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Everything posted by Electrophile

  1. I actually think younger people are more of a danger on the roadways than someone my parents' age or older. I am sure there are exceptions, but I haven't seen a lot of older people (50s-60s+) swerving lanes because they're changing the radio station or texting someone or yapping on a cell phone. The majority of people I see behaving like that on the road are my age and a little older. Not to mention, how many times have we heard on TV or the radio about another car accident caused by a 16 year old driver who just got their license and was driving like a bat out of hell? If anything they need to raise the driving age to 18. I know here in Georgia, they've proposed raising the minimum age to acquire a learner's permit to 17; not sure if it's passed yet.
  2. I'd rather him than someone who cries on cue the day before big primaries.
  3. Where's that "beating the dead horse smilie"?
  4. Resident Assistant. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Resident_assistant
  5. That's better than my "shiftless turd" comment. And the "x" over the eyes wasn't an indicator that the horse was dead? You've obviously never heard the expression "beating a dead horse" which means saying the same things over and over again ad infinitum. Which you're quite good at. You. Are. Dense.
  6. You're into animal necrophilia? That explains a lot.
  7. I'd like Bruce to win it.....it's a shame he doesn't have that one yet.
  8. Steve Yzerman is top 10, maybe top 5.
  9. There's no way the Maple Leafs will fold. They are one of the Original 6 teams. The Red Wings went through some real shitty years in the 70s and 80s, but they're still kicking.
  10. Spats is a web-bot. He's like the SmarterChild bot on AIM. He's not real, he's fake. He cannot be real.
  11. My name is not Electro, so stop calling me that. If other men don't find that woman attractive, that means she is not attractive TO THEM, not unattractive in general. There are men I don't find attractive that other women do, but that doesn't mean they are unattractive to everyone. There's a difference. God damn, I had to explain that to you? Shit.
  12. Okay, he has a moderate command of the English language. Moderate is my compromise.
  13. Mariah Carey Eagles Pink Floyd Led Zeppelin Kylie Minogue
  14. THOSE PEOPLE ARE NOT YOU!! YOUR BRAIN IS NOT THEIR BRAIN. YOU DON'T NEED THEIR OPINIONS TO AFFECT HOW YOU FEEL/ACT. The more you talk, the more I am convinced you are a fake, a troll and badly acting. No one is this dense. NO ONE, including our current President. I think even Dubya would figure this out before you and he can barely speak English.
  15. Greatest fight I've ever seen. I mean, the fucking goalies were beating the crap out of each other. And of course Claudette turtled....you think he had the balls to face McCarty head-on?
  16. Sweet. We're killing the league. Let's hope we go all the way this year.
  17. YOU HAVE TO ASK?! You see nothing wrong with never using your own brain to make decisions? God, you're denser than fruitcake.
  18. Yeah. With them. STOP FUCKING WORRYING ABOUT WHAT OTHER PEOPLE THINK. Be a man and grow a backbone and be more concerned with what YOU think, not everyone else. You sir, are a pig.
  19. Why? Too afraid a hottie will see through your bullshit and leave you for one of those other guys? Why are you so pre-occupied with what other people think? Who cares if other men don't want to fuck your girlfriend.....if you do, that's all that counts. Right? Oh wait, look who I'm talking to. Nevermind.
  20. During the Super Tuesday coverage, they were talking a lot about the issue of "electability" and how Obama/Clinton compared to Romney/Huckabee would be an easy win for the Democrats, but compared to McCain, the Dems might have a hard time come November. I just don't like the fact McCain said we might be stuck in the Middle East for the next 100 years. I want out of that shithole as fast as can be done.
  21. I'm aware when that amendment was drafted and ratified and I'm also aware of what precipitated its origins. And the argument was not just that if you can be drafted you should be able to vote, it was that people who were of draft-age should be able to vote for the civilian government that determines when and how military force is used. So that extends into peacetime circumstances, not just when the country is at war. Also, the idea of lowering the voting age to 18 had been proposed by both Dwight Eisenhower and LBJ, and some states did in fact lower their minimum voting age, however there was no across-the-board federal law doing so yet. But that final statement in the amendment is the kicker here; you can't deny someone the right to vote based on age, and it goes either way. You can't tell a 19 year old they're too young, and you can't tell a 60 year old they're too old.
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