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Everything posted by Electrophile

  1. I never pegged you for someone who would stand up for Journey. I like that.
  2. I'd be pissed and I'd expect my mother to deal with it her way. I wouldn't get involved past that. It's her marriage, not mine. I'd still love my father and want my father in my life, but I would be angry he hurt my mom, but in time I feel I'd get over it. People make mistakes and they deserve a chance to atone somehow. As for "letting his party down", fuck politics, this is a family matter.....unless they determine the Mann Act was violated, then it's a federal matter and that makes him a stupid douchebag instead just a plain old douchebag. Again, they need to legalize prostitution. It's a victimless crime. The only time I would demand laws is when it involves children or women forced into white slavery. Other than that, fuck away. You're not hurting me.
  3. Jeffrey Maier should be given an income by the Yankees in perpetuity. God love that little brat.
  4. Wow, he saw a prostitute. Big damn deal. I don't even know why prostitution is against the law anyway. As George Carlin said, sex is legal. Selling is legal. So why isn't selling sex legal? As long as peoples' sexual preferences don't involve children, animals or the dead, I don't bother faking moral indignation. Adultery sucks, but lots of people cheat. They suck, but they're hardly "pieces of shit". Murderers, rapists, child molesters.....they're pieces of shit.
  5. Explain how this is an oxymoron.
  6. Isn't this also called "The Random Thread"?
  7. I remember watching The Civil War with my dad when it premiered 18 years ago. Every time it's on again, we make a point of watching it. He also narrated Baseball which is the second greatest thing ever on TV.
  8. Maybe not. This place rocks the way it is.
  9. Does Spats understand that most people here are so fed up with him, it's bordering on hate?
  10. I was never spanked as a child and neither was my sister. My parents were both abused as children and vowed to never raise a hand to their children when and if they had any. And they didn't. My parents were able to discipline us using other means and I can remember my mom telling me about how other parents would come up to them asking what they did to have to have such well-behaved children in public.
  11. The list of things Spats won't do is longer than a list of surnames on the planet.
  12. Spats dear......I think it's time for you to realize you're hopeless and you're always going to be hopeless.
  13. Long Time Gone - Dixie Chicks
  14. Electrophile


    More ice cold water. The beverage of champions.
  15. Jimmy Page told me over waffles and orange juice yesterday morning that Led Zeppelin were definitely going to be touring, and that their first stop would be Topeka, Kansas.
  16. That's a lifetime of Valtrex for that poor guy.
  17. I find it hilarious that people still care about the RRHOF.
  18. -- I speak French -- I have a plate and 6 screws in my left leg -- I won the Geography Bee at my grammar school from 4th grade to 8th grade -- I was valedictorian of my grammar school class
  19. Hipsters/bikinis/stuff like that. I can't stand granny panties.
  20. Because it's a public board and when you say shit like that, someone is going to comment. If you don't want people commenting, you should have put it in a PM. Good rule of thumb. And I'm not a Georgia peach. You actually have to be from the state in order to be called that.
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