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Will The Concert be on PPV (Live?)

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I knew this question would make its way to the new board. Again, no it will not be televised.

wow, thats shocking really. Concidering the demand, they PPV rates would be threw the roof and could raise even more money for charity. I hoping it will at least be recorded...maybe leaked to youtube and later on DVD?

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Someone will have their cell phone video posted on youtube by Tuesday morning. That being said, the 02 is equipped with state of the art video and recording equipment. If the concert is good enough for the band, you will see some type of media release in a short time.

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  • 2 weeks later...
My tivo says on the 10th on VH1 Classic "Led Zeppelin: Live" at the time the concert should be going on follwed by The song reamins the same and it repeats. I love my TIVO. DO the brits have Tivo also?

That's not the concert. I believe it's the same program that aired over here, and it's just videos that are on the LZ live DVD.

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wow, thats shocking really. Concidering the demand, they PPV rates would be threw the roof and could raise even more money for charity. I hoping it will at least be recorded...maybe leaked to youtube and later on DVD?

The cost would be around $40 per household. Possibly 1 million people would order. I personaly would do privately and DONATE to charity, but I would not do it all for charity. Boxing matches in america on PPV are viewed by some 30 mil. households, if they drew 1/2 that, WOW!

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