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Everything posted by Electrophile

  1. Were there mirrors on the ceiling when you drank your pink champagne? And I hope it was on ice. Has anyone here ever tried the new Cinnamon Streusel Frosted Mini-Wheats? They are so delicious. You can eat them right out of the box, no bowl of milk needed.
  2. Dude, just put the guy on your ignore list.
  3. Finished The Andromeda Strain, now have moved on to a biography of JFK.
  4. Perhaps the person was joking that in order to want to work with Puff Crappy, Page would have to be stoned. Quit being so damn serious. BTW, aren't you the same person who using a different name on the old board wanted people to be trampled to death outside the O2? Speaking of "you really ought to know better."
  5. Yes. Does it matter that it's my opinion and that's how I feel? No. So kindly zip it.
  6. Why are you talking to him like he's actually here?
  7. With Or Without You - U2 See ya later!
  8. A World Without Love - Peter and Gordon
  9. ^^ignore him. Around The World - Red Hot Chili Peppers
  10. Get Right Back To Where We Started From - Maxine Nightengale Hey Vannis.
  11. http://www.myspace.com/ledzeppelin Very awesome Mothership layout.
  12. The first time I heard this, I was driving in the car with my dad. I had only had my license for a short period of time, but I damn near drove off the road. At first I thought they were playing Kashmir, which would have been cool for that station. Then Puff Crappy started rapping and I nearly went into a tree. Jimmy lost sooooooooo many cool points doing that. He couldn't possibly have needed the money. Either that or he was doing it to keep Crappy from stealing the sample and using it anyway. Either way, it's shit. Pure, unadulterated horseshit.
  13. 1. When The Levee Breaks 2. Tea For One 3. In The Evening 4. Kashmir 5. Whole Lotta Love 6. I Can't Quit You Baby 7. Rock and Roll 8. Achilles Last Stand 9. Fool In The Rain 10. No Quarter I didn't put any live performances of songs in the list, else it would have been different. I find the live versions of some songs they did to be better than the studio versions.
  14. The Mothership DVD takes excerpts from the LZ DVD. To find out what's on the LZ DVD, go here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Led_Zeppelin_(video) There's over 5 hours of footage on this DVD.
  15. What did I tell you? Some has to ask this question as many times as the question about whether or not it'll be released on DVD. And no matter how many times you answer, they will still ask. Do these people not see the word "search" at the top of the damn page?
  16. My Boyfriend's Back - The Angels
  17. You don't have the live DVD? Wow. You need to go buy it.
  18. Kashmir. Led Zeppelin was more than Stairway To Heaven. Edit: I should add that I think some of their top songs (When The Levee Breaks, Tea For One, In The Evening) aren't even in that list.
  19. Hey Hey, My My (Into The Black) - Neil Young
  20. If they are members here, then they've probably been embarrassed to tears by some of the things people have said about them. Especially on the old board.
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