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Everything posted by Electrophile

  1. Never Can Say Goodbye - Gloria Gaynor
  2. Red Wings win tonight! They beat the Avs 4-0. I got to watch the game on Versus, which is a rare treat.
  3. Hot Fun In The Summertime - Sly and the Family Stone
  4. I watched it on TV and the place was going ape shit for this dog. When the 7 group winners came out for the Best In Show judging, when Uno was doing his run around the ring, the audience was standing and cheering, chanting "Uno, Uno"....it was cuter than hell. When we move, we were going to go the local shelter to get a new dog, and I've convinced the family to get a beagle.
  5. Some Memories Just Won't Die - Marty Robbins
  6. I can't imagine a man who wouldn't want to please a woman. Why else be with her if you're not going to please her and let her do the same in kind. And if you wash yourself regularly and clean yourself after using the bathroom......what is the problem? It's just skin. You lick your fingers after eating ribs, right? You wipe your ass with your hands, right? But you wash your hands and have no problem putting them near your face again, because you're hygienic. So the same should apply to other parts of your body. If you're clean, you're clean. Unless you're not. And that's just nasty. So I fail to see the issue here.
  7. It means the same as "wanker"....basically, "asshole".
  8. I'd rather spend thousands of dollars on clothes, bills and things that are necessary to sustain life.
  9. Thanks! The Song Remains The Same - Led Zeppelin
  10. Someone else gets a ticket to the Island of Misfit Toys. Line forms on the left.
  11. The last few pages of this thread have been sad, funny and tragic. Carry on.
  12. Don't Cry For Me Argentina - Madonna
  13. -- people who try on clothes in a fitting room and leave them wadded up, inside-out and all over the floor. Slobs.
  14. Monday, Monday - Mamas and the Papas
  15. I personally don't wear a ton of makeup. Usually just eyeliner, mascara and some powder...maybe lip gloss. That's it. It takes 5 minutes for me to put it all on in the morning. I have really clear skin and I don't like gunking it up with a lot of stuff. I don't get how some women can leave the house with more makeup on than a Kabuki acting troupe.
  16. I'm sorry, but requiring those with mental illnesses to disclose that to people is NOT the same as requiring those who are registered sex offenders to disclose it. Sex offenders have a high recidivism rate and that knowledge can protect those in the community in which they live. Requiring ALL people with mental illnesses or people who take medication to disclose that would be basically saying that these people are dangerous and therefore should be feared. What a horrible stigma to attach to someone, especially since those with mental illnesses already face a stigma as it is. That's pushing it way, way too far.
  17. I loved it because a) the special effects were pretty cool (for 1997, they've gotten better the last 10 years), b ) I was 15 when the movie came out and as a 15 year old the whole "Romeo and Juliet on a boat" appealed to me and c) I just thought it was a great movie.
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