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Everything posted by Electrophile

  1. How dare you question King George. Hey, didn't we declare independence from a King George........?
  2. I never should have inquired as to why he hadn't been posting. I liked it better when this thread had no activity.
  3. Nevermind, this has taken up too many seconds of my life.
  4. I can't wear baggy pants either, so I get that. It's just when older guys where looser pants, it's more because they're too old to wear tight pants, rather than some young dudes trying to look "hip" and "with it".
  5. Why? Because it seems like non-offensive threads are getting deleted....so why not that one? I mean, someone is bound to mention the word "gun" and then some whiny so-and-so will have to complain that it bothers them and then the thread gets deleted. Of all the things talked about on this site, the gun thread was the least offensive. Hell, the Spats thread is more offensive and it's at 62 freakin' pages.
  6. I have that DVD, and I believe Don Henley was wearing cargo pants and Joe Walsh, bless his eccentrism, was wearing pajama pants. Why? Because he can. I don't think that's in the same league as the "jeans down your ankles" category that today's youth assaults our eyes with. The Eagles, as much as I love them, are in their 60s now, and frankly.....I don't want to see 60 year old men trying to squeeze back into the tight jeans they wore 35 years ago. Henley looked good in them then....but that was 1977.
  7. My sister's 20 and she has some friends who are 16 and 17, so I hear what passes for language among the teenage set quite a bit.....and I don't get it. I'm 25, so I don't think I'm that far removed....or maybe I am.
  8. Hey look, we're winning. Tra la la. And I thought you were banned.
  9. So shorts that don't cover your knees = homosexuality. Thank you for enlightening us all.
  10. One of the greatest quotes by an American president. It's right up there with this one: "It is better to offer no excuse than a bad one." - George Washington Dubya needs to read that one a few times.
  11. Wings and Blues tied at 1, 6:49 or so in the 2nd period. Thank God for my NHL widget in my Vista sidebar.
  12. I'm surprised the USA thread is still up.
  13. Every time some windbag on that station claims they are "fair and balanced", God kills a kitten. DON'T THEY CARE ABOUT THE KITTENS?!
  14. St. Johnny of Depp. But wait................there's more:
  15. He was banned, I think. I have no clue why.
  16. Okay......drop your panties, ladies:
  17. Age has nothing to do with it. I think he's old, but I don't think that is what should keep him from being President. What should keep him from being President is the fact that he feels no compunction about saying we should stay in Iraq another 100 fucking years.
  18. FOX News is the biggest waste of cable space next to MTV. It's shit. Pure, unadulterated shit. I'd rather watch a 24-hour marathon of the Real World than 10 minutes of the Fascist News Network*. *my dad's nickname for it, not mine
  19. I know the consequences of a McCain presidency. If for some godforsaken reason she does become President, I'm not going to do something stupid like leave the country, but I'm not going to turn around and pretend she's the greatest thing since sliced bread. I'd be happy it's not McCain, because quite frankly the corpse of FDR would be better than John McCain (and slightly younger). Some people don't care who becomes President, so long as they're a Democrat. Those people are more than entitled to feel that way, and in a convoluted way.....I partially agree. I don't want John McCain running this country. That being said, I don't want Clinton running it either. She's a very distant second choice in my mind. And by distant, I mean the average distance from here to the moon.
  20. I HATE people who wear their pants so low, the crotch is at their knees. It looks so slovenly. Like you can't bother to dress yourself properly. The same goes for women who dress not according to size. If you're a larger woman, don't wear a size 10. Or even a size 6. You can't fit in either, quit deluding yourself. I hate seeing plus-sized women walking around in clothes waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too small for them, with all their shit hanging out and they're completely oblivious to it. I'm plus-sized myself, so I know how to dress myself so that I look stylish, but not sloppy. I wish others did.
  21. Hillary is a horrible liar. I mean.......I can do better than that.
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