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Mary Hartman

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Everything posted by Mary Hartman

  1. Well the agreement between him and I was he ignore my posts and I ignore his posts. However this does not seem to have sank in quite yet. Much like the F Off posts have not sank in as far as me being a transvestite, blah blah. I told the list who I am 100 times, it's still sinking in for him I think. I put it in my little text below the avatar.......so what's the big yahoo anyhoo? So when this comes to the agreement between him and I and he holds to his agreement as it were between him and I. Then it will come to it's fruition. I blocked him from IM's long ago.... Anyways no insult to you whoever you are. It was aimed at him and I doubt if it will be taken too seriously. Unless you live next door and hear the beds rocking anyways I was wondering how he became such an expert on gays. But that did finally sink in. With me anyhow. Cheerio/
  2. On a serious note was just given a 27 piece Fine Bone China - Walbrzych Set All Pieces in Excellent Condition Made in Poland AD 1845 White with 22k Gold Trim Awesome set. That's worth a grin
  3. Since you obviously do not comprehend the English language very well? ...
  4. Blech. They closed the school today because of flu like symptoms. It's in S.C. for sure
  5. Funny banned commercials
  6. Eating a lovely roast beef sandwich on whole grain whole wheat. BBQ Chips and Pepsi. Today went splendidly just right not too hot, cool breeze blowing across the balds. All the girls here are happy and all my pals in town are happy and well. Well those I could check up on. I usually stop through just long enough to say hello and smile. Had a huge BBQ party last evening. People came from everywhere. On the 4th we are having a huge night club party for the complex with bands and dancing. Got my tickets for the new Custard Pie show coming up (L.Z. Tribute) And I just snagged tickets for Taylor Swift/Keith Urban in Atlanta. Nice day..Urban used to play Rock and Jazz.
  7. Why don't you go fuck yourself? Or better yet come here and for your little party I invited you to you chicken shit little twirp. CHICKEN SHIT TWIRP. Now bug off and take up basket weaving, the drink has made you go psychobabble.
  8. Nice pic Bonnie.....oh and ZD, cool pic of you too. I have to roll on. I am going to do some volunteer work here in Asheville for the kids. I think this will help something. Plus it will deflate me and bring me back to earth as everyone probably needs at times. Things usually sort with a little help from the older wiser people...my people are still funny about pics. But I will work on it. To whatever trips your particular trigger>>>
  9. The birds are singing, the squirrels are eating other squirrels nuts. Guess what they don't care they share? Birds however they will fight with. Watched several doves chasing starlings from their nest. Must have eggs or hatchlings Gonna be a gorgeous Spring and Summer and I think a gorgeous beach's sands will be pulled through my toes by the tides very very soon. Onward>Looks like Sam Upgraded something by the speed of it
  10. I agree, Grrrrr wolf calls X(plenty) ZZ TOP - Tush http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qIwC1ei-6mE Jeff Healey - Blue Jean Blues http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e9NrLZrKcrU
  11. Only The Good Die Young - Billy Joel ZZ TOP - Tush http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qIwC1ei-6mE Jeff Healey - Blue Jean Blues http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e9NrLZrKcrU
  12. What Is And What Should Never Be - Led Zeppelin
  13. A new friend. Very interesting and quite a lovely person to be around. Very soft spoken.
  14. Roll over, wake up Joel and tell him blow boy.
  15. In other words lude man. You would rather interfere with me raising more money for food for children in order to make you feel good? Man, that's very sad. If you have that many head problems, well I think you need therapy. Disrupt other peoples fundraisers man. Because that's just sick. With you and your pal Joel around I will do it elsewhere. Because it's a certainty you will have to mess it up just to be a punk.
  16. You Are Like A Hurricane - Neil Young
  17. Eh, all in fun anyhoo.....just a thing. Your estrogen will be in the mail though byatchs. BTW Drew Barrymore as the Ambassador Against Hunger loves me and my lil donkey. So if you can spare even just a buck for these kids. Please do. http://www.wfp.org/node/379 Thank's guys. When I find a pic I will send it up..oh yeah she puts you on a wall of sorts too if you donate it on her web domain.
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