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Everything posted by Electrophile

  1. Semi-formal or "after 5" means you would wear a suit. A little dressier than you'd wear to work, but not as formal as a tux or other black tie wear.
  2. No, you turned a thread that was supposed to be for and about everyone here, into a self-serving pity party about how much you think your life sucks.
  3. No, I'm calling you dumb because when people speak in plain English to you, you feign obtuseness and ask stupid questions like "what do you mean" and "huh" and "I don't get it" when even the dead can get it.
  4. WTF? That person wasn't even talking to you or about you. Why are you calling them a troll? Fucking hell.
  5. You are officially the most dense thing on the planet. You've surpassed some noble gases now.
  6. Inside the box is boring, stale, dumb and lazy. Outside the box is fun, excitement, happiness. Figure it out, Einstein.
  7. I just laughed so hard, my sister came in the room asking if I was okay. Holy shit, dude.
  8. Spats, learn to think and live outside the box. It might help you.
  9. Did it ever occur to you that if the woman is enjoying it......maybe you should too?
  10. BTW, this is referencing a recent comment Spats made in the relationship thread. So if a woman is enjoying pleasuring you......she must be easy? How the hell would you know if she's easy or not? Did you ask how many men she blew before you? What if she's been with 3 men in her whole life, but really enjoys oral sex? Is she still "easy"? Just come on out and say it......you think women who enjoy sex are whores.
  11. No, you just sound like a dolt.
  12. Tom Cruise and Jamie Lynn Spears are no strangers to taking a load in the face.
  13. If you don't give a shit, why did you post to say that you don't give a shit? Doesn't that imply that you do indeed, give a shit? And I'm so terribly sorry you're bothered by all us folks you don't care about. Apologies for taking up your time.
  14. -- people who don't know the difference between to/too/two -- people who don't know the difference between you're/your -- people who don't know the difference between their/there/they're -- people who abbreviate words that don't need abbreviating, like "are", "because", "you", "between" and "tomorrow" -- people who spell words wrong that they have no business misspelling -- people who can't capitalize words in their sentences properly, or use proper punctuation I could keep going, but I'd take up a lot of bandwith. Let's face it, English as a written language in this country, especially on the internet, is no longer a priority.
  15. HEY!! This thread is for dumping on Spats and Spats only.
  16. YES! Absolutely invite him. Make him the Best Man so he'll be forced to show up. I hope your wife doesn't see that picture. LOL
  17. Maybe they look unhappy around you to humor you. You know, maybe they're afraid if they look happy, you'll bitch and whine about how they should be unhappy.
  18. Touch Me In The Morning - Diana Ross
  19. When we get married, I won't even demand the bigger closet. I will however, ask for one wall to cover in my Yankee memorabilia.
  20. My parents. My best friend and her husband. My cousins. There.....that's about 5 happy marriages for you. You're welcome. The divorce rate will always be high, because we no longer live in a society that shackles people to marriage and gives them no way out if they choose one. There's abuse, adultery, abandonment, and basically people going down two separate roads. Divorce sucks, but sometimes it's best for all the parties involved if they split. Doesn't mean marriage is bad. It means it was bad for those people.
  21. Out Of Touch - Hall and Oates
  22. No, marriage isn't for everyone. But that doesn't mean you condemn it.
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