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Everything posted by Electrophile

  1. Rockin' At Midnight - The Honeydrippers
  2. Who said I couldn't live happily without flowers? I never said otherwise. Don't put words in my mouth. Just because I said I thought it was sweet and would appreciate a guy giving them to me doesn't mean I expect anything out him other than what any woman would expect from one; respect, love, honesty, etc,.
  3. He HAS to be a masochist. I mean, he keeps coming back here for more over and over again, either because he's dumber than a cement block OR because he gets a sick thrill out of it.
  4. Spats is a masochist. I'll make him look that word up.
  5. What's wrong with wanting flowers from a guy? I think it's really sweet.
  6. I said a decent conversation, you internet bot. That means the both of you in a non-bar/club situation talking about real things.
  7. How do you know what her attitude was? You never actually sat down and had a decent conversation with her. Do you even know her name?
  8. I didn't know this thread was such a hot-bed of controversy. How dare Fuzzy Merkin....to the corner, young lady. You've shamed us all.
  9. If you take away one weapon, they'll use another. That's how criminals work. If they want to do wrong, they'll do it, even if they have to get creative. Hell, you could beat someone to death with a frozen pot roast.....want to make those illegal? As long as there are things on this planet that can kill, criminals will use them. Outlawing guns will not stop crime. There's no way to patently outlaw guns. Not as long as we have a 2nd amendment right to use them. Unless you're advocating changing the Bill of Rights.
  10. Rapists and burglars don't always use guns. Some use knives, bricks, lead pipes, baseball bats.....you want to outlaw all those things too? What kind of hippie utopia are you living in?
  11. I do a lot of things by myself. Going out to dinner, going to the movies, going to a museum/cultural center.....I don't always need to be in a group to feel like I'm enjoying myself.
  12. That's it. I am completely convinced; Spats is fake. He is a fake account, being manned by someone with too much time on their hands and a bad sense of humor. You are fake, fake, fake, fake, fake, fake, fake. Everyone needs to accept this. He's not real, he will never be real, this is an elaborate ruse and we should all be ashamed we fell for it. I'll go stand in the corner for an hour as punishment.
  13. Tighter, Tighter - Alive n' Kickin'
  14. What is money? How about that thing that pays bills, puts clothes on your back and food in your kids' mouths. If you have to go into debt for a rock concert, you're fiscally irresponsible and you deserve to be broke. Oh, you'll have Zeppelin memories while you can't afford groceries, your gas and lights get shut off and you're 3 months past due on your rent. Yup, those memories will sure come in handy then.
  15. How did I know you'd take this picture out?
  16. You Really Got A Hold On Me - Smokey Robinson and the Miracles
  17. For someone who knows nothing about America, our laws or our way of life......you seem to post like you do.
  18. The skies FINALLY cleared up over here, so I have been outside looking at it. It's so pretty. Usually when it's clear as a bell out here, since we're far away from city light pollution, you can see a ton of stuff....especially in the winter sky.
  19. I was able to see it up to totality, but the clouds rolled in and obscured it. I was hoping to see Saturn's rings tonight, too. Damn.
  20. You are so blind. SHE WAS INTERESTED IN YOU. SHE WANTED YOUR NUMBER. YOU SHOULD HAVE GIVEN IT TO HER, RATHER THAN ACT LIKE A DAMN BABY. When are you going to get it through your thick skull that if you're interested in her, and she's interested in you.....just give her your damn number. You have no clue what her attitude is about anything because you were too damn chicken to say anything to her.
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