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Everything posted by Electrophile

  1. If it's an artist I really want to see, I'll pay just about whatever they're offering....within reason. I always set aside a certain amount of money when a band/artist I like goes on tour in order to buy tickets. For example, in about a month I'm going to be seeing Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band and I paid over $100 for each ticket when you account for fees and whatnot, which I don't mind. It was within my budget and I love them, so I consider it money well spent. Same goes for the Eagles, I've seen them 3 times. If you don't like the high ticket prices these people command for their shows, then don't pay them. It's no money out of your pocket, just the people who want to see them.
  2. I don't wear a watch anymore. I use my cell phone if I need to check the time. I found it was highly irritating when you're typing and it's clanking against the desk/table. That and I can't ever find one that fits. They're either so loose they are up on my forearm, or they're so tight they leave horrible marks.
  3. Maybe Bonnie has that special touch that's needed to deal with such criminally insane people. Send that woman a plaque or something.
  4. You know, if a guy asked me if I needed more water, that would at least show me he's paying attention. Doesn't mean I expect him to be my waiter. I really want to meet you just so I can punch you and throw my drink in your face.
  5. And that drummer is a coked-up monkey.
  6. Especially when you call women "hotties" or "plain". Whatever happened to just plain "beautiful"? Oh right, you're a moron. Forgot. Sorry.
  7. A bento box is the only kind of box Spats can get. If you know what I mean.
  8. Your final score was 105/180 Birthday Party DJ (73-108 points) You are a rabid consumer of music. You get a rush every time you hear something new but remain faithful to those artists you love. Your music collection represents who you are and what you care about and your home may even bear the tell-tale signs of your affections – posters, old band t-shirts and the odd music biography. But you aren't a completist, you know what you like and make sure you have it. Simple as that. To expand your repertoire, perhaps there are some genres that you'd benefit from giving a little more attention to – perhaps now is the time to hear something new or get hold of that missing album from your collection.
  9. People have died from narcotic withdrawal, especially when they're already in poor health and heavy users. Any time someone like that suddenly goes cold turkey, their body can't handle it. It's not as life-threatening as alcohol withdrawal, but you can die from it.
  10. As I said in my first post in this thread, my parents were abused as children. If my parents did to us what their parents did to them, they'd still be in prison. That's why my parents never hit us or spanked us. They were abused, they were afraid they would turn into abusers. So they found other means to punish/discipline us that obviously worked well. If you're insinuating something about my parents' parenting abilities, I don't think I like that.
  11. Nope, I'm not from NY. I just really love the city and hope to live there one day.
  12. One great Yankees forum Another great Yankees forum Other sites I visit, non-forum category: Forgotten NY NYC Subway Fire Joe Morgan
  13. I know there's a big difference between spanking and abuse. However, a part of me can't believe a parent can ever get so mad at something their child is done, they must hit them. Whether that's spanking them or throwing them against a wall. I just don't get it. Like I said, my parents never laid a hand on us at all and we turned out great. No problems in school, no drugs/alcohol, no gangs/bad friends/unplanned pregnancies.....nothing that parents dread when their kids become teenagers and adults.
  14. Yes, parents should be the ones educating their children about sex and other worldly things, but most parents view school as an 8-hour babysitter, and they feel it's the schools' job to educate them on this subject. I went to Catholic school, but we didn't get abstinence-only education. The school realized they needed to get with the times and offered an actual sexual education class.
  15. You make yourself out to be as bad as you are. You're ridiculous.
  16. I'm not surprised. I don't think teenagers are educated enough on the dangers of STDs, and they don't know where they can get protection if they choose to have sex. A lot of schools think abstinence education is smart, but if you look at the numbers, schools that use only that as sex ed, have a higher than normal rate of teen pregnancy and STD infection. It just doesn't work. The more you tell people they can't have something, the greater the urge to have it is. Teach them what condoms are, teach them what the Pill is, teach them that being safe is smarter than just screwing for the hell of it, consequences be damned.
  17. Try this: ox·y·mo·ron /ˌɒksɪˈmɔrɒn, -ˈmoʊr-/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[ok-si-mawr-on, -mohr-] Rhetoric. a figure of speech by which a locution produces an incongruous, seemingly self-contradictory effect, as in "cruel kindness" or "to make haste slowly." How is "gay marriage" a figure or speech, or using that definition....an oxymoron? Gay marriage is not incongruous or self-contradictory. Marriage is a state in which two people are bound together in the eyes of the law and/or the church, if the two people marrying are religiously-minded. Is the concept of two men or two women bound together in the eyes of the law nonsensical or something? Help me to figure this out.
  18. I still would love to know how you think me talking about how I feel prostitution should be legal has absolutely anything to do with you. You read it wrong, you completely insulted and degraded me for no reason.....and you've yet to apologize for it. "Other than that, fuck away. You're not hurting me." "Fuck away" means "fuck to your heart's content" not "fuck off". If I was telling you to fuck off, I would actually use those words. I would not use other words that could mean something else entirely. Ask anyone here.....I'm blunt.
  19. I Guess That's Why They Call It The Blues - Elton John
  20. I don't know if I should be pissed off that I was insulted for no reason or if I should start laughing at the absurdity of the whole thing.
  21. "Other than that, fuck away. You're not hurting me." Do you know what that means? That means, "As long as the prostitution is not between children or women forced into it, have sex. You're not hurting me." You don't bother reading the post, you take two lines and assume I'm saying something I'm not.....then you launch into some ridiculously bitter tirade about absolutely nothing. And you said I'm ignorant and simple-minded? That would have been funnier if you hadn't completely mis-read what I said.
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