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Everything posted by Electrophile

  1. I too echo the sentiments of the above poster. It wasn't aired on TV/PPV/internet, it was a 5 hour time difference from the east coast, and there's no talk of it even being released on DVD. Why SHOULD CNN or other news networks devote coverage to an event people here won't see unless they had tickets? Now, if the show was in New York, or if it was being broadcast or something, then I would understand being upset at the lack of coverage.
  2. I can see how someone might say that using the terms over/underrated can be annoying. Frankly, they're used too much. That being said, even Led Zeppelin did songs that people think too highly of or not highly enough.
  3. I don't give a rip about the length of the solo. 7 minutes is too long, IMO, and gets redundant after a while. I've watched the performance probably dozens of times now, and it sounds so fecking good, I can't even believe I'm watching it.
  4. Okay people. I downloaded the video for GTBT off of YouTube and uploaded it to Sendspace, I'll add the link when it's ready. I did this because it might get yanked off YouTube, and people should be able to see it. The file is a FLV format, if you go here --> http://www.download.com/3000-2139_4-10769546.html and download this free, spyware-free program, you can watch the video any time you want. I'll do STH as soon as this one finishes up. Good Times Bad Times Stairway To Heaven
  5. Thank god for Video DownloadHelper so I can save those YouTube clips to my hard drive.
  6. Good Times Bad Times from the reunion concert.
  7. I've been listening to Good Times, Bad Times for the last hour. Damn my lack of money and fear of flying.
  8. No, you weren't. You asked if the concert would be televised. Nowhere in there does it refer to DVDs or rebroadcasts. Secondly, you didn't see the stickied thread at the top of the forum that the administrator started? You know, the one that says "02 show on TV? NO."? Yeah right.
  9. Thanks to everyone who uploaded these amazing pictures. No, really. Thank you.
  10. I've seen some of the clips from the show already, and fucking hell if they didn't just prove that anyone who doubts them doesn't have the brains they were born with.
  11. You are aware that when you started this thread, the concert had been over for several hours, right? So......why would you ask if it would be televised when the damn thing was over already? Also, didn't you read the stickied thread at the top of the forum saying that NO, the concert would not be televised? Fucking hell.
  12. They don't need to. They got back on stage for one last kick-ass performance, that should be enough.
  13. Poor Little Fool - Ricky Nelson
  14. This show is beyond amazing, you will love it if you haven't seen it already.
  15. How many farking threads on this concert are we going to have today?
  16. Abraham, Martin and John - Dion
  17. It's your baby. She's just a friend. It's not what it looks like, I swear.
  18. Uhhh, it's the same stuff they've aired before and it's videos from the live DVD. They are NOT airing the concert. For fuck's sake.
  19. Mother and Child Reunion - Paul Simon
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