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Everything posted by Electrophile

  1. How about one more thread about how they need to do another tour? Can't people just be happy they're doing this concert?
  2. I believe eternal light is female, as it sounds like the same user who was Honey/rocksvirginsand.
  3. Honey, we'll know it's you talking regardless of the font color.
  4. Why should I bother defending myself? It's not like I can change the way they think, so it would be fruitless to try. I'm not going to fight against the wind.
  5. Hence why I asked if that was literal or if that's some kind of crazy slang term for something else. No, we haven't watered the grass recently, we're under severe drought restrictions right now. And I don't smoke. I live with two smokers, and that's bad enough. I can't imagine picking up such a filthy habit myself.
  6. I have no idea what the hell you're talking about. Is "watering the grass" a euphemism for something or is that a literal question? You are making absolutely zero sense.
  7. Actually, I bet that's not why. I bet it has to do with the fact this concept/idea has been done to death and it's never been proven 100% and that this thread gets posted about 384389734 times a year.
  8. That's not the kind of faith they were talking about, at least that's what I got out of the article when I read it. I didn't get the "have faith, a cure will come" vibe, I got the "religious faith" vibe from it, and this line is what triggered it: "Despite some successes, the program has been criticized for requiring that participating groups emphasize abstinence education." Abstinence-only education is a hallmark of the Christian right, and if Bush's program is pushing that concept, it's pushing a religious ideology as well and I don't agree with that. Can't we help these people and do work and get active WITHOUT bringing religion into it? Can't we just do it because AIDS is a scourge we need to get rid of or at least find ways to help those who suffer live better lives? I'm all for hoping a cure will come in my lifetime. I would love to see it happen.
  9. I just bought it tonight at the Barnes and Noble at North Point.
  10. No, I'm not. I don't give a fig for his favor, foul or fair. If he feels how he feels, then I'm the last person that can do anything about it.
  11. Incorrect. Kat is the one who made the comment. Scroll up.
  12. Memo to Pres. Bush: SHUT THE FUCK UP, YOU STUPID MONKEY. Faith will not cure AIDS. A vaccine, drugs, medicine.....that is what will eradicate it. Education will help slow the pandemic. These are the same people who think if you ignore something long enough, it'll solve itself. This guy is such a damn embarrassment. This is the best we could do? Really? Him?
  13. Ummmm, they're going to do fine. Why would we think otherwise? They wouldn't be doing this if they didn't think they were up to snuff.
  14. "According to Plant, Zeppelin spent their second and third days together working on "For Your Life", a never-played-live track from their 1976 album Presence. "Then we jettisoned it - but that was the mood of the thing." Okay, so that sounds like they aren't doing the song live on December 10th. If not, what's the new song they will be doing?
  15. I just bought this issue tonight, along with the issue of MOJO that they're on the cover of. All that's left is the issue of Q.
  16. Thanks, Vic. You did, since someone posted above you, but we'll just keep going from here. Hold My Hand - Hootie and the Blowfish
  17. Old Time Rock and Roll - Bob Seger
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