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  1. Nice! Really cool to learn, after reading this thread, that they kept getting better and better and so these later shows were tight. I recall thoroughly enjoying it, but didn't fully realize that they were really peaking on this tour. I'm from Canada, so I actually had to travel to LA to see it. Such a good time, I'll never forget it!
  2. I've never had this level of post concert buzz in the parking lot right after a show. Sept 19, 1998 in LA was the only show I've ever been able to make it to and I'll never forget it. The stairway teaser at the end of BIGLY...I was beside myself for a sec, as I thought they were actually gonna play it. Such an unreal night and unreal buzz...and I was stone cold sober!
  3. Are there any good websites devoted to these Page & Plant late 1990's years? There are so many unique Zeppelin websites, There must be a few sites that dive deep into these concerts. I'm most hoping to see info on the 1995 Tour, but the other two are also needed. Actual bootleg archives would be the best, but even write ups, stories, set lists, etc. Something with excellent attention to detail like The Garden Tapes would be amazing...but maybe not that detailed, lol.
  4. Shake My Tree was a very cool song. I really liked that it was included in the Page Plant '95 tour. Really cool "new" song for them.
  5. Agreed. This book was good and chalk full of detail, but waaay too much Crowley for me. Not saying it wasn't a thing in Jimmy's life and needed some referencing, but Wall leaned on it too heavily, imo. The book was also terribly structured; it didn't read smoothly. He had clearly done his research, but the way he crammed it in was annoying to read. I am glad I read it, for the detail though.
  6. Agreed, the earlier Celebration Days were better. The 1973 (1976) TSRTS too was my staple for live Zep for a long, long time; not having access to anything else. I was never really thrilled with the 1973 Celebration Day and sorta surprised they would open the set with it. It wasn't a great second punch after RnR. Then when 1972s HTWWW was released...that Celebration Day blew me away. It's actually fun to listen to. Especially the last half of the song. So rockin n upbeat. I've since divested heavily into the bootlegs of course (one good internet upside) and this 1971 version above is a lot more like the good HTWWW version. Odd that one year later it would become so flat, by comparison.
  7. Agreed, this version of In My Time of Dying rocks. Would he have not done it if it wasn't actually Saturday night? Glad it was. I know, I'm not sure why they never played The Rover either. It's a concert worthy song for sure. When I saw Page/Plant in 1998 they teased Stairway right after BIGLY. I was nearly beside myself as I knew at that time they'd never play it. I was bummed but in some ways also floored that I got to hear even that much with my own ears. I do think if the '75, '77 and '80 tours had not each been cut short, we would have gotten more of the un-played songs. Thanks for the aftermath accounts. I bet you slept until 3pm the Tuesday after, haha. You saw my final take of my compilation project, cool. PM me if you want it. No doubt you have the songs already, but for someone like yourself you might appreciate the in between editing of it. Anytime, lemme know. Cheers, Brad
  8. What an account Strider. So amazed at all of the detail you could recall! Given it took you 5 years to write it (life got in the way), I don't feel so bad taking nearly all summer to read it, haha! Life (vacations, yard projects, etc) also got in the way for me. Plus I'm a slow reader who wants to absorb every detail of this seeing as I never got to see Zep in concert; I was born this very year. With probable bias, I think '77 was a fantastic Zep Tour year. Haters can hate and get bent. I gotta say if you consider the '77 LA Concerts as one entity, this goes down in some serious Zep history, imo. My 'best of' live versions compilation of their concert material has 9 songs from these LA nights. Considering the hundreds of concerts to draw material from, I'd say that in itself is telling of just how cool this leg of the '77 concerts were. So awesome and crazy that you got to witness pretty much all of it. Questions. Where about in SIBLY are there notes of Tea For One? I've heard this before, but somehow never seem to locate...then I doubt it's the version I'm hearing...then I get side tracked by how cool SIBLY is and forget to listen for TFO. Also, in Show 5 after That's Alright Mama, the bootlegs capture Plant teasing the crowd with a few verses of D'yer Mak'er. Did you recall hearing it live that night? Did you think they were going to play it? Any concert accounts/recollections on this? One last thing, after the final night, did you sleep for a week? how long did it take to recoup from that epic battle? Thanks again for this thread! Cheers, Brad
  9. This is what I do on or as close to every Sept 25. Get hammered and watch at least 2.5 hr of live Zep. Good times indeed.
  10. Thanks Strider! Coming from you, that means a lot I think my growing up on Destroyer has made this sound you speak of so normal to me, that it sounds so good to me. And yes, I did cut out the guitar solo completely from this project. It's like Avant-garde Jazz to me; a bunch of random experimental noise. Not even after years of listening did I ever like it. For me it was the unenjoyable drag down in any of the 77 concerts stuck between all of the good stuff. In my boot, it was affixed to Achilles, so I couldn't easily just skip over it either. I'll have to give another try to your TYG recommendations. I did try a lot, but none had the same raw emotion in plants voice like this one. I guess that's what I like in slower songs, to be overflowing with emotion. So wish they did I'm gonna crawl while all together. @shnflacwav do tell me if it's been a good revisit...or am I off on an island alone on this one. Always a possibility.
  11. Thanks! Glad you liked it. The lesser played songs like this didn't always have a lot to chose from. With enough searching and recommendations I think I captured pretty good versions of everything out there, quality wise anyways.
  12. Oh, and in staying on topic, damn, I can't wait for this new release. If it's half as good as the rumours, I'll have to update my best of project with these versions of Four Sticks and Gallows Pole! Super exciting times.
  13. I'm with Plant77 on this. I was barely alive when Zep disbanded and finding these boots in the late 90's at fringe record stores was amazing. Given that was the only way, I'm not upset that my material became free years later. I got to enjoy it for many early years of my youth. Road trips, mix tapes, etc. Not to mention just simply getting more zep than less, and sooner, was awesome. So when the internet then flooded me with mountains of more zep, it was just a gift to me to be eternally grateful for, to whomever put it up. I also agree that it's the only way Zep will live on. One day sadly our three remaining members will pass on, and then likely no more official releases of anything. So all we have left is what boots remain out there. What still surprises me to this day that my boot of I Gotta Move (69 Stockholm) is infinitely better in quality than every other version I've heard on BlackBeauty or other versions that's been shared with me. I don't know what the maker of "A Secret History" did to it to make it sound so good, but it's awesome. I just finished a live compilation project (see my thread, shameless plug) and I opted for a few of my actual boot versions over what was made available by others. They sometimes seem to sound better, at least to me. So, to me, collecting vs free is not a black and white topic. There are pros and cons to each approach. It's so graciously awesome that so many concerts are out there for free, I certainly cannot afford to buy them all...in fact there so many, I'm not sure if I could find the time to listen to each of them, haha. But there's also value in buying a good boot when it's there. In fact every time Black Beauty goes down, I say "thanks goodness I have my boots, they'll never leave me". Not to mention some money does need to be paid to incentivize makers to keep 'em coming and keep the quality up. Pretty sad that us hardcore fans can actually use this band as a platform for bickering. Stay focused on the music, it's why we're here.
  14. Such a thorough review! I wish I got these a while ago. I will definitely give them a listen, and possibly include it into my own Sets. I think if I post another version of this, The Forum might ask "Is he not done yet?", lol. Super interested in you Gallows recommendation. Destroyer's Ten Years gone might be hard to beat. I've listened to a ton and nothing so far has topped the raw emotion Plant belted out that night in Cleveland. I should note that I meant Zeppelin never performed those songs live. As for the soundchecks, with the exception of Fry's Night Flight that I did include, I found they all really lacked the energy of a concert performance, so I've left them out. They were more like rehearsals for studio work...to me anyways. Page n Plant performed quite a lot of stuff over the years, solo and especially in their 95/96 tour...which I'm looking fwd to tackling next! True, I used stuff from Celebration Day, but technically they were billed as Led Zeppelin.
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