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Black Metal fans?

Jarlaxle 56

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This is probably my favourite Black Metal song of all time


I like these bands mainly

Nachtmystium - Psychedelic Black Metal/USBM

Peste Noire (Translated as "Black Death" or "Black Plague") - Medieval BM/National Socialist Black Metal

Sombre Chemin - NSBM/French Black Metal

Primordial - Progressive/Folk Black Metal

Deathspell Omega - French Black/Orthodox Black Metal/Avant Garde Black Metal

Blut Aus Nord - Atmospheric Black Metal/French Black Metal

Caïna - Post-Black Metal/Ambient Black Metal

I never was into the classic Black Metal bands or any of the ones from the 80s. Stuff like Celtic Frost, Bathory, Venom. Nor the second wave of Norwegian ones like Burzum, Mayhem, Darkthrone, etc...

Any other fans here?

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Ha, I can't say I was expecting many people to enjoy it. It really is one of the most difficult to get into genres. If you don't like it then you probably never will, it's just one of those things you either like or don't like.

Personally, it took me to find bands that differentiate from the typical norms to start liking it.

Edited by Jarlaxle 56
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I've only recently started getting into black metal/ death metal (and I'm 52!). I must admit I find it hard to distinguish between all of the different metal genres, so probably a lot of the stuff I've been listening to isn't strictly black metal - I suppose I lean more towards the folk metal stuff really. I found the vocals hard to get used to at first, although I don't mind it so much now (although I still prefer 'clean' vocals).

I've been listening to...



Bal Sagorth










amongst others.

it's good to find lots of new music when you're my age!

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I've only recently started getting into black metal/ death metal (and I'm 52!). I must admit I find it hard to distinguish between all of the different metal genres, so probably a lot of the stuff I've been listening to isn't strictly black metal - I suppose I lean more towards the folk metal stuff really. I found the vocals hard to get used to at first, although I don't mind it so much now (although I still prefer 'clean' vocals).

I've been listening to...



Bal Sagorth










amongst others.

it's good to find lots of new music when you're my age!

I've heard of most of those bands, but never listened to them (except Candlemass). But if you like Folk Metal with Black influences, I have a superb band for you to check out.

Agalloch - In The Shadow of Our Pale Companion

Part 1

Part 2

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