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Everything posted by Electrophile

  1. The Naughty Lady of Shady Lane - The Ames Brothers
  2. ^^Dude, not all vegetarians are like that. I know a ton, and they could care less what other people eat. Every group has its extremists, and they're no exception. Don't generalize. I'm having some take-out for lunch.....I didn't feel like cooking.
  3. Behind These Hazel Eyes - Kelly Clarkson
  4. How Long - Ace What an AMAZING song.
  5. All That Jazz - cast of Chicago
  6. Please Please Me - The Beatles
  7. Please Mr. Postman - The Marvelettes
  8. Top Of The World - Dixie Chicks
  9. Muhammed Ali (I know I probably spelled that wrong) Greatest Basketball Player Of All Time?
  10. Big Man In Town - The Four Seasons
  11. When I See You Smile - Some hair band whose name escapes me at this moment
  12. This thread is a train ride to hell. And dorko is the conductor. I agree with everything everyone else in this thread has stated, because they clearly have brains and common sense.
  13. Beethoven's piano. Or Shakespeare's quill. Greatest Classical Piece Of All Time?
  14. Thomas Edison. We'd still be reading by gas-powered lamps and NOT listening to music if not for him. Remember, he invented the phonograph. And the incandescent light bulb. Among many things. Greatest Hamburger Topping Of All Time?
  15. I get the feeling that people aren't allowed their opinions about music unless they match yours (yours being the collective, not any one individual in this thread). Who cares if someone thinks Queen is better than Led Zeppelin? That's that one person's opinion, no more, no less. Quit acting like it's a denigration against all things you all hold near and dear. Jesus bloody hell.
  16. It's snowing! And not that wimpy stuff that doesn't stick to the ground and melts as quickly as it falls. Serious freakin' snow. Haven't seen that in god knows how long....probably as long as we've been living here.
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