in the concert industry


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I think it a bit weird when bands advertise a concert tour with old pictures and/or recordings made 30 or 40 years ago. Please, just give us a current photo with the current band members and a fairly recent recording.

Im sick and tired of hearing things

From uptight, short-sighted, narrow-minded hypocritics

All I want is the truth

Just gimme some truth

Ive had enough of reading things

By neurotic, psychotic, pig-headed politicians

All I want is the truth

Just gimme some truth

No short-haired, yellow-bellied, son of tricky dicky

Is gonna mother hubbard soft soap me

With just a pocketful of hope

Money for dope

Money for rope

No short-haired, yellow-bellied, son of tricky dicky

Is gonna mother hubbard soft soap me

With just a pocketful of soap

Money for dope

Money for rope

Im sick to death of seeing things

From tight-lipped, condescending, mamas little chauvinists

All I want is the truth

Just gimme some truth now

Ive had enough of watching scenes

Of schizophrenic, ego-centric, paranoiac, prima-donnas

All I want is the truth now

Just gimme some truth

No short-haired, yellow-bellied, son of tricky dicky

Is gonna mother hubbard soft soap me

With just a pocketful of soap

Its money for dope

Money for rope

Ah, Im sick and tired of hearing things

From uptight, short-sighted, narrow-minded hypocrites

All I want is the truth now

Just gimme some truth now

Ive had enough of reading things

By neurotic, psychotic, pig-headed politicians

All I want is the truth now

Just gimme some truth now

All I want is the truth now

Just gimme some truth now

All I want is the truth

Just gimme some truth

All I want is the truth

Just gimme some truth

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I think it a bit weird when bands advertise a concert tour with old pictures and/or recordings made 30 or 40 years ago. Please, just give us a current photo with the current band members and a fairly recent recording.

Im sick and tired of hearing things

From uptight, short-sighted, narrow-minded hypocritics

All I want is the truth

Just gimme some truth

Ive had enough of reading things

By neurotic, psychotic, pig-headed politicians

All I want is the truth

Just gimme some truth

No short-haired, yellow-bellied, son of tricky dicky

Is gonna mother hubbard soft soap me

With just a pocketful of hope

Money for dope

Money for rope

No short-haired, yellow-bellied, son of tricky dicky

Is gonna mother hubbard soft soap me

With just a pocketful of soap

Money for dope

Money for rope

Im sick to death of seeing things

From tight-lipped, condescending, mamas little chauvinists

All I want is the truth

Just gimme some truth now

Ive had enough of watching scenes

Of schizophrenic, ego-centric, paranoiac, prima-donnas

All I want is the truth now

Just gimme some truth

No short-haired, yellow-bellied, son of tricky dicky

Is gonna mother hubbard soft soap me

With just a pocketful of soap

Its money for dope

Money for rope

Ah, Im sick and tired of hearing things

From uptight, short-sighted, narrow-minded hypocrites

All I want is the truth now

Just gimme some truth now

Ive had enough of reading things

By neurotic, psychotic, pig-headed politicians

All I want is the truth now

Just gimme some truth now

All I want is the truth now

Just gimme some truth now

All I want is the truth

Just gimme some truth

All I want is the truth

Just gimme some truth

You think you will get truth from the rock world? lol

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So many of the bands that have been around that long are resting on their laurels. Much of their recent music is crap, very few of the original members remain and alot of the people that attend don't care.

They're going to see the NAME, and the songs they're familiar with. In many cases, the fans don't know who was in the band back then and careless who's in it now.

But I do agree, it would be nice to know what you're getting yourself into going to see a has-been band,

So you can avoid it. <_<

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So many of the bands that have been around that long are resting on their laurels. Much of their recent music is crap, very few of the original members remain and alot of the people that attend don't care.

They're going to see the NAME, and the songs they're familiar with. In many cases, the fans don't know who was in the band back then and careless who's in it now.

Thanks, I needed to hear that.

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So many of the bands that have been around that long are resting on their laurels. Much of their recent music is crap, very few of the original members remain and alot of the people that attend don't care.

They're going to see the NAME, and the songs they're familiar with. In many cases, the fans don't know who was in the band back then and careless who's in it now.

But I do agree, it would be nice to know what you're getting yourself into going to see a has-been band,

So you can avoid it. <_<

Maybe the reason for making music has something to do with it.

To find truth they have to apply it to the realm in the first place.

It's for too long been about making a buck which is fine if you use it to make the world better.

Music used to be about healing... and soul...

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For all but hardcore fans it probably doesn't matter anyway. I don't know that I'd go as far as saying bands are resting on their laurels. The fortunate few who managed to retain some of the money made in their prime are the minority. Many of these guys are just trying to earn a living to pay the bills. Live music is no different than any other paid for entertainment, it's buyer beware and those that aren't with it enough to know what they are paying to see get what they deserve.

It's not always a bad thing. I've seen several reformed bands that put on a great show. I go out of my way to see Savoy Brown every time they are near depsite Kim Simmonds being the only real deal member. Others are pretty much glorified cover bands but it doesn't bother me, a guy like Roger Earl earned his stripes and if he needs money to survive I say no harm done.

Edited by danelectro
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For all but hardcore fans it probably doesn't matter anyway. I don't know that I'd go as far as saying bands are resting on their laurels.

What I mean by 'resting on their laurels' is that many of the hanger's on's play ONLY old material that is tried and true. And with only one, sometime 2 orginal members it DOES become more of tribute band IMO. That goes for most, not all.

I was surprised and pleased at John Kay's "Steppenwolf" band a few years ago. He was the only original member but the band sounded like the old band and I had a good time. Fortunately it was at a free county fair. :lol:

I'm alot more discriminating in my tastes for the most part.

As far as the 'healing' from music. If you're down, sure, but I see music in a positive note to start, up from a level state of mind. Not so much bringing me up from the pits.

I know I've been VERY disappointed when I did all I could do to check out who was in a band, and get what I thought was valid current information, only to find out it was wrong at the gig. That part of false advertising is a sham....a shame too. :(

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Yeah I hear you. I still say a lot of those guys are just trying to make some money. It's not they have many other options. Where does a middle aged former rock star go to support themselves when the shine wears off. Most of those guys were dropouts and the like it's not like they can land a decent paying 9-5 job after spending most of their young lives banging it out on the road. If you've ever been in the music biz you know it's tough out there. Lots of good players don't make it and starting over is tough even for formerly famous musicians. Unfortunately for many of those guys getting paid means becoming a parody, the only card they can play is regurgitating the past. I'm sure they also create new music, it doesn't mean it will get them paid.

Edited by danelectro
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Yeah I hear you. I still say a lot of those guys are just trying to make some money. It's not they have many other options. Where does a middle aged former rock star go to support themselves when the shine wears off. Most of those guys were dropouts and the like it's not like they can land a decent paying 9-5 job after spending most of their young lives banging it out on the road. If you've ever been in the music biz you know it's tough out there. Lots of good players don't make it and starting over is tough even for formerly famous musicians. Unfortunately for many of those guys getting paid means becoming a parody, the only card they can play is regurgitating the past. I'm sure they also create new music, it doesn't mean it will get them paid.

I fully understand that and CAN relate. As a music fan though, disappointed is real with many of these old timers for me. Some just want to 'see' a performer, whether they're just picking their nose or bellowing, but I'd rather have a good music performance as that's what I'm there for. The music is TOO important to be trivialized/compromised, which it often is. It can be very sad.

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I can see that but I suppose it depends on the musician. If some are getting out there and dishing out bad performances chances are they either weren't that good to begin with and were a product of the studio or have succumbed to addiction. For others it may simply be that they don't have as large an audience anymore due to a variety of reasons, band members quit, die or are lost to health problems. Contracts are lost, debt derails them, whatever. It doesn't have to be sad. I'll use the Savoy Brown example again, Kim Simmonds put on a great show. The last time I saw him it was a solo show. He gets booked as a result of his work with Savoy Brown. He was booked by a local acoustic music society that headquarters out of an old church. The room Kim played in was not much bigger than my living room and had about 25 folding chairs in it, no stage, one mic and a small amp. He played some of the most amazing acoustic blues I've ever seen or heard for the better part of two hours. He probably made a couple hundred bucks by the time he sold a few t-shirts. By the time I left I felt lucky to have been there, I wouldn't have traded that show for one of Savoy Brown in their prime. Kim looked happy too. I thanked him personally and headed home, it was very cool.

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I don't think it's always the fault of the artist when an old photo is run. I see it happen all the time, especially with bands like Lynyrd Skynyrd who've had more lineup changes than most people can keep up with. Lots of bands still tour that may only include one (or sometimes even no) original members. Two prime examples would be the Marshall Tucker Band and Blackfoot. Folks that only know them from the radio and are attending as casual fans probably have no idea and don't even care who's in the band, they just want to hear the songs performed as their used to hearing them on the radio. The more diehard fans that keep up with such things probably have no interest in seeing them or at least know going in that the band they're forking their hard earned money over for is just a fraction of it's former self.

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I don't think it's always the fault of the artist when an old photo is run. I see it happen all the time, especially with bands like Lynyrd Skynyrd who've had more lineup changes than most people can keep up with. Lots of bands still tour that may only include one (or sometimes even no) original members. Two prime examples would be the Marshall Tucker Band and Blackfoot. Folks that only know them from the radio and are attending as casual fans probably have no idea and don't even care who's in the band, they just want to hear the songs performed as their used to hearing them on the radio. The more diehard fans that keep up with such things probably have no interest in seeing them or at least know going in that the band they're forking their hard earned money over for is just a fraction of it's former self.

That's what I think too. I doubt casual fans knew who every bandmember was in the bands prime anyway and diehard fans know enough to make an informed decision. Though sometimes it's a little more obvious, I assume Journey fans can tell the difference between Joe Perry and who ever they have singing those terrible songs now.

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That's what I think too. I doubt casual fans knew who every bandmember was in the bands prime anyway and diehard fans know enough to make an informed decision. Though sometimes it's a little more obvious, I assume Journey fans can tell the difference between Joe Perry and who ever they have singing those terrible songs now.

Wow...I said nearly the same thing. :rolleyes:

Much of their recent music is crap, very few of the original members remain and alot of the people that attend don't care.

They're going to see the NAME, and the songs they're familiar with. In many cases, the fans don't know who was in the band back then and careless who's in it now.

And as much as I CAN'T STAND Journey, even I know the singer's name was STEVE Perry, not Joe. :lol:

I think the best integrity ever upheld in constant changes of musicianship in a band was in Frank Zappa's bands. That's one performer that could have a revolving door of players and keep the music performance and creativity TOPNOTCH. Rarely would his bands be the same from tour to tour. And really, only in his early Mother's shows were they mostly like that. A few different musicians came and went then ('66-'69) but after that each tour radically changed personel. Jethro Tull also springs to mind. Ian Anderson could change the players and his music kept intact and excellent as well.

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Hah, yeah I'm no Journey, not even close. My apologies to Joe Perry, though I'm not much of an Aerosmith fan either.

I like the old Aerosmith music and wouldn't mind seeing them now, but I don't care for their new music.

You know I was just razzing you about your blunder. :D

The more I think about it, it seems it really depends on who's grown old and how much I always liked or disliked their music as to my opinion of them now. Bands I always despised, I despise EVEN MORE now that they're still trying to play their tunes. I think REO is playing here tonight and they're a band that makes me puke. They may even be WORSE if ALL their original guys were still in the band !!! GAG a fucking MAGGOT !!!!! :lol:

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Hi all,

I don't think it's always the fault of the artist when an old photo is run. I see it happen all the time, especially with bands like Lynyrd Skynyrd who've had more lineup changes than most people can keep up with. Lots of bands still tour that may only include one (or sometimes even no) original members. Two prime examples would be the Marshall Tucker Band and Blackfoot. Folks that only know them from the radio and are attending as casual fans probably have no idea and don't even care who's in the band, they just want to hear the songs performed as their used to hearing them on the radio. The more diehard fans that keep up with such things probably have no interest in seeing them or at least know going in that the band they're forking their hard earned money over for is just a fraction of it's former self.

Amen!What they are doing is trying to get people to buy tickets and put fannies in the seats.Nothing wrong with that and hearing some great songs live is great too.

Well said Jahfin,well said.

KB(Who are you? :D )

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The more I think about it, it seems it really depends on who's grown old and how much I always liked or disliked their music as to my opinion of them now. Bands I always despised, I despise EVEN MORE now that they're still trying to play their tunes. I think REO is playing here tonight and they're a band that makes me puke. They may even be WORSE if ALL their original guys were still in the band !!! GAG a fucking MAGGOT !!!!! :lol:

Without a doubt, there are definitely some bands that should have never made it out of the bars and died a quick death out there, REO being one of them. You know that for every hasbeen classic rock band out there milking it for all it's worth there are many more 80's, 90's 00's bands getting to that point in a hurry. The fast track back to playing 500 seaters seems to run straight through the mainstream these days. Here in Denver we get a lot of bands coming through, there are several national act sized venues here. Many bands\artists I've seen in music and guitar mags in the last 5 years and appeared to be breaking and getting big are always coming here and playing small theaters and clubs. Many current formerly somewhat bigtime alternative, punk and metal acts are here nightly.

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