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Oh, the Irony!


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There was once a "peaceful" verdant valley in Pakistan that was a tourist haven but I think that's changed now.

I wonder if they allow old vinyl there though? Or plain old still cameras?

Missile Strike Kills Taliban Militants in Pakistan

an excerpt from http://online.wsj.com/article/SB1234773492...ss_topics_obama

Even if the latest pact ends fighting in Swat, the official imposition of shariah likely will change little for most people in the valley. The Taliban already holds sway over much of the region and has imposed Islamic law in the areas it controls. It has begun reshaping life, shuttering or destroying schools for girls, pressing women to remain indoors and forcing men to grow beards, and closing movie theaters and CD stores. It has beheaded those caught violating its strict code.

For fans of music or movies, please don't lose your head!!!! Just so you'll know where to ditch the contraband before cruizing to the mountains.


And ladies, don't get caught acting scholarly. <_< And for the record, what if you're baby-faced and can't grow facial hair? :o

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I heard about this this morning. Probably got involved too deeply with the Qur'an and interpreted it, in a completely distorted way as most Muslims do. Westerners are not the infidels. Just need to look in the mirror to find them.

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About a few months ago Fox News did a 1/2 hour special about the raise of "Honor Killings" in the US.

and they claim to be a "Peaceful" religion.

Muslims, not Fox News

About as peaceful as L.A. was back in '92 after the verdict was read in the Rodney King beating!

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I heard about this this morning. Probably got involved too deeply with the Qur'an and interpreted it, in a completely distorted way as most Muslims do. Westerners are not the infidels. Just need to look in the mirror to find them.

that's not true.

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