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Everything posted by Electrophile

  1. USA!! USA!! USA!! Sorry, got a little patriotic there.
  2. Ball of Confusion - Temptations
  3. Great Balls of Fire - Jerry Lee Lewis
  4. The Thunder Rolls - Garth Brooks
  5. The Hindu religion has a creator God, but it is polytheistic. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brahma So the concept of a creator God does not automatically equal monotheism.
  6. Thunder Road - Bruce Springsteen
  7. Smoke On The Water - Deep Purple
  8. No, I wasn't aware of that. I grew up heavily influeneced by faith and religion, but the older I've gotten, the more I question what I was raised to believe. I happen to agree with you, as well.
  9. Quite a few people I was listening to today, talking about this mentioned that. Sadly though, in Dallas only one person was killed. In this situation, 21 or 22 died as well. One is unacceptable, 22 is beyond the pall. I just don't get it. I don't want to.
  10. Blah, blah, blah. Sometimes I find it hard to believe that God exists when such cruelty and insanity exist in this world. You don't like that? Put me on your ignore list and have a nice evening.
  11. This is yet another example of Tall Poppy Syndrome. Stick your neck out too far, try to help one person too many, and someone will come along and cut you down. How many times has this happened in our own country with our own leaders and political figures? JFK, RFK, Abraham Lincoln, Martin Luther King.....the list goes on and on. They always do. For the suicide bombers, the road to glory is paved with the blood of innocent bystanders. They won't stop until there's no one left.
  12. You didn't offend me, and I knew what you were referencing. I've seen bits and pieces of Star Trek episodes. I also know this thread is meant to be funny, I've expressed several times I've found some of the lines funny. I was just saying that the line "boldly going where so many men have gone before" makes the girl sound a bit slutty. Just how many men exactly? LOL
  13. Considering the political climate in that part of the world, I think the idea of trying to stage a rock concert there was the last thing anyone was thinking about. What they need is peace, safety, security....not Led Zeppelin.
  14. You may randomly say that. LOL. Thank you.
  15. It's always the wackaloons who destroy things for the sensible folk. That's who I feel bad for here; those who are peaceful, those who are not violent and who do not take things to such ridiculous extremes to prove a point. They are always the ones who end up suffering the most when it's all said and done.
  16. I wouldn't use this one unless you want to get smacked in the face. Insinuating a woman is a whore is not a good way to get a date.
  17. Really? Well, the Rolling Stones won't be playing there either. Does anyone care about that? No. Led Zeppelin were never going to play Pakistan whether she died or not. It is not a direct consequence of anything. A direct consequence of her death would be civil war. That's a tad more topical and a lot more relevant. BTW, if you're going to quote Zeppelin, at least get the line right.
  18. Pink Floyd. I get sick of Led Zeppelin if I listen to them too much. I need to take breaks so I don't get burnt out. Pink Floyd on the other hand.....I could listen to them forever.
  19. Wait, wait, wait.......you mean to tell me you think cracking some VERY lame joke about LZ not playing Pakistan now is actually appropriate? This is a thread about the death of Benazir Bhutto, not about Led Zeppelin. For fuck's sake. A woman is dead, the country is headed toward the path to civil war, we have board members in this particular part of the world, and rather than be worried about them and their safety, you're cracking jokes? How erudite.
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