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Everything posted by Electrophile

  1. Thank you for defining the word "crass" for all those who may not have known its meaning.
  2. You're No Good - Linda Ronstadt
  3. You Are My Sunshine - Carly Simon
  4. The only guys I've ever thought were more attractive than any guy I was with at the time, were Johnny Depp and Orlando Bloom. I have no chance in hell of ever so much as locking eyes with either of them, so needless to say, I wouldn't be dropping my boyfriend to go run off with one of them. If I'm breaking up with you, I have a better reason than "I found someone hotter". I can honestly say that when I'm with a boyfriend, I'm not looking around to try and find someone else. I wouldn't want the guy doing that to me, so why would I do that to him?
  5. ^^Yeah, it's fine. Gone, Gone, Gone - Robert Plant & Alison Krauss
  6. Maybe you need to quit thinking with your dick. That is, if you have one.
  7. None of them. I couldn't handle being married to someone that famous. Because then you'd see creepy people on Led Zeppelin message boards asking for my name, a photograph, my measurements or God knows what else. That would seriously squick me out.
  8. No, I didn't go.....I couldn't go anyway, so why bother being upset about it? I saw that quite a few people said "no....and it physically hurts" and that honestly worries me.
  9. You Light Up My Life - Debby Boone
  10. ^^I'm confused as to why you quoted my post. Nothing you said corresponded to anything I said.
  11. All she needs is enough money to cover her Valtrex prescriptions.
  12. Some more to add to my favorites list: Elton John Bruce Springsteen Don Henley Joe Walsh
  13. Fuck the world. Tallest blade of grass always gets cut first. Speak out for others, you'll be silenced. If there's a God, he stopped giving a damn what happens down here.
  14. Sadly, I don't think he is. And I completely agree about David Gilmour's voice. If he recorded an album of him reading the London phonebook, I'd buy it.
  15. Depends on his personality. If he's not a super good-looking guy, but really sweet, I would go out with him. Personality/intelligence are far more important to me. Looks fade. If he had an ugly personality, what he looked like is of no importance. Ugly on the inside, means ugly on the outside. And I only "hook up" with guys I'm in a committed relationship with. So if we're at that stage in the game, it's safe to say that I'm past caring about what you look like, and I find more important things worth noting. BTW, I fail to see what any of this has to do with me thinking Paris Hilton is an ugly troll covered in STD sores. I'm never going to meet her, fuck her, talk to her or interact with her in any way. I'd be too scared of catching something.
  16. Just because I think she's an ugly troll covered in herpes sores, doesn't mean I use looks as a measuring stick for choosing a date. And she is an ugly troll covered in herpes sores. And I've seen her sex tape, she can't fuck to save her life.
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