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Everything posted by Electrophile

  1. Be quiet. The only person embarrassing themselves here is you. If women of whatever age that post here want to "shamlessly post their urges", they will and you can't do shit about it. Ignore the thread if you don't like it. Now scram.
  2. Love The One You're With - Stephen Stills
  3. Something is definitely fishy here.
  4. You know better than to question authority. Silence or they'll silence you.
  5. Don't pretend you're a stranger -- we know you're not.
  6. No thanks, I'm fine. I do need some water, though.
  7. Is anyone else experiencing a case of deja-vu right now?
  8. Have you seen Christ on a cracker, though? I don't believe in any of that -- aliens, Bigfoot, Loch Ness monster, etc.
  9. Yes, that's right. Go Hillary. Go far, far away.
  10. The word is "shit", sweetheart. S-h-i-t. The fact that you, as a man in your late 20s, cannot say adult words, worries me more than your shit opinions of women, sex and relationships. You're a fucking child, and that's an insult to children.
  11. Can you not type like that? It screams "13 year old girl in an American Idol chat room".
  12. It Hurts To Be In Love - Gene Pitney
  13. Ashley Alexandra Dupre (not her real name), the "lady" Elliot Spitzer hooked up with, is butt-fucking ugly. She's got a nice rack, but the rest of her is tore up from the floor up. Just slam your dick in a car door and then ask Paris Hilton to blow you. That's what would happen to your johnson if you stuck it in her. Bitch was a HOOKER. She FUCKED FOR MONEY. You whine about how you're handing your number out to women and they aren't calling you back......you think she would give you the time of day? Besides, she was in Girls Gone Wild, which is like trailer-trash Playboy. Get a higher quality prostitute if that's really the direction you want to go in.
  14. Making Love Out Of Nothing At All - Air Supply
  15. This is the greatest post ever typed and submitted to this site.
  16. Oh look, the Red Wings win again. Woo-hoo.
  17. That kid will grow up to be featured heavily on hotchickswithdouchebags.com.
  18. Care to expound as to why that is garbage?
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