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Rock Star stalking


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Ringing a doorbell is definitely crossing a line. I think that is totally inappropriate. I also have issues with Google Earth highlighting homes of the stars. Should an incident happen, (similar to the Ashley Judd situation where an intruder actually entered her house), I think Google should be held accountable. There are too many crazy people out there to risk someone getting hurt.

I have quite strong feelings about this. Imo, it is totally inappropriate to hang about, ring door bells, etc. I really don't even think I could even drive slowly by!

Through Google alerts, seeing estate agents adverts/features in magazines, over time I have been notified and know where Jason's house is in the UK, and his Florida addresses... by means of this highlighting homes of the stars, although is Google Earth actually responsible for this or do websites just use Google Earth to show the properties? I got this info via an automatic Google alert as I have "Jason Bonham" registered at this service ie, it was not sort after by myself! I would never dream of "having a nosey" or using this info in an inappropriate manner. It's wrong. And I have too much respect for Jason and his privacy to invade his space, so to speak. I expect he would be pretty pissed off... and I would be mortified!!

Yes, we all have a certain curiousity level, that's just being human but there is a line you do not cross. A home and grounds are private property.. and should remain so.

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I think a less evasive way(since you know the address) would be send a letter to the home stating that you're a big fan and had heard they lived there but did not want to be rude by just coming to their door because you respect their privacy and would it be ok to drop by for a visit sometime when it's convenient for them so you can say hello in person or whatever. If you don't get a reply, then it's the same as getting a door slammed in your face without the embarrassment.

I think the "star" would be much more appreciative of this kind of contact and may be inclined to offer an invite. At least you leave it up to them without putting them in an uncomfortable/defensive spot.

I NEVER said anything about knocking on the door. I was merely going to drive by and see what the house looked like.

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I NEVER said anything about knocking on the door. I was merely going to drive by and see what the house looked like.

That's cool, Jeffro. Drive on by! No crime in that.

There was another post or two that mentioned knocking so I was just making a suggestion regarding those posts. Maybe I can give you my address and you can mail my fucking head back after you've finished chewing it off. :hysterical:

Edit to add: Jethro, I left out the word "would" and meant to say "since you WOULD know the address". That may be why you thought I was directing to you. Apologies.....

Edited by bonzo1026
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That's cool, Jeffro. Drive on by! No crime in that.

There was another post or two that mentioned knocking so I was just making a suggestion regarding those posts. Maybe I can give you my address and you can mail my fucking head back after you've finished chewing it off. :hysterical:

Edit to add: Jethro, I left out the word "would" and meant to say "since you WOULD know the address". That may be why you thought I was directing to you. Apologies.....

No problemo. It's easy to misinterpret things on a topic and I just wanted to make sure others knew I was not going to knock on John Fogerty's front door.

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^ There you go !

Of course that was the old days I was talking about. Rockstars were more accepting of friendly visitors back then. I'd had my own positive experiences and won't let paranoid people ruin it for me. Some stars lives DO get ruined by paranoid or obsessed so called fans, but for the most part it's an abberation. I'd rather be accepting and open armed than freaked out and reclusive/standoffish.


He let a bypasser in, only to be done in by a stalker at the Dakota. I'm sure he'd still rather have been out in public and risked that danger than to be holed up on the 7th floor never going for a stroll across the street in Central Park undisguised.

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Hope your front door wasn't locked. Oh Boy! LOL

*listening to Buck Owens*

Oh Lodi, put a spell on you down on the corner. The traveling band picked up a sweet hitchhiker, Suzie Q, as I heard it through the grapevine. There was a commotion as proud Mary said The nightime is the rightime to keep on chooglin'. The fortunate son who was born on the bayou got him a midnight special up around the bend. Hey Tonight he wasn't feelin' blue as he watched the bad moon rising. Good golly miss Molly, have you ever seen the rain? It came out of the sky for ninety-nine and a half hours, then the workin man had to walk on the water ot Porterville to catch the graveyard train careful not to be a cross-tie walker. Don't look now at the Sailor's lament, it's just a thought.

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Oh Lodi, put a spell on you down on the corner. The traveling band picked up a sweet hitchhiker, Suzie Q, as I heard it through the grapevine. There was a commotion as proud Mary said The nightime is the rightime to keep on chooglin'. The fortunate son who was born on the bayou got him a midnight special up around the bend. Hey Tonight he wasn't feelin' blue as he watched the bad moon rising. Good golly miss Molly, have you ever seen the rain? It came out of the sky for ninety-nine and a half hours, then the workin man had to walk on the water ot Porterville to catch the graveyard train careful not to be a cross-tie walker. Don't look now at the Sailor's lament, it's just a thought.

Wow! Great work! A real Ramble Tamble. B)

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When I was in Seattle about 10 years ago I drove by Courtney Love's house with my head out the window snapping pics. But also hoping she DIDN'T come out. :unsure: It was actually part of the map of tourist attractions.

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